path: root/KiCAD/rev02_20.sch-bak
blob: 2c4510fdef92785bb89cc04c3a5247a6833f15a8 (plain) (tree)































































EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr B 17000 11000
encoding utf-8
Sheet 22 27
Title "rev04_20"
Date "15 10 2016"
Rev ""
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Text Notes 2600 2900 0    60   ~ 12
*) Lower Right Bank
Text Notes 4820 6210 0    60   ~ 12
DIGITIZED_NOISE signal should go into\neither W19 or Y18 (i.e. into one of the two\npositive (master) sides of the two available\nMRCC differential pairs)
Text Notes 7500 2900 0    60   ~ 12
*) Signals, that are allowed to be swapped, can be be swapped\nwith each other and/or moved to different pins within their bank.
Text Notes 5800 5300 0    60   ~ 12
<-- FPGA_GPIO_* and FPGA_IRQ_N_* signals can be swapped
Text Notes 5980 3610 0    60   ~ 12
<-- Disable pull-ups on all pins during configuration
Text Notes 6900 1420 0    84   ~ 17
FPGA MKM interface
Text Notes 5280 3690 0    60   ~ 12
L Cryptech_Alpha:VCCO_3V3 #VCCO_3V3_038
U 1 1 58023EEC
P 5200 3100
F 0 "#VCCO_3V3_038" H 5200 3100 20  0000 C CNN
F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 5200 3030 30  0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5200 3100 70  0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5200 3100 70  0000 C CNN
	1    5200 3100
	1    0    0    -1  
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6200 3400 6200
Text GLabel 4600 6200 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5300 3400 5300
Text GLabel 4600 5300 2    48   Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5400 3400 5400
Text GLabel 4600 5400 2    48   Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5200 3400 5200
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3300 3400 3300
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3300 3600 3400
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3400 3600 3500
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3500 3600 3600
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3600 3600 3700
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3700 3400 3700
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3600 3400 3600
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3500 3400 3500
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3400 3400 3400
Wire Wire Line
	5200 3100 5200 3300
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3700 3600 3800
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3800 3400 3800
Wire Wire Line
	4600 4000 4500 4000
Text GLabel 4600 4000 2    48   UnSpc ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 4100 4500 4100
Text GLabel 4600 4100 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5000 4500 5000
Text GLabel 4600 5000 2    48   Output ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4100 4100 3400 4100
Text Label 3460 4100 2    48   ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4100 4000 3400 4000
Text Label 3460 4000 2    48   ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4100 5000 3400 5000
Text Label 3460 5000 2    48   ~ 0
Text GLabel 4600 5800 2    48   Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4600 5900 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5800 3400 5800
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5900 3400 5900
Text GLabel 4610 6900 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4610 6900 3400 6900
Text GLabel 4600 5600 2    48   Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4600 5700 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5700 3400 5700
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5600 3400 5600
Text GLabel 4600 7300 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 7300 3400 7300
Text GLabel 4600 6800 2    48   Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6800 3400 6800
Text GLabel 4600 6400 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6400 3400 6400
Text GLabel 4600 5500 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 5500 3400 5500
Text GLabel 4600 6300 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6300 3400 6300
Text GLabel 4600 6000 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6000 3400 6000
Text GLabel 4600 6100 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6100 3400 6100
Text GLabel 4600 6600 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 6600 3400 6600
Text GLabel 4100 4300 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4100 4300 3400 4300
Text GLabel 4100 4200 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4100 4200 3400 4200
Text GLabel 4600 7100 2    48   UnSpc ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 7100 3400 7100
Text GLabel 4600 8800 2    48   BiDi ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
	4600 8800 3400 8800
Wire Wire Line
	5200 3800 5200 4400
Wire Wire Line
	5200 3400 5200 3300
L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R65
U 1 1 58023EEB
P 5200 3600
F 0 "R65" V 5110 3555 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "1k" V 5030 3530 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 5030 3530 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5030 3530 60  0000 C CNN
	1    5200 3600
	0    -1   -1   0   
L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0603 R83
U 1 1 58023EEA
P 4300 4000
F 0 "R83" H 4410 3920 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "0" H 4220 3920 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 4220 3920 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4220 3920 60  0000 C CNN
	1    4300 4000
	-1   0    0    1   
L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0603 R84
U 1 1 58023EE9
P 4300 4100
F 0 "R84" H 4400 4280 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "0" H 4210 4270 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 4210 4270 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4210 4270 60  0000 C CNN
	1    4300 4100
	-1   0    0    1   
L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0603 R85
U 1 1 58023EE8
P 4300 5000
F 0 "R85" H 4180 5000 60  0000 R TNN
F 1 "0" H 4170 5100 60  0000 R TNN
F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 4170 5100 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4170 5100 60  0000 C CNN
	1    4300 5000
	-1   0    0    1   
L Cryptech_Alpha:XC7A200TFBG484_NEW U13
U 3 1 58023EE7
P 3200 6000
F 0 "U13" H 2790 2990 60  0000 L BNN
F 1 "~" H 3200 6000 50  0001 C CNN
F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:BGA484C100P22X22_2300X2300X254" H 2790 2990 60  0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3200 6000 50  0001 C CNN
	3    3200 6000
	1    0    0    -1  
NoConn ~ 3400 4500
NoConn ~ 3400 4700
NoConn ~ 3400 4600
NoConn ~ 3400 4800
NoConn ~ 3400 4900
NoConn ~ 3400 5100
NoConn ~ 3400 6500
NoConn ~ 3400 6700
NoConn ~ 3400 7000
NoConn ~ 3400 7200
NoConn ~ 3400 7400
NoConn ~ 3400 7500
NoConn ~ 3400 7600
NoConn ~ 3400 7700
NoConn ~ 3400 7800
NoConn ~ 3400 7900
NoConn ~ 3400 8000
NoConn ~ 3400 8100
NoConn ~ 3400 8200
NoConn ~ 3400 8300
NoConn ~ 3400 8400
NoConn ~ 3400 8500
NoConn ~ 3400 8600
NoConn ~ 3400 8700
NoConn ~ 3400 3900
NoConn ~ 4600 5200
Wire Wire Line
	3400 4400 5200 4400
Wire Wire Line
	3600 3300 5200 3300
Connection ~ 3600 3300
Connection ~ 3600 3400
Connection ~ 3600 3500
Connection ~ 3600 3600
Connection ~ 3600 3700
Connection ~ 5200 3300