path: root/bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v
diff options
authorRob Austein <sra@hactrn.net>2017-03-07 19:52:36 -0500
committerRob Austein <sra@hactrn.net>2017-03-07 19:52:36 -0500
commit89f913c3aa2a6dad35630f3882a06b99e0978105 (patch)
treea8c05b11c926ad72f10a0c4b798ef4b46912e3bf /bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v
parent9fa6e368879d30835880b3bb0e87c8cf13dd9874 (diff)
Promote to a repository in the core tree.
Change name of reset signal from rst_n to reset_n for consistancy with other Cryptech cores. Code common between this core and the ecdsa384 core split out into a separate library repository. Minor cleanup (Windows-isms, indentation).
Diffstat (limited to 'bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v b/bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v
index 5277c20..676a183 100644
--- a/bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v
+++ b/bench/tb_modular_multiplier_256.v
@@ -43,322 +43,322 @@
module tb_modular_multiplier_256;
- //
- // Test Vectors
- //
- localparam [255:0] N = 256'hffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff;
- localparam [255:0] X_1 = 256'h6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296;
- localparam [255:0] Y_1 = 256'h4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5;
- localparam [255:0] P_1 = 256'h823cd15f6dd3c71933565064513a6b2bd183e554c6a08622f713ebbbface98be;
- localparam [255:0] X_2 = 256'h29d05c193da77b710e86323538b77e1b11f904fea42998be16bd8d744ece7ad0;
- localparam [255:0] Y_2 = 256'hb01cbd1c01e58065711814b583f061e9d431cca994cea1313449bf97c840ae07;
- localparam [255:0] P_2 = 256'h76b2571d1d009ab0e7d1cc086c7d3648f08755b2e2585e780d11f053b06fb6ec;
- localparam [255:0] X_3 = 256'h8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8;
- localparam [255:0] Y_3 = 256'hd8a12ba61d599235f67d9cb4d58f1783d3ca43e78f0a5abaa624079936c0c3a9;
- localparam [255:0] P_3 = 256'h944fea6a4fac7ae475a6bb211db4bbd394bd9b3ee9a038f6c17125a00b3a5375;
- localparam [255:0] X_4 = 256'h7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c;
- localparam [255:0] Y_4 = 256'h8b81e3e977597110c7cf2633435b2294b72642987defd3d4007e1cfc5df84541;
- localparam [255:0] P_4 = 256'h78d3e33c81ab9c652679363c76df004ea6f9a9e3a242a0fb71a4e8fdf41ab519;
- //
- // Core Parameters
- //
- localparam WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH = 3;
- localparam OPERAND_NUM_WORDS = 8;
- //
- // Clock (100 MHz)
- //
- reg clk = 1'b0;
- always #5 clk = ~clk;
- //
- // Inputs, Outputs
- //
- reg rst_n;
- reg ena;
- wire rdy;
- //
- // Buffers (X, Y, N, P)
- //
- wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_x_addr;
- wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_y_addr;
- wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_n_addr;
- wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_p_addr;
- wire core_p_wren;
- wire [ 31:0] core_x_data;
- wire [ 31:0] core_y_data;
- wire [ 31:0] core_n_data;
- wire [ 31:0] core_p_data;
- reg [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] tb_xyn_addr;
- reg [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] tb_p_addr;
- reg tb_xyn_wren;
- reg [ 31:0] tb_x_data;
- reg [ 31:0] tb_y_data;
- reg [ 31:0] tb_n_data;
- wire [ 31:0] tb_p_data;
- bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
- (
- .MEM_WIDTH (32),
- )
- bram_x
- (
- .clk (clk),
- .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
- .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
