path: root/raw-wiki-dump/Dashboard.trac
blob: 2b53f654264a0980caf2e850b7d419f03fdb0cb8 (plain) (tree)

= Project Status Dashboard =

== Product Component Requirements ==

||= State =||= Component    =||= DNSsec Signing =||= Let's Encrypt =||= Tor Consensus =||= Internal =||= Ticket =||
|| Done    || AES / KEY WRAP ||                  ||                 ||                 || !Wrap/Bkup || #17      ||
||         || ECDSA p256     ||= secondary      =||=     Yes       =||                 ||            ||          ||
||         || ECDSA p384     ||= secondary      =||=      ?        =||                 ||            ||          ||
|| Testing || PKCS!#11       ||=      Yes       =||=     Yes       =||=     Yes       =|| Yes        || #14      ||
|| Done    || RSA            ||=      Yes       =||=     Yes       =||=     Yes       =||            || #16      ||
|| Done    || SHA-1          ||                  ||                =||=     Yes       =||            ||          ||
|| Done    || SHA-256        ||=      Yes       =||=     Yes       =||=     Yes       =||            ||          ||
|| Done    || SHA-384        ||=      Yes       =||=     ?         =||                 ||            ||          ||
|| Done    || TRNG           ||= padding        =||= padding       =||= padding       =|| !KeyGen    || #15      ||

== Novena Alpha - DNSsec Only ==

||= Component           =||= Who        =||= About When    =||= Ticket   =||
||RSA                    || Pavel, Rob   || Done            || #16        ||
||AES/KEY WRAP           || Rob          || Done            || #17        ||
||SHA-256                || Joachim      || Done            ||            ||
||TRNG                   || FT           || Done            || #15        ||
||PKCS!#11               || Rob          || Late May        ||            ||
||PKCS!#11 PIN           || Rob          || Mid June        || #14        ||
||Packaging              || Paul, Rob    || Done            ||            ||

== Hardware cores ==

=== Hash Functions ===

||= Component       =||= Status    =||= Repository                                           =||= Comment                                               =||
|| SHA-1             || Done        || [[GitRepositories/core/hash/sha1| core/hash/sha1]]     ||                                                         ||
|| SHA-256           || Done        || [[GitRepositories/core/hash/sha256| core/hash/sha256]] ||                                                         ||
|| SHA-512           || Done        || [[GitRepositories/core/hash/sha512| core/hash/sha512]] || Support all four SHA-512/x modes defined in FIPS 180-4. ||
|| SHA-3 (Keccak )   || Started     || [[GitRepositories/core/hash/sha3| core/hash/sha3]]     ||                                                         ||
|| GOST R 34.11-2012 || Started     ||                                                        ||                                                         ||

=== Symmetric Crypto ===

||= Component =||= Status =||= Repository                                               =||= Comment                                                     =||
|| AES         || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/cipher/aes| core/cipher/aes]]       || AES cipher core with support for 128 and 256 bit keys.        ||
|| !ChaCha     || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/cipher/chacha| core/cipher/chacha]] || High speed stream cipher. Based on the Salsa20 stream cipher. ||

=== Asymmetric Crypto ===

||= Component         =||= Status    =||= Repository                                                    =||= Comment                 =||
|| !ModExp -8192 (RSA) || Done        || [[GitRepositories/core/math/modexps6| core/math/modexps6]]      ||                           ||
|| Curve25519          || Started     ||                                                                 ||                           ||
|| Ed25519             || Not started ||                                                                 ||                           ||
|| P-256, P-384 ECDSA  || Started     ||                                                                 ||                           ||
|| GOST R 34.10-2001   || Started     || [[]]  || Core in provisional repo. Will be moved to the the hash core section.||

=== Random Number Generators ===

||= Component                =||= Status =||= Repository                                                               =||= Comment                      =||
|| TRNG                       || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/rng/trng| core/rng/trng]]                           || Depends on SHA-512 and !ChaCha ||
|| External Avalanche Entropy || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/rng/avalanche_entropy| core/rng/avalanche_entropy]] || [[GitRepositories/user/ft/stm32-avalanche-noise| Hardware]] and stand-alone PoC ||
|| Internal Ring Oscillator   || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/rng/rosc_entropy| core/rng/rosc_entropy]]           ||                                ||

=== Key wrapping and Cipher Modes ===

||= Component       =||= Status    =||= Repository =||= Comment                                                                                              =||
|| KEY WRAP          || Done        ||              || Key wrapping mode. Will be used for key storage. See [ "rfc 3394"]. #17 ||
|| GCM               || Not started ||              || Galois Counter Mode. AEAD cipher.                                                                      ||
|| CTR and CBC       || Not started ||              || Basic block cipher modes.                                                                              ||

=== Support Functionality ===

||= Component =||= Status =||= Repository                                               =||= Comment                                                                             =||
|| Coretest    || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/comm/coretest| core/comm/coretest]] || Command-response based core tester for HW accelerated core verification.              ||
|| UART        || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/comm/uart| core/comm/uart]]         || Serial interface module used on the TerasIC C5G development board.                    ||
|| I2C         || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/comm/i2c| core/comm/i2c]]           || I2C interface module used on the Novena board.                                        ||
|| EIM         || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/comm/eim| core/comm/eim]]           || Interface for the Freescale EIM memory interface used on the Novena board.            ||
|| FMC         || Done     || [[GitRepositories/core/comm/fmc| core/comm/fmc]]           || Interface for the STM32 FMC memory interface used on the dev-bridge and Alpha boards. ||