path: root/streebog_hash/streebog_core_lps.v
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1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/streebog_hash/streebog_core_lps.v b/streebog_hash/streebog_core_lps.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a668f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/streebog_hash/streebog_core_lps.v
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module streebog_core_lps
+ (
+ clk,
+ ena, rdy, last,
+ din, dout
+ );
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ //
+ parameter PS_PIPELINE_STAGES = 8; // 2, 4, 8
+ parameter L_PIPELINE_STAGES = 8; // 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
+ //
+ // Ports
+ //
+ input wire clk; // core clock
+ input wire ena; // start transformation flag
+ output wire rdy; // transformation done flag (dout is valid)
+ output wire last; // transformation about to complete (rdy flag will be asserted during the next cycle)
+ input wire [511:0] din; // input data to transform
+ output wire [511:0] dout; // output data (result of transformation)
+ /*
+ * This LPS core has parametrized internal pipeline. P and S transformations are combined into one PS transformation and
+ * have common pipeline. L transformation has its own separate pipeline. The total latency of this core is thus
+ * PS_PIPELINE_STAGES*L_PIPELINE_STAGES. The fastest version completes the tranformation in 2*2=4 cycles, the slowest
+ * version requires 8*64=512 cycles. S transformation substitutes bytes according to a lookup table. P transformation does
+ * permutation of input bytes. L transformation multiplies input data by a special predefined matrix. If you don't understand
+ * how matrices are multiplied, you should not try to understand how the following code works. This may damage your brain.
+ * You've been warned. Seriously.
+ *
+ */
+ //
+ // Constants
+ //
+ /*
+ * PS transformation operates on 64-bit words. Input data contains 512/64=8 such words.
+ * Depending on PS pipeline stage count we can transform 1, 2 or 4 words at a time.
+ *
+ * L transformation operates on 64-bit words. Depending on L pipeline stage count we
+ * can transform 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bits of a word at a time.
+ *
+ */
+ localparam L_BITS_AT_ONCE = 64 / L_PIPELINE_STAGES;
+ /*
+ * These functions return number of bytes needed to store pipeline stage counters. They will
+ * also prevent users from specifying illegal pipeline widths . This module will not synthesize
+ * with invalid pipeline stage count, because counter width will not be explicitely defined.
+ *
+ */
+ function integer PS_NUM_COUNT_BITS;
+ input integer x;
+ begin
+ case (x)
+ endcase
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function integer L_NUM_COUNT_BITS;
+ input integer y;
+ begin
+ case (y)
+ 2: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 1;
+ 4: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 2;
+ 8: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 3;
+ 16: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 4;
+ 32: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 5;
+ 64: L_NUM_COUNT_BITS = 6;
+ endcase
+ end
+ endfunction
+ //
+ // Counter Widths
+ //
+ localparam L_CNT_BITS = L_NUM_COUNT_BITS(L_PIPELINE_STAGES); // width of L counter
+ localparam PS_CNT_BITS = PS_NUM_COUNT_BITS(PS_PIPELINE_STAGES); // width of PS counter
+ //
+ // Input Multiplexor
+ //
+ wire [63: 0] din_mux[0:7]; // eight 64-bit words
+ /*
+ * This multiplexor does the P transformation. P transformation is effectively a matrix
+ * transposition. Input 512-bit word is treated as a 8x8 byte matrix. Multiplexor outputs
+ * a set of 8 64-bit words. These words are columns of the original matrix (transposition
+ * turns rows into colums).
+ *
+ */
+ genvar i, j;
+ generate for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1)
+ begin: gen_din_mux_i
+ for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1) begin: gen_din_mux_j
+ assign din_mux[i][8*j + 7 : 8*j] = din[64*j + 8*i + 7 : 64*j + 8*i];
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // Output Multiplexor
+ //
+ reg [63: 0] dout_mux[0:7]; // eight 64-bit words
+ /*
+ * Output 64-bit subwords are concatenated to form output 512-bit word.
