BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
clock_speedAdded reg on output from w_mem to split long path. Adjusted when w_next is se...Joachim Strömbergson6 years
masterMerged clock speed optimization work.Joachim Strömbergson6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-12-04Merged clock speed optimization work.HEADmasterJoachim Strömbergson
2018-12-04Added reg on output from w_mem to split long path. Adjusted when w_next is se...clock_speedJoachim Strömbergson
2018-12-04Compacted the code.Joachim Strömbergson
2018-10-19Locked down API write and API digest read access to only be allowed when the ...Joachim Strömbergson
2018-10-19Cleaned up the code as part of fixing issues found during the audit.Joachim Strömbergson
2018-10-16Added width definitons.Joachim Strömbergson
2018-04-25Added pipeline cycle for t1 and t2 calculations. Updated and cleaned up the W...Joachim Strömbergson
2018-04-24Removed redundant code by fusing expression.Joachim Strömbergson
2018-04-24Fixing reg update signals. Fixing names.Joachim Strömbergson
2018-04-23Correcting name for t1 and t2 update vectors. Cleaned up constants.Joachim Strömbergson