- .a_in (tb_x_data),
- .a_out (),
- .b_addr (core_x_addr),
- .b_out (core_x_data)
- );
- bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
- (
- .MEM_WIDTH (32),
- )
- bram_y
- (
- .clk (clk),
- .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
- .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
- .a_in (tb_y_data),
- .a_out (),
- .b_addr (core_y_addr),
- .b_out (core_y_data)
- );
- bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
- (
- .MEM_WIDTH (32),
- )
- bram_n
- (
- .clk (clk),
- .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
- .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
- .a_in (tb_n_data),
- .a_out (),
- .b_addr (core_n_addr),
- .b_out (core_n_data)
- );
- bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
- (
- .MEM_WIDTH (32),
- )
- bram_s
- (
- .clk (clk),
- .a_addr (core_p_addr),
- .a_wr (core_p_wren),
- .a_in (core_p_data),
- .a_out (),
- .b_addr (tb_p_addr),
- .b_out (tb_p_data)
- );
- //
- // UUT
- //
- modular_multiplier_256 uut
- (
- .clk (clk),
- .rst_n (rst_n),
- .ena (ena),
- .rdy (rdy),
- .a_addr (core_x_addr),
- .b_addr (core_y_addr),
- .n_addr (core_n_addr),
- .p_addr (core_p_addr),
- .p_wren (core_p_wren),
- .a_din (core_x_data),
- .b_din (core_y_data),
- .n_din (core_n_data),
- .p_dout (core_p_data)
- );
- //
- // Testbench Routine
- //
- reg ok = 1;
- initial begin
- /* initialize control inputs */
- rst_n = 0;
- ena = 0;
- tb_xyn_wren = 0;
- /* wait for some time */
- #200;
- /* de-assert reset */
- rst_n = 1;
- /* wait for some time */
- #100;
- /* run tests */
- test_modular_multiplier(X_1, Y_1, N, P_1);
- test_modular_multiplier(X_2, Y_2, N, P_2);
- test_modular_multiplier(X_3, Y_3, N, P_3);
- test_modular_multiplier(X_4, Y_4, N, P_4);
- /* print result */
- if (ok) $display("tb_modular_multiplier_256: SUCCESS");
- else $display("tb_modular_multiplier_256: FAILURE");
- //
- //$finish;
- //
- end
- //
- // Test Task
- //
- reg [255:0] p;
- reg p_ok;
- integer w;
- reg [511:0] pp_full;
- reg [255:0] pp_ref;
- task test_modular_multiplier;
- input [255:0] x;
- input [255:0] y;
- input [255:0] n;
- input [255:0] pp;
- reg [255:0] x_shreg;
- reg [255:0] y_shreg;
- reg [255:0] n_shreg;
- reg [255:0] p_shreg;
- begin
- /* start filling memories */
- tb_xyn_wren = 1;
- /* initialize shift registers */
- x_shreg = x;
- y_shreg = y;
- n_shreg = n;
- /* write all the words */
- for (w=0; w<OPERAND_NUM_WORDS; w=w+1) begin
- /* set addresses */
- tb_xyn_addr = w[WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0];
- /* set data words */
- tb_x_data = x_shreg[31:0];
- tb_y_data = y_shreg[31:0];
- tb_n_data = n_shreg[31:0];
- /* shift inputs */
- x_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, x_shreg[255:32]};
- y_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, y_shreg[255:32]};
- n_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, n_shreg[255:32]};
- /* wait for 1 clock tick */
- #10;
- end
- /* wipe addresses */
- tb_xyn_addr = {WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH{1'bX}};
- /* wipe data words */
- tb_x_data = {32{1'bX}};
- tb_y_data = {32{1'bX}};
- tb_n_data = {32{1'bX}};
- /* stop filling memories */
- tb_xyn_wren = 0;
- /* calculate reference value */
- pp_full = {{256{1'b0}}, x} * {{256{1'b0}}, y};
- pp_ref = pp_full % {{256{1'b0}}, n};
- /* compare reference value against hard-coded one */
- if (pp_ref != pp) begin
- $display("ERROR: pp_ref != pp");
- $finish;
- end
- /* start operation */
- ena = 1;
