path: root/rev03-KiCad/rev02_19.sch
blob: ad31198429cdf3a7d6dba342a1ccf4c4baf5c3b7 (plain) (tree)
































































































































EESchema Schematic File Version 2
$Descr B 17000 11000
encoding utf-8
Sheet 21 27
Title "rev02_19"
Date "15 10 2016"
Rev ""
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Text Notes 1000 4000 0    60   ~ 12
*) Upper Right Bank
Text Notes 3290 7510 0    60   ~ 12
*) FPGA_GCLK signal _MUST_ go into either D17 or C18\n(i.e. into one of the two positive (master) sides\nof the two available MRCC differential pairs)
Text Notes 3260 7850 0    60   ~ 12
*) FPGA_GPIO_* and FPGA_IRQ_N_* signals can be swapped
Text Notes 6930 3910 0    60   ~ 12
*) Signals, that are allowed to be swapped, can be be swapped\nwith each other and/or moved to different pins within their bank.
Text Notes 3300 6500 0    60   ~ 12
NOTE: One of the FPGA_GPIO_* pins\nshould be connected to one of the\nMRCC pins.\nThe non-MRCC GPIO signals should be\nlength matched to within 500 ps of\nthe MRCC signal.
Text Notes 8840 10230 0    84   ~ 12
Text Notes 8950 4500 2    60   ~ 12
Text Notes 8950 5530 2    60   ~ 12
Text Notes 8950 6400 2    60   ~ 12
Text Notes 8950 7430 2    60   ~ 12
Text Notes 7260 5090 0    60   ~ 12
Text Label 7320 5190 0 70 ~
Text Notes 7260 6990 0    60   ~ 12
Text Label 7330 7090 0 70 ~
L GND #PWR?58023F03
U 1 1 58023F03
P 7200 5600
F 0 "GND_125" H 7200 5600 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 7200 5530 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 5600 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7200 5600 70  0000 C CNN
	1    7200 5600
	1    0    0    -1  
L GND #PWR?58023F02
U 1 1 58023F02
P 8400 5600
F 0 "GND_126" H 8400 5600 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 8400 5530 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8400 5600 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8400 5600 70  0000 C CNN
	1    8400 5600
	1    0    0    -1  
L GND #PWR?58023F01
U 1 1 58023F01
P 9200 5600
F 0 "GND_127" H 9200 5600 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 9200 5530 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9200 5600 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9200 5600 70  0000 C CNN
	1    9200 5600
	1    0    0    -1  
L GND #PWR?58023F00
U 1 1 58023F00
P 7200 7500
F 0 "GND_128" H 7200 7500 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 7200 7430 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 7500 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7200 7500 70  0000 C CNN
	1    7200 7500
	1    0    0    -1  
U 1 1 58023EFF
P 8400 7500
F 0 "GND_129" H 8400 7500 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 8400 7430 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8400 7500 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8400 7500 70  0000 C CNN
	1    8400 7500
	1    0    0    -1  
U 1 1 58023EFE
P 9200 7500
F 0 "GND_130" H 9200 7500 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 9200 7430 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9200 7500 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9200 7500 70  0000 C CNN
	1    9200 7500
	1    0    0    -1  
L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?58023EFD
U 1 1 58023EFD
P 2100 4200
F 0 "VCCO_3V3_35" H 2100 4200 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 2100 4130 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2100 4200 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2100 4200 70  0000 C CNN
	1    2100 4200
	1    0    0    -1  
L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?58023EFC
U 1 1 58023EFC
P 7200 4300
F 0 "VCCO_3V3_36" H 7200 4300 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 7200 4230 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 4300 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7200 4300 70  0000 C CNN
	1    7200 4300
	1    0    0    -1  
L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?58023EFB
U 1 1 58023EFB
P 7200 6200
F 0 "VCCO_3V3_37" H 7200 6200 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 7200 6130 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 6200 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7200 6200 70  0000 C CNN
	1    7200 6200
	1    0    0    -1  
U 1 1 58023EFA
P 9300 9100
F 0 "GND_131" H 9300 9100 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+GND" H 9300 9030 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 9300 9100 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9300 9100 70  0000 C CNN
	1    9300 9100
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	7200 5300 7200 5600
Wire Wire Line
	8400 5200 8400 5600
Wire Wire Line
	8500 5200 8400 5200
Wire Wire Line
	8500 4900 8400 4900
Wire Wire Line
	8400 4900 8400 5200
Wire Wire Line
	9200 5200 9100 5200
Wire Wire Line
	9200 5200 9200 5600
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4900 9100 4900
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4900 9200 5200