+ *
+ */
+ genvar k;
+ generate for (k=0; k<8; k=k+1)
+ begin: gen_dout_mux
+ assign dout[64*k+63:64*k] = dout_mux[k];
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // PS and L Counters
+ //
+ /*
+ * These counters control internal data flow of this core. For example, if PS has 2 stages and
+ * L has 4 stages, then the count will look like this:
+ * ____
+ * ENA \\\________________________________
+ * _____ _
+ * RDY ^ \_______________________________/
+ * | | | | | | | | | |
+ * +----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-
+ * | PS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
+ * +----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-
+ * | L | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 |
+ * +----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-
+ * ^ ^ |
+ * | | +--> both counters will be zero during the last cycle
+ * | |
+ * +---------------+------------------> preloading of new word(s) into S lookup table(s)
+ *
+ */
+ reg [ L_CNT_BITS-1:0] l_count = { L_CNT_BITS{1'b0}};
+ reg [PS_CNT_BITS-1:0] ps_count = {PS_CNT_BITS{1'b0}};
+ //
+ // Handy Flags
+ //
+ /*
+ * These flags are used instead of lengthy (z_count == {Z_CNT_BITS{1'bZ}}) comparisons.
+ *
+ */
+ wire l_count_done = ( l_count == { L_CNT_BITS{1'b1}}) ? 1 : 0;
+ wire ps_count_done = (ps_count == {PS_CNT_BITS{1'b1}}) ? 1 : 0;
+ wire l_count_zero = ( l_count == { L_CNT_BITS{1'b0}}) ? 1 : 0;
+ wire ps_count_zero = (ps_count == {PS_CNT_BITS{1'b0}}) ? 1 : 0;
+ //
+ // Preload Flags
+ //
+ /*
+ * These flags are used as clock enables for S lookup table.
+ *
+ */
+ wire ps_preload_first = (rdy && ena);
+ wire ps_preload_next = (!rdy && !ps_count_zero && l_count_zero);
+ //
+ // Last Flag
+ //
+ /*
+ * This flag indicates that core operation is about to complete.
+ *
+ */
+ assign last = !rdy && ps_count_zero && l_count_zero;
+ //
+ // Counter Logic
+ //
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ //
+ if (!rdy && l_count_done) ps_count <= ps_count + 1'b1; // next word(s)
+ //
+ if (rdy && ena) l_count <= l_count + 1'b1; // start of transformation
+ //
+ if (!rdy && !(ps_count_zero && l_count_zero)) l_count <= l_count + 1'b1; // next part of word(s)
+ //
+ end
+ //
+ // Ready Output Register
+ //
+ reg rdy_reg = 1'b1;
+ assign rdy = rdy_reg;
+ //
+ // Ready Set and Clear Logic
+ //
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ //
+ if (rdy && ena) rdy_reg <= 0; // start of transformation
+ //
+ if (!rdy && l_count_zero && ps_count_zero) rdy_reg <= 1; // end of transformation
+ //
+ end
+ //
+ // S Table Indices
+ //
+ /*
+ * To transform several words at once a set of indices is required.
+ *
+ */
+ wire [ 2: 0] s_in_offset [0:PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE-1]; // indices of words being transformed
+ wire [63: 0] s_out [0:PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE-1]; // output words of S transformation
+ assign s_in_offset[0] = ps_count * PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; // the first index is defined by PS counter,
+ // following indices are linearly increasing
+ genvar sw, sb; // word and byte counter
+ generate for (sw=1; sw<PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; sw=sw+1)
+ begin: gen_s_in_offset
+ assign s_in_offset[sw] = s_in_offset[sw-1] + 1'b1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // S Lookup Table
+ //
+ generate for (sw=0; sw<PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; sw=sw+1)
+ begin: gen_s_out_word
+ for (sb=0; sb<8; sb=sb+1) begin: gen_s_out_byte
+ //
+ //
+ streebog_rom_s_table s_table
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .ena (ps_preload_first | ps_preload_next),
+ .din (din_mux[s_in_offset[sw]][8*sb + 7 : 8*sb]),
+ .dout (s_out[sw][8*sb + 7 : 8*sb])
+ );
+ //
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // A Matrix Indices
+ //
+ /*
+ * To transform several bits at once a set of indices is required.