- /* clear flag */
- #10 ena = 0;
- /* wait for operation to complete */
- while (!rdy) #10;
- /* read result */
- for (w=0; w<OPERAND_NUM_WORDS; w=w+1) begin
- /* set address */
- tb_p_addr = w[WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0];
- /* wait for 1 clock tick */
- #10;
- /* store data word */
- p_shreg = {tb_p_data, p_shreg[255:32]};
- end
- /* compare */
- p_ok = (p_shreg == pp);
- /* display results */
- $display("test_modular_multiplier_256(): %s", p_ok ? "OK" : "ERROR");
- /* update flag */
- ok = ok && p_ok;
- end
- endtask
+ //
+ // Test Vectors
+ //
+ localparam [255:0] N = 256'hffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff;
+ localparam [255:0] X_1 = 256'h6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296;
+ localparam [255:0] Y_1 = 256'h4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5;
+ localparam [255:0] P_1 = 256'h823cd15f6dd3c71933565064513a6b2bd183e554c6a08622f713ebbbface98be;
+ localparam [255:0] X_2 = 256'h29d05c193da77b710e86323538b77e1b11f904fea42998be16bd8d744ece7ad0;
+ localparam [255:0] Y_2 = 256'hb01cbd1c01e58065711814b583f061e9d431cca994cea1313449bf97c840ae07;
+ localparam [255:0] P_2 = 256'h76b2571d1d009ab0e7d1cc086c7d3648f08755b2e2585e780d11f053b06fb6ec;
+ localparam [255:0] X_3 = 256'h8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8;
+ localparam [255:0] Y_3 = 256'hd8a12ba61d599235f67d9cb4d58f1783d3ca43e78f0a5abaa624079936c0c3a9;
+ localparam [255:0] P_3 = 256'h944fea6a4fac7ae475a6bb211db4bbd394bd9b3ee9a038f6c17125a00b3a5375;
+ localparam [255:0] X_4 = 256'h7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c;
+ localparam [255:0] Y_4 = 256'h8b81e3e977597110c7cf2633435b2294b72642987defd3d4007e1cfc5df84541;
+ localparam [255:0] P_4 = 256'h78d3e33c81ab9c652679363c76df004ea6f9a9e3a242a0fb71a4e8fdf41ab519;
+ //
+ // Core Parameters
+ //
+ localparam WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH = 3;
+ localparam OPERAND_NUM_WORDS = 8;
+ //
+ // Clock (100 MHz)
+ //
+ reg clk = 1'b0;
+ always #5 clk = ~clk;
+ //
+ // Inputs, Outputs
+ //
+ reg rst_n;
+ reg ena;
+ wire rdy;
+ //
+ // Buffers (X, Y, N, P)
+ //
+ wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_x_addr;
+ wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_y_addr;
+ wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_n_addr;
+ wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] core_p_addr;
+ wire core_p_wren;
+ wire [ 31:0] core_x_data;
+ wire [ 31:0] core_y_data;
+ wire [ 31:0] core_n_data;
+ wire [ 31:0] core_p_data;
+ reg [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] tb_xyn_addr;
+ reg [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] tb_p_addr;
+ reg tb_xyn_wren;
+ reg [ 31:0] tb_x_data;
+ reg [ 31:0] tb_y_data;
+ reg [ 31:0] tb_n_data;
+ wire [ 31:0] tb_p_data;
+ bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
+ (
+ .MEM_WIDTH (32),
+ )
+ bram_x
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
+ .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
+ .a_in (tb_x_data),
+ .a_out (),
+ .b_addr (core_x_addr),
+ .b_out (core_x_data)
+ );
+ bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
+ (
+ .MEM_WIDTH (32),
+ )
+ bram_y
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
+ .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
+ .a_in (tb_y_data),
+ .a_out (),
+ .b_addr (core_y_addr),
+ .b_out (core_y_data)
+ );
+ bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
+ (
+ .MEM_WIDTH (32),
+ )
+ bram_n
