path: root/build/Makefile.test
blob: 7243bd532fa3aa22cd25bb7206f1491ea54049fa (plain) (tree)

# Localize all the relative path awfulness in one variable.

CORE_TREE	:= $(abspath ../../..)

# Figure out what the native word size is on the build host, because
# the XiLinx tools care for some reason.

WORD_SIZE	:= $(shell python -c 'from struct import pack; print len(pack("L", 0)) * 8')

# Parameters to xilinx.mk.

project		?= alpha_fmc_test
vendor		= xilinx
family		= artix7
part		= xc7a200tfbg484-3
top_module	= alpha_fmc_top
isedir		= /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS
xil_env		= . $(isedir)/settings$(WORD_SIZE).sh
ucf		?= ../ucf/$(project).ucf

all:	$(project).bit

# Verilog files that always go with builds on this platform.

vfiles = \
	$(CORE_TREE)/platform/alpha/rtl/alpha_fmc_test.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/platform/alpha/rtl/alpha_regs.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/platform/alpha/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/platform/alpha/rtl/clkmgr_mmcm.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/comm/fmc/src/rtl/cdc_bus_pulse.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/comm/fmc/src/rtl/fmc_arbiter_cdc.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/comm/fmc/src/rtl/fmc_arbiter.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/comm/fmc/src/rtl/fmc_d_phy.v \
	$(CORE_TREE)/comm/fmc/src/rtl/fmc_indicator.v \

include xilinx.mk

# 'clean' target collects files by project name, and we just broke that
# by adding configurations

junk += *.bgn *.bit *.bld *.cfi *.drc *.lso *.map *.mcs *.mrp *.ncd *.ngc \
	*.ngd *.ngm *.pcf *.post_map.twr *.post_map.twx *.prj *.prm *.psr \
	*.scr *.srp *.twr *.twx *_bd.bmm *_bitgen.xwb *_bitgen.xwbt \
	*_err.twr *_err.twx *_par.grf *_par.ncd *_par.pad *_par.par \
	*_par.ptwx *_par.unroutes *_par.xpi *_par_pad.csv *_par_pad.txt \
	*_summary.xml *_usage.xml

distclean: clean