+ *
+ */
+ wire [ 5: 0] l_in_offset [0:L_BITS_AT_ONCE-1]; // indices of bits being transformed
+ wire [63: 0] l_out [0:L_BITS_AT_ONCE-1]; // output bits of L transformation
+ assign l_in_offset[0] = l_count * L_BITS_AT_ONCE; // the first index is defined by L counter,
+ // following indices are linearly increasing
+ genvar l;
+ generate for (l=1; l<L_BITS_AT_ONCE; l=l+1)
+ begin: gen_l_in_offset
+ assign l_in_offset[l] = l_in_offset[l-1] + 1'b1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // A Matrix
+ //
+ generate for (l=0; l<L_BITS_AT_ONCE; l=l+1)
+ begin: gen_l_out
+ //
+ //
+ streebog_rom_a_matrix a_matrix
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .din (l_in_offset[l]),
+ .dout (l_out[l])
+ );
+ //
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // Multiplication Logic
+ //
+ /*
+ * Original specification describes multiplication method that effectively adds
+ * matrix rows based on source vector items. Instead of that multiplication is
+ * done column-by-column.
+ *
+ */
+ wire [L_BITS_AT_ONCE-1:0] l_out_part[0:PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE-1];
+ genvar lw, lb;
+ generate for (lw=0; lw<PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; lw=lw+1)
+ begin: gen_l_out_part
+ for (lb=0; lb<L_BITS_AT_ONCE; lb=lb+1) begin: gen_l_out_bit
+ //
+ assign l_out_part[lw][lb] = ^(l_out[lb] & s_out[lw]);
+ //
+ end
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ /*
+ * PS and L transformations have 1-cycle latency, so delayed versions
+ * of offsets are needed to update output registers accordingly.
+ *
+ */
+ reg [PS_CNT_BITS-1:0] ps_count_dly = 0; // delayed PS counter
+ reg [ L_CNT_BITS-1:0] l_count_dly = 0; // delayed L counter
+ always @(posedge clk) ps_count_dly <= ps_count;
+ always @(posedge clk) l_count_dly <= l_count;
+ //
+ // Output Offset Tables
+ //
+ wire [ 2: 0] dout_offset_word [0:PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE-1];
+ wire [ 5: 0] dout_offset_bit [0:L_BITS_AT_ONCE -1];
+ assign dout_offset_word[0] = ps_count_dly * PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE;
+ assign dout_offset_bit[0] = l_count_dly * L_BITS_AT_ONCE;
+ genvar z;
+ generate for (z=1; z<PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; z=z+1)
+ begin: gen_dout_offset_word
+ assign dout_offset_word[z] = dout_offset_word[z-1] + 1'b1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ generate for (z=1; z<L_BITS_AT_ONCE; z=z+1)
+ begin: gen_dout_offset_bit
+ assign dout_offset_bit[z] = dout_offset_bit[z-1] + 1'b1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+ //
+ // Output Logic
+ //
+ integer lps_w, lps_b;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ //
+ if (! rdy)
+ //
+ for (lps_w=0; lps_w<PS_WORDS_AT_ONCE; lps_w=lps_w+1)
+ for (lps_b=0; lps_b<L_BITS_AT_ONCE; lps_b=lps_b+1)
+ dout_mux[dout_offset_word[lps_w]][dout_offset_bit[lps_b]] <= l_out_part[lps_w][lps_b];
+ //dout_mux[dout_offset_word[lps_w]][L_BITS_AT_ONCE*l_count_dly+lps_b] <= l_out_part[lps_w][lps_b];