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr (tb_xyn_addr),
+ .a_wr (tb_xyn_wren),
+ .a_in (tb_n_data),
+ .a_out (),
+ .b_addr (core_n_addr),
+ .b_out (core_n_data)
+ );
+ bram_1rw_1ro_readfirst #
+ (
+ .MEM_WIDTH (32),
+ )
+ bram_s
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr (core_p_addr),
+ .a_wr (core_p_wren),
+ .a_in (core_p_data),
+ .a_out (),
+ .b_addr (tb_p_addr),
+ .b_out (tb_p_data)
+ );
+ //
+ // UUT
+ //
+ modular_multiplier_256 uut
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .rst_n (rst_n),
+ .ena (ena),
+ .rdy (rdy),
+ .a_addr (core_x_addr),
+ .b_addr (core_y_addr),
+ .n_addr (core_n_addr),
+ .p_addr (core_p_addr),
+ .p_wren (core_p_wren),
+ .a_din (core_x_data),
+ .b_din (core_y_data),
+ .n_din (core_n_data),
+ .p_dout (core_p_data)
+ );
+ //
+ // Testbench Routine
+ //
+ reg ok = 1;
+ initial begin
+ /* initialize control inputs */
+ rst_n = 0;
+ ena = 0;
+ tb_xyn_wren = 0;
+ /* wait for some time */
+ #200;
+ /* de-assert reset */
+ rst_n = 1;
+ /* wait for some time */
+ #100;
+ /* run tests */
+ test_modular_multiplier(X_1, Y_1, N, P_1);
+ test_modular_multiplier(X_2, Y_2, N, P_2);
+ test_modular_multiplier(X_3, Y_3, N, P_3);
+ test_modular_multiplier(X_4, Y_4, N, P_4);
+ /* print result */
+ if (ok) $display("tb_modular_multiplier_256: SUCCESS");
+ else $display("tb_modular_multiplier_256: FAILURE");
+ //
+ //$finish;
+ //
+ end
+ //
+ // Test Task
+ //
+ reg [255:0] p;
+ reg p_ok;
+ integer w;
+ reg [511:0] pp_full;
+ reg [255:0] pp_ref;
+ task test_modular_multiplier;
+ input [255:0] x;
+ input [255:0] y;
+ input [255:0] n;
+ input [255:0] pp;
+ reg [255:0] x_shreg;
+ reg [255:0] y_shreg;
+ reg [255:0] n_shreg;
+ reg [255:0] p_shreg;
+ begin
+ /* start filling memories */
+ tb_xyn_wren = 1;
+ /* initialize shift registers */
+ x_shreg = x;
+ y_shreg = y;
+ n_shreg = n;
+ /* write all the words */
+ for (w=0; w<OPERAND_NUM_WORDS; w=w+1) begin
+ /* set addresses */
+ tb_xyn_addr = w[WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0];
+ /* set data words */
+ tb_x_data = x_shreg[31:0];
+ tb_y_data = y_shreg[31:0];
+ tb_n_data = n_shreg[31:0];
+ /* shift inputs */
+ x_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, x_shreg[255:32]};
+ y_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, y_shreg[255:32]};
+ n_shreg = {{32{1'bX}}, n_shreg[255:32]};
+ /* wait for 1 clock tick */
+ #10;
+ end
+ /* wipe addresses */
+ tb_xyn_addr = {WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH{1'bX}};
+ /* wipe data words */
+ tb_x_data = {32{1'bX}};
+ tb_y_data = {32{1'bX}};
+ tb_n_data = {32{1'bX}};
+ /* stop filling memories */
+ tb_xyn_wren = 0;
+ /* calculate reference value */
+ pp_full = {{256{1'b0}}, x} * {{256{1'b0}}, y};
+ pp_ref = pp_full % {{256{1'b0}}, n};
+ /* compare reference value against hard-coded one */
+ if (pp_ref != pp) begin
+ $display("ERROR: pp_ref != pp");
+ $finish;
+ end
+ /* start operation */
+ ena = 1;
+ /* clear flag */
+ #10 ena = 0;
+ /* wait for operation to complete */
+ while (!rdy) #10;
+ /* read result */
+ for (w=0; w<OPERAND_NUM_WORDS; w=w+1) begin
+ /* set address */
+ tb_p_addr = w[WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0];
+ /* wait for 1 clock tick */
+ #10;
+ /* store data word */
+ p_shreg = {tb_p_data, p_shreg[255:32]};
+ end
+ /* compare */
+ p_ok = (p_shreg == pp);
+ /* display results */
+ $display("test_modular_multiplier_256(): %s", p_ok ? "OK" : "ERROR");
+ /* update flag */
+ ok = ok && p_ok;
+ end
+ endtask