path: root/raw-wiki-dump/PrahaWorkshop
blob: 57221b97d7be5fe7f1751c777bcc4862f767a635 (plain) (tree)


= !CrypTech Workshop - 2015.07.18 Praha =

== Logistics ==
* Hilton Hotel, the IETF venue
* Amsterdam Room (this is a change)
* 09:00 - 17:00

== Introductions ==
* The !CrypTech Team
* Others Who Have Contributed
* Other Folk at the Meeting

== Workshop Goals ==
* Get an understanding of the project status and roadmap
* Discus your requirements and expectations with the team
* Get hands-on experience with the cryptech code on the novena dev board
* Procrastinate finding a new name for the project
* NON-GOAL: you don't get to go home with hardware

== Overview of Project ==
* Overall Goals
 * A Set of Designs, not a product
 * Save the World, Securely :)
* Short Term Goals
 * Sign a DNSSEC Zone
 * Sign RPKI Data
* Roadmap
 * Novena Dev Platform
 * Noise Board
 * Bridge Board
 * Alpha Board
 * !Better/Beta Board :)

== Status ==
* Novena, Bridge, and Alpha Hardware
* Verilog Cores
* Software
* APIs
* Current Build and Work Packaging

== User Feedback So Far ==

== Workshop 0 ==
* Unpack Novenas
* Install Noise Board
* Build Bitstream and Download
* Build Software and Install
* Install DNSSEC Signware on Your Laptop
* Sign a Zone

== User Feedback So Far ==

== Workshop 1 ==
* Unpack and Install Bridge Boards
* Build Software and Install
* Install DNSSEC Signware on Your Laptop
* Sign a Zone

== User Feedback ==

== Morning coffee break :) ==

== You Should Bring ==
* Laptop
* MacOSX, Linux, or ?  (if you want to build FPGAware, debian 64-bit, and it needs a desktop, VM OK)
* Micro-SD card if you want to take images and/or data home
* Logic Analyzer (optional, for hardware geeks)
* JTAG Interface (optional, for hardware geeks)
* Cookies or Equivalent to Share