Wire Wire Line
	7200 7200 7200 7500
Wire Wire Line
	8400 7100 8400 7500
Wire Wire Line
	8500 7100 8400 7100
Wire Wire Line
	8500 6800 8400 6800
Wire Wire Line
	8400 6800 8400 7100
Wire Wire Line
	9200 7100 9100 7100
Wire Wire Line
	9200 7100 9200 7500
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6800 9100 6800
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6800 9200 7100
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8900 9300 9100
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8900 9200 8900
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8800 9000 8800
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8800 9300 8900
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8700 9200 8700
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8600 9000 8600
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8600 9300 8700
Wire Wire Line
	9300 8700 9300 8800
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4400 1900 4400
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4400 2100 4500
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4500 2100 4600
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4600 2100 4700
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4700 2100 4800
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4800 1900 4800
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4700 1900 4700
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4600 1900 4600
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4500 1900 4500
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4200 2100 4400
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4900 1900 4900
Wire Wire Line
	2100 4800 2100 4900
Wire Wire Line
	8400 4500 7200 4500
Wire Wire Line
	7200 4300 7200 4500
Wire Wire Line
	7200 4500 7200 5000
Wire Wire Line
	8500 4800 8400 4800
Wire Wire Line
	8400 4700 8400 4800
Wire Wire Line
	8400 4500 8400 4700
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4700 9100 4700
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4500 9200 4700
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4500 8400 4500
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4800 9100 4800
Wire Wire Line
	9200 4700 9200 4800
Wire Wire Line
	8500 4700 8400 4700
Wire Wire Line
	8400 6400 7200 6400
Wire Wire Line
	7200 6200 7200 6400
Wire Wire Line
	7200 6400 7200 6900
Wire Wire Line
	8500 6700 8400 6700
Wire Wire Line
	8400 6600 8400 6700
Wire Wire Line
	8400 6400 8400 6600
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6600 9100 6600
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6400 9200 6600
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6400 8400 6400
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6700 9100 6700
Wire Wire Line
	9200 6600 9200 6700
Wire Wire Line
	8500 6600 8400 6600
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8100 1900 8100
Text Label 2100 8100 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8200 1900 8200
Text Label 2100 8200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5200 1900 5200
Text Label 2100 5200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5300 1900 5300
Text Label 2100 5300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5400 1900 5400
Text Label 2100 5400 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5500 1900 5500
Text Label 2100 5500 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5600 1900 5600
Text Label 2100 5800 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 5000 7600 5000
Text Label 7600 5000 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5700 1900 5700
Text Label 2100 5700 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 5000 9100 5000
Text Label 9300 5000 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 5800 1900 5800
Text Label 2100 6900 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 5100 7600 5100
Text Label 7600 5100 0 70 ~
Text Label 2100 7000 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 5100 9100 5100
Text Label 9300 5100 0 70 ~
Text Label 2100 6500 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 5300 7600 5300
Text Label 7600 5300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6100 1900 6100
Text Label 2100 6600 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 5300 9100 5300
Text Label 9300 5300 0 70 ~
Text Label 2110 6700 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 5400 7600 5400
Text Label 7600 5400 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6300 1900 6300
Text Label 2100 6300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 5400 9100 5400
Text Label 9300 5400 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6400 1900 6400
Text Label 2110 6800 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 6900 7600 6900
Text Label 7600 6900 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6500 1900 6500
Text Label 2100 5600 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 6900 9100 6900
Text Label 9300 6900 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6600 1900 6600
