path: root/raw-wiki-dump/GitRepositories%2Fcore%2Fmath.trac
blob: d5045b65e26f606448ce157e8b0890a9853eb8f6 (plain) (tree)


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= Git Repositories =

This page lists links to the currently available git repositories.
Clone these with git to pull your own copies of the sources.

||= Repository =||= URL for git cloning =||= =||
||=[[source:/core/math/curve25519lib| core/math/curve25519lib]] =||`` || ||
||=[[source:/core/math/ecdsalib| core/math/ecdsalib]] =||`` || [[wiki:GitRepositories/core/math/ecdsalib| README]] ||
||=[[source:/core/math/modexpa7| core/math/modexpa7]] =||`` || [[wiki:GitRepositories/core/math/modexpa7| README]] ||
||=[[source:/core/math/modexpng| core/math/modexpng]] =||`` || [[wiki:GitRepositories/core/math/modexpng| README]] ||
||=[[source:/core/math/modexps6| core/math/modexps6]] =||`` || ||
||=[[source:/core/math/modexp| core/math/modexp]] =||`` || [[wiki:GitRepositories/core/math/modexp| README]] ||