path: root/raw-wiki-dump/
diff options
authorRob Austein <>2020-09-13 23:15:43 +0000
committerRob Austein <>2020-09-13 23:21:33 +0000
commit13d0f55865f8b1b851ce1e84597b144c5fd41662 (patch)
tree7b6ff6916f6596f64ec0d2657ae040abd5e18ed9 /raw-wiki-dump/
parent3aa8b1dd6e0f504ef83da99f8c9cdb2532f948f5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'raw-wiki-dump/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/raw-wiki-dump/ b/raw-wiki-dump/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ecaaf..0000000
--- a/raw-wiki-dump/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# Wiki Processors
-Processors are WikiMacros designed to provide alternative markup formats for the [TracWiki Wiki engine]. Processors can be thought of as *macro functions to process user-edited text*.
-Wiki processors can be used in any Wiki text throughout Trac, such as:
- - [#CodeHighlightingSupport syntax highlighting] or for rendering text verbatim
- - rendering [#HTMLrelated Wiki markup inside a context], like inside <div> blocks or <span> or within <td> or <th> table cells
- - using an alternative markup syntax, like [raw HTML] and [WikiRestructuredText Restructured Text] or [ textile](WikiHtml)
-## Using Processors
-To use a processor on a block of text, first delimit the lines using a Wiki *code block*:
-The lines
-that should be processed...
-Immediately after the ````` or on the line just below, add `#!` followed by the ''processor name'':
-The lines
-that should be processed...
-This is the "shebang" notation, familiar to most UNIX users.
-Besides their content, some Wiki processors can also accept *parameters*, which are then given as `key=value` pairs after the processor name and on the same line. If `value` has to contain space, as it's often the case for the style parameter, a quoted string can be used (`key="value with space"`).
-As some processors are meant to process Wiki markup, it's quite possible to *nest* processor blocks.
-You may want to indent the content of nested blocks for increased clarity, this extra indentation will be ignored when processing the content.
-## Examples
-| Wiki Markup | Display |
-```#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
- __Example 1__: Inserting raw HTML
-```#!td style="border: none"
-<h1 style="color: grey">This is raw HTML</h1>
-```#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding-left: 2em"
-<h1 style="color: grey">This is raw HTML</h1>
-```#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
- __Example 2__: Highlighted Python code in a <div> block with custom style
-```#!td style="border: none"
- ```
- ```#!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge"
- This is an example of embedded "code" block:
- ```
- #!python
- def hello():
- return "world"
- ```
- ```
- ```
-```#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding: 1em"
- ```#!div style="background: #ffd; border: 3px ridge"
- This is an example of embedded "code" block:
- ```
- #!python
- def hello():
- return "world"
- ```
- ```
-```#!td colspan=2 align=center style="border: none"
- __Example 3__: Searching tickets from a wiki page, by keywords.
-```#!td style="border: none"
- ```
- ```
- #!html
- <form action="/query" method="get"><div>
- <input type="text" name="keywords" value="~" size="30"/>
- <input type="submit" value="Search by Keywords"/>
- <!-- To control what fields show up use hidden fields
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="id"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="summary"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="status"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="milestone"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="version"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="owner"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="priority"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="component"/>
- -->
- </div></form>
- ```
- ```
-```#!td valign=top style="border: none; padding: 1em"
- ```
- #!html
- <form action="/query" method="get"><div>
- <input type="text" name="keywords" value="~" size="30"/>
- <input type="submit" value="Search by Keywords"/>
- <!-- To control what fields show up use hidden fields
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="id"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="summary"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="status"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="milestone"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="version"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="owner"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="priority"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="col" value="component"/>
- -->
- </div></form>
- ```
-## Available Processors
-The following processors are included in the Trac distribution:
-| **`#default`** | Present the text verbatim in a preformatted text block. This is the same as specifying *no* processor name (and no `#!`). |
-| **`#comment`** | Do not process the text in this section, i.e. contents exist only in the plain text - not in the rendered page. |
-| **`#rtl`** | Introduce a Right-To-Left block with appropriate CSS direction and styling. *(since 0.12.2)* |
