path: root/src
diff options
authorJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2018-08-16 19:04:03 +0200
committerJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2018-08-16 19:04:03 +0200
commitb1b208d97c5a47c4651ec0c15ba41a0b3db93723 (patch)
tree877ce2108a11938acf7beddb2739791b5669704b /src
parentb75bd86d3cb8cfd540253b9e29a791582daf3945 (diff)
Adding delay cycle to API regs to match the latency for accessing the blockRAM. Added test case that checks access to the API regs.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap.v b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
index 58d40c0..885578b 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module keywrap(
localparam CORE_NAME0 = 32'h6b657920; // "key "
localparam CORE_NAME1 = 32'h77726170; // "wrap"
- localparam CORE_VERSION = 32'h302e3730; // "0.70"
+ localparam CORE_VERSION = 32'h302e3731; // "0.71"
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ module keywrap(
reg [31 : 0] key_reg [0 : 7];
reg key_we;
+ reg [31 : 0] api_rd_delay_reg;
+ reg [31 : 0] api_rd_delay_new;
reg valid_reg;
reg ready_reg;
@@ -198,23 +201,25 @@ module keywrap(
for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i = i + 1)
key_reg[i] <= 32'h0;
- init_reg <= 1'h0;
- next_reg <= 1'h0;
- encdec_reg <= 1'h0;
- keylen_reg <= 1'h0;
- r_bank_reg <= 7'h0;
- rlen_reg <= 13'h0;
- valid_reg <= 1'h0;
- ready_reg <= 1'h0;
- a0_reg <= 32'h0;
- a1_reg <= 32'h0;
+ init_reg <= 1'h0;
+ next_reg <= 1'h0;
+ encdec_reg <= 1'h0;
+ keylen_reg <= 1'h0;
+ r_bank_reg <= 7'h0;
+ rlen_reg <= 13'h0;
+ valid_reg <= 1'h0;
+ ready_reg <= 1'h0;
+ a0_reg <= 32'h0;
+ a1_reg <= 32'h0;
+ api_rd_delay_reg <= 32'h0;
- ready_reg <= core_ready;
- valid_reg <= core_valid;
- init_reg <= init_new;
- next_reg <= next_new;
+ ready_reg <= core_ready;
+ valid_reg <= core_valid;
+ init_reg <= init_new;
+ next_reg <= next_new;
+ api_rd_delay_reg <= api_rd_delay_new;
if (config_we)
@@ -247,17 +252,24 @@ module keywrap(
always @*
begin : api
- init_new = 1'h0;
- next_new = 1'h0;
- config_we = 1'h0;
- rlen_we = 1'h0;
- r_bank_we = 1'h0;
- key_we = 1'h0;
- core_api_we = 1'h0;
- a0_we = 1'h0;
- a1_we = 1'h0;
- tmp_read_data = 32'h0;
- tmp_error = 1'h0;
+ init_new = 1'h0;
+ next_new = 1'h0;
+ config_we = 1'h0;
+ rlen_we = 1'h0;
+ r_bank_we = 1'h0;
+ key_we = 1'h0;
+ core_api_we = 1'h0;
+ a0_we = 1'h0;
+ a1_we = 1'h0;
+ tmp_read_data = 32'h0;
+ tmp_error = 1'h0;
+ api_rd_delay_new = 32'h0;
+ // api_mux
+ if (address[7])
+ tmp_read_data = core_api_rd_data;
+ else
+ tmp_read_data = api_rd_delay_reg;
if (cs)
@@ -290,41 +302,38 @@ module keywrap(
if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
core_api_we = 1'h1;
end // if (we)
+ // Read access
if (address == ADDR_NAME0)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_NAME0;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_NAME0;
if (address == ADDR_NAME1)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_NAME1;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_NAME1;
if (address == ADDR_VERSION)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_VERSION;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_VERSION;
if (address == ADDR_CTRL)
- tmp_read_data = {28'h0, keylen_reg, encdec_reg, next_reg, init_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {28'h0, keylen_reg, encdec_reg, next_reg, init_reg};
if (address == ADDR_STATUS)
- tmp_read_data = {30'h0, valid_reg, ready_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {30'h0, valid_reg, ready_reg};
if (address == ADDR_RLEN)
- tmp_read_data = {19'h0, rlen_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {19'h0, rlen_reg};
if (address == ADDR_R_BANK)
- tmp_read_data = {25'h0, r_bank_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {25'h0, r_bank_reg};
if (address == ADDR_A0)
- tmp_read_data = core_a_result[63 : 32];
+ api_rd_delay_new = core_a_result[63 : 32];
if (address == ADDR_A1)
- tmp_read_data = core_a_result[31 : 0];
- if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
- tmp_read_data = core_api_rd_data;
- end
- end
- end // addr_decoder
+ api_rd_delay_new = core_a_result[31 : 0];
+ end // else: !if(we)
+ end // if (cs)
+ end // block: api
endmodule // keywrap
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
index c28b5a6..412bdb2 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
@@ -359,6 +359,28 @@ module tb_keywrap();
+ // test_core_access
+ // Simple test that we can perform read access to regs
+ // in the core.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ task test_core_access;
+ begin : test_core_access
+ $display("** TC test_core_access START.");
+ read_word(ADDR_NAME0);
+ $display("NAME0: %s", read_data);
+ read_word(ADDR_NAME1);
+ $display("NAME1: %s", read_data);
+ read_word(ADDR_VERSION);
+ $display("version: %s", read_data);
+ $display("");
+ $display("** TC test_core_access END.");
+ end
+ endtask // test_core_access
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
// test_kwp_ae_128_1
// Implements wrap test based on NIST KWP_AE 128 bit key
// with 248 bit plaintext.
@@ -949,6 +971,8 @@ module tb_keywrap();
+ test_core_access();