path: root/projects/bootloader/bootloader.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-28Fix the bootloader to accept firmware (with PIN login).Paul Selkirk
2016-06-07Check the HARDWARE_EARLY_DFU_JUMP flag as soon as possible in the boot process.Paul Selkirk
2016-05-27DFU working - but no signature validation for now.Fredrik Thulin
2016-05-26Implement a bootloader.Fredrik Thulin
/a> 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267
#!/usr/bin/env python

Securely back up private keys from one Cryptech HSM to another.

This works by having the destination HSM (the one importing keys)
create an RSA keypair (the "KEKEK"), the public key of which can then
be imported into the source HSM (the one exporting keys) and used to
encrypt AES key encryption keys (KEKs) which in turn can be used to
wrap the private keys being transfered.  Transfers are encoded in
JSON; the underlying ASN.1 formats are SubjectPublicKeyInfo (KEKEK
public key) and PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo (everything else).

NOTE WELL: while this process makes it POSSIBLE to back up keys
securely, it is not sufficient by itself: the operator MUST make
sure only to export keys using a KEKEK known to have been generated by
the target HSM.  See the unit tests in the source repository for
an example of how to fake this in a few lines of Python.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.  Be careful out there.

# Diagram of the trivial protocol we're using:
#    SOURCE HSM                            DESTINATION HSM
#                                          Generate and export KEKEK:
#                                               hal_rpc_pkey_generate_rsa()
#                                               hal_rpc_pkey_get_public_key()
#   Load KEKEK public        <---------    Export KEKEK public
#        hal_rpc_pkey_load()
#        hal_rpc_pkey_export()
#   Export PKCS #8 and KEK   ---------->   Load PKCS #8 and KEK, import key
#                                               hal_rpc_pkey_import()

import sys
import json
import uuid
import atexit
import getpass
import argparse

from cryptech.libhal import *

def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
        description = __doc__)
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
        title = "Commands (use \"--help\" after command name for help with individual commands)",
        metavar = "")
    setup_parser  = defcmd(subparsers, cmd_setup)
    export_parser = defcmd(subparsers, cmd_export)
    import_parser = defcmd(subparsers, cmd_import)
    setup_mutex_group = setup_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

        "-p", "--pin",
        help    = "wheel PIN")

        "-n", "--new",
        action  = "store_true",
        help    = "force creation of new KEKEK")

        "-u", "--uuid",
        help    = "UUID of existing KEKEK to use")

        "-k", "--keylen",
        type    = int,
        default = 2048,
        help    = "length of new KEKEK if we need to create one")

        "-o", "--output",
        type    = argparse.FileType("w"),
        default = "-",
        help    = "output file")

        "-i", "--input",
        type    = argparse.FileType("r"),
        default = "-",
        help    = "input file")

        "-o", "--output",
        type    = argparse.FileType("w"),
        default = "-",
        help    = "output file")

        "-i", "--input",
        type    = argparse.FileType("r"),
        default = "-",
        help    = "input file")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    hsm = HSM()

        hsm.login(HAL_USER_WHEEL, args.pin or getpass.getpass("Wheel PIN: "))

    except HALError as e:
        sys.exit("Couldn't log into HSM: {}".format(e))

        sys.exit(args.func(args, hsm))


def defcmd(subparsers, func):
    assert func.__name__.startswith("cmd_")
    subparser = subparsers.add_parser(func.__name__[4:],
                                      description = func.__doc__,
                                      help = func.__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0])
    subparser.set_defaults(func = func)
    return subparser

def b64(bytes):
    return bytes.encode("base64").splitlines()

def b64join(lines):
    return "".join(lines).decode("base64")

def cmd_setup(args, hsm):
    Set up backup HSM for subsequent import.
    Generates an RSA keypair with appropriate usage settings
    to use as a key-encryption-key-encryption-key (KEKEK), and
    writes the KEKEK to a JSON file for transfer to primary HSM.

