path: root/toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc
diff options
authorJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2014-10-02 14:29:17 +0200
committerJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2014-10-02 14:29:17 +0200
commite594664728788ae4418614e4f1a8bcb48c3fd031 (patch)
treeb028e1366837838eb96a35c6dbbf10edbd3b2549 /toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc
parentfe96fc8106b88b26311a5f911f42c73c66b977d9 (diff)
Adding Quartus project files to build trng for TerasIC DE0 Nano board. This also includes a prebuilt config file.
Diffstat (limited to 'toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc b/toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac8536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolruns/quartus/terasic_de0_nano/trng.sdc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Version 13.1.2 Build 173 01/15/2014 SJ Web Edition
+# Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Altera Corporation
+# Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+# Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+# programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+# Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+# applicable agreement for further details.
+# Clock constraints
+create_clock -name "clk" -period 20.000ns [get_ports {clk}] -waveform {0.000 10.000}
+# Automatically constrain PLL and other generated clocks
+derive_pll_clocks -create_base_clocks
+# Automatically calculate clock uncertainty to jitter and other effects.
+# tsu/th constraints
+# tco constraints
+# tpd constraints