path: root/libraries/mbed/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_CRYPTECH_ALPHA/stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-04-17Use default SysTick interrupt priority.Paul Selkirk
We really don't want SysTick_Handler, which runs the task scheduler, to run at a higher priority than SVC_Handler, which runs supposedly-atomic operations like mutex locking and unlocking. I've seen a mutex lock/unlock mismatch which I think is due to interrupting rt_mut_release at a particularly inopportune moment.
2016-05-23SDRAM initialization and test code from Pavel.Fredrik Thulin
Integrated into the cli-test program as such: cryptech> test sdram Initializing SDRAM Starting SDRAM test (n = 0) Run sequential write-then-read test for the first chip Run random write-then-read test for the first chip Run sequential write-then-read test for the second chip Run random write-then-read test for the second chip Run interleaved write-then-read test for both chips at once SDRAM test (n = 0) completed SDRAM test completed successfully cryptech>
2016-05-18FPGA config memory access code from Pavel.Fredrik Thulin
2016-05-16Add code to talk with the external RTC chip.Fredrik Thulin
2016-05-12Add build target for the alphaFredrik Thulin