-|| |
-|| **[=#HTMLrelated HTML related]** |
-| **`#html`** | Insert custom HTML in a wiki page. |
-| **`#htmlcomment`** | Insert an HTML comment in a wiki page. (*since 0.12*) |
-| | Note that `#html` blocks have to be *self-contained*, i.e. you can't start an HTML element in one block and close it later in a second block. Use the following processors for achieving a similar effect. |
-| **`#div`** | Wrap wiki content inside a <div> element. |
-| **`#span`** | Wrap wiki content inside a <span> element. |
-| **`#td`** | Wrap wiki content inside a <td> element. (*since 0.12*) |
-| **`#th`** | Wrap wiki content inside a <th> element. (*since 0.12*) |
-| **`#tr`** | Can optionally be used for wrapping `#td` and `#th` blocks, either for specifying row attributes or better visual grouping. (*since 0.12*) |
-| **`#table`** | Can optionally be used for wrapping `#tr`, `#td` and `#th` blocks, for specifying table attributes. One current limitation however is that tables cannot be nested. (*since 0.12*) |
-| | See WikiHtml for example usage and more details about these processors. |
-|| |
-|| **Other Markups** |
-| **`#rst`** | Trac support for Restructured Text. See WikiRestructuredText. |
-| **`#textile`** | Supported if [Textile] is installed. See [ a Textile reference]( |
-|| |
-|| **[=#CodeHighlightingSupport Code Highlighting Support]** |
-| **`#c`** [**`#cpp`** (C++) [[BR]] **`#python`** [[BR]] **`#perl`** [[BR]] **`#ruby`** [[BR]] **`#php`** [[BR]] **`#asp`** [[BR]] **`#java`** [[BR]] **`#js`** (Javascript) [[BR]] **`#sql`** [[BR]] **`#xml`** (XML or HTML) [[BR]] **`#sh`** (Bourne/Bash shell) [[BR]] **etc.** [[BR]] | Trac includes processors to provide inline syntax highlighting for source code in various languages. [[BR]] [[BR]] Trac relies on [ Pygments] for syntax coloring. [[BR]] [[BR]]([BR]]) See TracSyntaxColoring for information about which languages are supported and how to enable support for more languages. |
-|| |
-Since 1.1.2 the default, coding highlighting and MIME-type processors support the argument `lineno` for adding line numbering to the code block. When a value is specified, as in `lineno=3`, the numbering will start at the specified value. When used in combination with the `lineno` argument, the `marks` argument is also supported for highlighting lines. A single line number, set of line numbers and range of line numbers are allowed. For example, `marks=3`, `marks=3-6`, `marks=3,5,7` and `marks=3-5,7` are all allowed. The specified values are relative to the numbered lines, so if `lineno=2` is specified to start the line numbering at 2, `marks=2` will result in the first line being highlighted.
-Using the MIME type as processor, it is possible to syntax-highlight the same languages that are supported when browsing source code.
-|| **MIME Type Processors** |
-Some examples:
- ```
- ```
-The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code:
- ```#!text/html
- ```
-The same is valid for all other [TracSyntaxColoring#SyntaxColoringSupport mime types supported].
- ```
---- Version 55
-+++ Version 56
-@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@
- name='TracHelloWorld', version='1.0',
- packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.tests*']),
-- entry_points = """
-- [trac.plugins]
-- helloworld = myplugs.helloworld
-- """,
-+ entry_points = {
-+ 'trac.plugins': [
-+ 'helloworld = myplugs.helloworld',
-+ ],
-+ },
- )
- ```
-'''`#!diff`''' has a particularly nice renderer:
- ```#!diff
---- Version 55
-+++ Version 56
-@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@
- name='TracHelloWorld', version='1.0',
- packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.tests*']),
-- entry_points = """
-- [trac.plugins]
-- helloworld = myplugs.helloworld
-- """,
-+ entry_points = {
-+ 'trac.plugins': [
-+ 'helloworld = myplugs.helloworld',
-+ ],
-+ },
- )
- ```
-Line numbers can be added to code blocks and lines can be highlighted //(since 1.1.2)//.
-```#!python lineno=3 marks=3,9-10,16
-def expand_markup(stream, ctxt=None):
- """A Genshi stream filter for expanding `genshi.Markup` events.
- Note: Expansion may not be possible if the fragment is badly
- formed, or partial.
- """
- for event in stream:
- if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
- try:
- for subevent in HTML(event[1]):
- yield subevent
- except ParseError:
- yield event
- else:
- yield event
-```#!python lineno=3 marks=3,9-10,16
-def expand_markup(stream, ctxt=None):
- """A Genshi stream filter for expanding `genshi.Markup` events.
- Note: Expansion may not be possible if the fragment is badly
- formed, or partial.
- """
- for event in stream:
- if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
- try:
- for subevent in HTML(event[1]):
- yield subevent
- except ParseError:
- yield event
- else:
- yield event
-For more processor macros developed and/or contributed by users, visit the [Trac Hacks]( community site.
-Developing processors is no different from Wiki macros. In fact, they work the same way, only the usage syntax differs. See WikiMacros#DevelopingCustomMacros for more information.
-See also: WikiMacros, WikiHtml, WikiRestructuredText, TracSyntaxColoring, WikiFormatting, TracGuide