Text Label 2100 6400 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 7000 7600 7000
Text Label 7600 7000 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6700 1900 6700
Text Label 2110 6100 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 7000 9100 7000
Text Label 9300 7000 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6800 1900 6800
Text Label 2100 7500 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 7200 7600 7200
Text Label 7600 7200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 6900 1900 6900
Text Label 2100 9200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 7200 9100 7200
Text Label 9300 7200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 7000 1900 7000
Text Label 2100 8800 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8500 7300 7600 7300
Text Label 7600 7300 0 70 ~
Text Label 2100 8900 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	10000 7300 9100 7300
Text Label 9300 7300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 7300 1900 7300
Text Label 2100 7300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	7890 8700 7300 8700
Text Label 7300 8700 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8200 8600 7300 8600
Text Label 7300 8600 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	7890 8900 7300 8900
Text Label 7300 8900 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8200 8800 7300 8800
Text Label 7300 8800 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	8900 8900 8290 8900
Wire Wire Line
	8700 8800 8600 8800
Wire Wire Line
	8900 8700 8290 8700
Wire Wire Line
	8700 8600 8600 8600
Wire Wire Line
	3100 7200 1900 7200
Text Label 2100 7200 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8300 1900 8300
Text Label 2100 8300 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8400 1900 8400
Text Label 2100 8400 0 70 ~
Text Label 8300 8510 0 70 ~
Text Label 7950 8510 0 70 ~
Text Label 8710 8500 0 70 ~
Text Label 7990 9160 0 70 ~
Wire Wire Line
	3100 7500 1900 7500
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8800 1900 8800
Wire Wire Line
	3100 8900 1900 8900
Wire Wire Line
	3100 9200 1900 9200
L MA08-2 IC276
U 1 1 58023EF9
	1    8800 5000
	-1   0    0    1
L R-EU_R0402 R99
U 1 1 58023EF8
F 0 "R99" H 8490 8420 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "" H 8490 8510 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8490 8510 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8490 8510 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8400 8600
	-1   0    0    1
L R-EU_R0402 R98
U 1 1 58023EF7
F 0 "R98" H 8220 8420 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "" H 8180 8610 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8180 8610 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8180 8610 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8090 8700
	-1   0    0    1
L R-EU_R0402 R64
U 1 1 58023EF6
F 0 "R64" H 8080 8410 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "" H 8490 8710 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8490 8710 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8490 8710 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8400 8800
	-1   0    0    1
L R-EU_R0402 R100
U 1 1 58023EF5
F 0 "R100" H 8180 9070 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "" H 8180 8810 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8180 8810 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8180 8810 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8090 8900
	-1   0    0    1
L MA08-2 IC281
U 1 1 58023EF4
	1    8800 6900
	-1   0    0    1
L C-EUC0402 IC282
U 1 1 58023EF3
	1    7200 5100
	1    0    0    -1
L C-EUC0402 IC283
U 1 1 58023EF2
	1    7200 7000
	1    0    0    -1
U 1 1 58023EF1
F 0 "LED17" V 8960 8526.9848 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "LTST-C193TBKT-5A" V 8960 8220 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8960 8220 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8960 8220 60  0000 C CNN
	1    9000 8900
	0    -1   -1   0
U 1 1 58023EF0
F 0 "LED15" V 8760 8226.9848 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "LTST-C191KGKT" V 8760 7920 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8760 7920 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8760 7920 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8800 8800
	0    -1   -1   0
U 1 1 58023EEF
F 0 "LED16" V 8960 8326.9848 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "LTST-C191KSKT" V 8960 8030 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8960 8030 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8960 8030 60  0000 C CNN
	1    9000 8700
	0    -1   -1   0
U 1 1 58023EEE
F 0 "LED14" V 8760 8026.9848 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "LTST-C191KRKT" V 8760 7720 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "" H 8760 7720 60  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8760 7720 60  0000 C CNN
	1    8800 8600
	0    -1   -1   0
L XC7A200TFBG484_5 IC288
U 1 1 58023EED
	1    1700 7100
	1    0    0    -1