    result = {}

    uuids = []
    if args.uuid:
    elif not args.new:
            type  = HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE,

    for uuid in uuids:
        with hsm.pkey_open(uuid) as kekek:
            if kekek.key_type != HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE:
                sys.stderr.write("Key {} is not an RSA private key\n".format(uuid))
            elif (kekek.key_flags & HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT) == 0:
                sys.stderr.write("Key {} does not allow key encipherment\n".format(uuid))
                result.update(kekek_uuid   = str(kekek.uuid),
                              kekek_pubkey = b64(kekek.public_key))

    if not result and not args.uuid:
        with hsm.pkey_generate_rsa(
                keylen = args.keylen,
                flags = HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT | HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN) as kekek:
            result.update(kekek_uuid   = str(kekek.uuid),
                          kekek_pubkey = b64(kekek.public_key))
    if not result:
        sys.exit("Could not find suitable KEKEK")

    result.update(comment = "KEKEK public key")
    json.dump(result, args.output, indent = 4, sort_keys = True)

def key_flag_names(flags):
    names = dict(digitalsignature = HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_DIGITALSIGNATURE,
                 keyencipherment  = HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT,
                 dataencipherment = HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_DATAENCIPHERMENT,
                 token            = HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN,
                 public           = HAL_KEY_FLAG_PUBLIC,
                 exportable       = HAL_KEY_FLAG_EXPORTABLE)
    return ", ".join(sorted(k for k, v in names.iteritems() if (flags & v) != 0))

def cmd_export(args, hsm):
    Export encrypted keys from primary HSM.
    Takes a JSON file containing KEKEK (generated by running this
    script's "setup" command against the backup HSM), installs that
    key on the primary HSM, and backs up keys encrypted to the KEKEK
    by writing them to another JSON file for transfer to the backup HSM.

    db = json.load(args.input)

    result = []

    kekek = None
        kekek = hsm.pkey_load(der   = b64join(db["kekek_pubkey"]),
                              flags = HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT)

        for uuid in hsm.pkey_match(mask  = HAL_KEY_FLAG_EXPORTABLE,
                                   flags = HAL_KEY_FLAG_EXPORTABLE):
            with hsm.pkey_open(uuid) as pkey:

                if pkey.key_type in (HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PRIVATE):
                    pkcs8, kek = kekek.export_pkey(pkey)
                        comment = "Encrypted private key",
                        pkcs8   = b64(pkcs8),
                        kek     = b64(kek),
                        uuid    = str(pkey.uuid),
                        flags   = pkey.key_flags))

                elif pkey.key_type in (HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC, HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PUBLIC):
                        comment = "Public key",
                        spki    = b64(pkey.public_key),
                        uuid    = str(pkey.uuid),
                        flags   = pkey.key_flags))

        if kekek is not None:

    db.update(comment = "Cryptech Alpha encrypted key backup",
              keys    = result)
    json.dump(db, args.output, indent = 4, sort_keys = True)

def cmd_import(args, hsm):
    Import encrypted keys into backup HSM.
    Takes a JSON file containing a key backup (generated by running
    this script's "export" command against the primary HSM) and imports
    keys into the backup HSM.

    db = json.load(args.input)
    with hsm.pkey_open(uuid.UUID(db["kekek_uuid"]).bytes) as kekek:
        for k in db["keys"]:
            pkcs8 = b64join(k.get("pkcs8", ""))
            spki  = b64join(k.get("spki",  ""))
            kek   = b64join(k.get("kek",   ""))
            flags =         k.get("flags",  0)
            if pkcs8 and kek:
                with kekek.import_pkey(pkcs8 = pkcs8, kek = kek, flags = flags) as pkey:
                    print "Imported {} as {}".format(k["uuid"], pkey.uuid)
            elif spki:
                with hsm.pkey_load(der = spki, flags = flags) as pkey:
                    print "Loaded {} as {}".format(k["uuid"], pkey.uuid)

if __name__ == "__main__":