path: root/raw-wiki-dump/TicketQuery
blob: 8b6f877607e033a4e9708c6e86f732a8ed9eaa62 (plain) (tree)

= !TicketQuery Wiki Macro

The !TicketQuery macro lets you display information on tickets within wiki pages.
The query language used by the `[[TicketQuery]]` macro is described in [TracQuery#UsingtheTicketQueryMacro TracQuery] page.

== Usage


== Example

||= **Example** =||= **Result** =||= **Macro** =||
||=Number of [query:status=new&milestone= Triage tickets]: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=new&milestone=,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=new&milestone=,count)]]` ||
||=Number of new tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=new,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=new,count)]]` ||
||=Number of reopened tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=reopened,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=reopened,count)]]` ||
||=Number of assigned tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=assigned,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=assigned,count)]]` ||
||=Number of invalid tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=invalid,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=invalid,count)]]` ||
||=Number of worksforme tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=worksforme,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=worksforme,count)]]` ||
||=Number of duplicate tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=duplicate,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=duplicate,count)]]` ||
||=Number of wontfix tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=wontfix,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=wontfix,count)]]` ||
||=Number of fixed tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=fixed,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(status=closed,resolution=fixed,count)]]` ||
||=Total number of tickets: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(count)]]` ||
||=Number of tickets reported **or** owned by current user: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,or,owner=$USER,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(reporter=$USER,or,owner=$USER,count)]]` ||
||=Number of tickets created this month: =||\
|| **[[TicketQuery(created=thismonth..,count)]]**||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(created=thismonth..,count)]]` ||
||=Last 3 modified tickets: =||\
|| `[[TicketQuery(max=3,order=modified,desc=1,compact)]]` ||
{{{#!th rowspan=2, style="text-align: left;"
Details of ticket #1:
{{{#!td style="border-bottom: 0;"
{{{#!td colspan=2, style="border-top: 0;"

== Using the `[[TicketQuery]]` Macro

The [trac:TicketQuery TicketQuery] macro lets you display lists of tickets matching certain criteria anywhere you can use WikiFormatting.


This is displayed as:

Just like the [wiki:TracQuery#UsingTracLinks query: wiki links], the parameter of this macro expects a query string formatted according to the rules of the simple [wiki:TracQuery#QueryLanguage ticket query language]. This also displays the link and description of a single ticket:

This is displayed as:

A more compact representation without the ticket summaries is:
[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

This is displayed as:
  [[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

If you wish to receive only the number of defects that match the query, use the `count` parameter:
[[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, count)]]

This is displayed as:
  [[TicketQuery(version=0.6|0.7&resolution=duplicate, count)]]

A graphical use of the macro is with the `format=progress` attribute:

For example for one of the upcoming milestones, bars are shown by ticket type:

See also: TracQuery, TracTickets, TracReports, TracGuide