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<p>This is a port of Peter Gutmann's
<a href="">cryptlib package</a>
to the Cryptech project's environment.  This is a work in progress,
and still at a very early stage as of this writing.</p>

<p>The main addition to the stock cryptlib environment is a set of
Hardware Adaption Layer (HAL) implementations that use the Cryptech
FPGA cores.</p>

<p>While we expect to be making more significant use of cryptlib in the
future, the main purposes of this code at the moment are
proof-of-concept and connecting the Cryptech cores to a more complete
cryptographic programming environment for testing and development

<h2>Current status</h2>

<p>At present, the Cryptech HAL code runs only on the Novena PVT1.  There
are three variants of the HAL, all using the I2C bus, but speaking
different protocols:</p>

<li><p>An implementation using the <code>coretest</code> byte-stream protocol
implemented by the <code>core/novena</code> FPGA build.</p></li>
<li><p>An implementation using the simpler interface implemented by the
<code>core/novena_i2c_simple</code> environment.</p></li>
<li><p>An implementation using the <code>coretest</code> byt-stream protocol as
implemented by the <code>test/novena_trng</code> FPGA build.  This differs from
the others in that it supports the Cryptech TRNG.  Note that neither
this HAL nor this FPGA build supports any cryptographic algorithms.</p></li>

<p>All of these HAL implementations are in the <code>src/</code> directory.  See the
<code>GNUmakefile</code> for details on how to select the variant you want.</p>

<p>At present, the only relevant Cryptech cores are the TRNG and several
digest algorithms.   The current HAL uses the SHA-1, SHA-256, and
SHA-512 cores to implement the SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512
digests.  SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 are not supported.</p>

<p>In principal there is no reason why one could not write a HAL which
spoke to a Terasic board, perhaps via the <code>coretest</code> protocol over a
UART, but to date this has not been done.</p>

<h2>Code import status</h2>

<p>Cryptlib itself is present in the repository in the form of a verbatim
copy of the Cryptlib 3.4.2 distribution zipfile, which the top-level
makefile unpacks while building.  This has proven simpler to work with
than importing the entire Cryptlib distribution into a vendor branch.</p>

<p>Packaging Cryptlib this way has two implications:</p>

<li><p>You may need to <code>apt-get install unzip</code> on your Novena.</p></li>
<li><p>Any changes you might make to Cryptlib itself will be lost when you
run <code>make clean</code>.</p></li>

<h2>Test code</h2>

<p>The <code>tests/</code> directory contains a few test scripts, written in Python,
using the standard Cryptlib Python bindings.  The Cryptlib Python
environment is a fairly literaly translation of the Cryptlib C
environment, so portions of it will be a bit, um, surprising to Python
programmers, but the basic functionality works.  Note that it's normal
for test scripts to fail when the functionality they're testing isn't
loaded on the FPGA.</p>

<h2>Copyright status</h2>

<p>Cryptlib itself is copyright by Peter Gutmann.  See the Cryptlib web
site for licensing details.</p>

<p>Code written for the Cryptech project is under the usual Cryptech
BSD-style license.</p>

