path: root/bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v
diff options
authorPavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1@yandex.ru>2019-10-01 15:01:43 +0300
committerPavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1@yandex.ru>2019-10-01 15:01:43 +0300
commit29fb6afd018c601a2e0c7376656d5e37beb565d6 (patch)
treedc11ee0c8e5a30113052254be23594da74a8a572 /bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v
parentec07464d239f7f6379a682ac57b58b863d3f0374 (diff)
Started working on the pipelined Montgomery modular multiplier. Currently can
do the "square" part of the multiplication, i.e. compute the twice larger intermediate product AB = A * B.
Diffstat (limited to 'bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v b/bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa25900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench/tb_mmm_x8_dual.v
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module tb_mmm_x8_dual;
+ //
+ // Headers
+ //
+ `include "../rtl/modexpng_parameters.vh"
+ `include "../rtl/modexpng_parameters_x8.vh"
+ //
+ // Settings
+ //
+ localparam INDEX_WIDTH = 6;
+ wire [INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] index_last = 31; // 512 bits
+ //
+ // Clock
+ //
+ `define CLK_FREQUENCY_MHZ 100.0
+ `define CLK_PERIOD_NS (1000.0 / `CLK_FREQUENCY_MHZ)
+ reg clk = 1'b0;
+ always begin
+ #`CLK_PERIOD_HALF_NS clk = 1'b1;
+ #`CLK_PERIOD_HALF_NS clk = 1'b0;
+ end
+ //
+ // Reset
+ //
+ reg rst = 1'b1;
+ wire rst_n = ~rst;
+ //
+ // Control
+ //
+ reg ena = 1'b0;
+ wire rdy;
+ reg mode;
+ reg transfer;
+ //
+ // Interface
+ //
+ //
+ // Interface - Data Buses
+ //
+ wire [NUM_MULTS*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] x_din;
+ wire [NUM_MULTS*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] y_din;
+ wire [NUM_MULTS*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] x_dout;
+ wire [NUM_MULTS*WORD_WIDTH-1:0] y_dout;
+ //
+ // Interface - Address Buses
+ //
+ wire [INDEX_WIDTH-4:0] x_din_addr;
+ wire [INDEX_WIDTH-4:0] y_din_addr;
+ wire [INDEX_WIDTH-4:0] x_dout_addr;
+ wire [INDEX_WIDTH-4:0] y_dout_addr;
+ //
+ // Interface - Enable Buses
+ //
+ wire [ 1-1:0] x_din_ena;
+ wire [ 1-1:0] y_din_ena;
+ wire [ 1-1:0] x_din_reg_ena;
+ wire [ 1-1:0] y_din_reg_ena;
+ wire [NUM_MULTS-1:0] x_dout_ena;
+ wire [NUM_MULTS-1:0] y_dout_ena;
+ //
+ // Interface - Bank Buses
+ //
+ wire [3-1:0] x_din_bank;
+ wire [3-1:0] y_din_bank;
+ wire [3-1:0] x_dout_bank;
+ wire [3-1:0] y_dout_bank;
+ //
+ // Operands
+ //
+ reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] T1[0:2**INDEX_WIDTH-1];
+ reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] T2[0:2**INDEX_WIDTH-1];
+ reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] N[0:2**INDEX_WIDTH-1];
+ //
+ // Memories
+ //
+ genvar z;
+ generate for (z=0; z<NUM_MULTS; z=z+1)
+ //
+ begin : gen_z_mem
+ //
+ modexpng_mem /*bram_1wo_1ro_readfirst_ce*/ #
+ (
+ )
+ gen_z_mem_x
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr ({x_dout_bank, x_dout_addr}),
+ .a_en (x_dout_ena[z]),
+ .a_wr (x_dout_ena[z]),
+ .a_in (x_dout[z*WORD_WIDTH+:WORD_WIDTH]),
+ .a_out (), // unused
+ .b_addr ({x_din_bank, x_din_addr}),
+ .b_en (x_din_ena),
+ .b_reg_en (x_din_reg_ena),
+ .b_out (x_din[z*WORD_WIDTH+:WORD_WIDTH])
+ );
+ //
+ modexpng_mem /*bram_1wo_1ro_readfirst_ce*/ #
+ (
+ )
+ gen_z_mem_y
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .a_addr ({y_dout_bank, y_dout_addr}),
+ .a_en (y_dout_ena[z]),
+ .a_wr (y_dout_ena[z]),
+ .a_in (y_dout[z*WORD_WIDTH+:WORD_WIDTH]),
+ .a_out (), // unused
+ .b_addr ({y_din_bank, y_din_addr}),
+ .b_en (y_din_ena),
+ .b_reg_en (y_din_reg_ena),
+ .b_out (y_din[z*WORD_WIDTH+:WORD_WIDTH])
+ );
+ //
+ end
+ //
+ endgenerate
+ // T1 / T2
+ // N / N_COEFF
+ // AB_LSB
+ // AB_MSB
+ // M
+ // Q_LSB
+ // Q_MSB
+ // ?
+ //
+ // Operands - Values
+ //
+ initial begin
+ //
+ T1[ 0] = 18'h0b27b; T1[ 1] = 18'h0fc7d; T1[ 2] = 18'h0a214; T1[ 3] = 18'h08d2b;
+ T1[ 4] = 18'h1c80c; T1[ 5] = 18'h145f1; T1[ 6] = 18'h00db6; T1[ 7] = 18'h1cf0f;
+ T1[ 8] = 18'h19386; T1[ 9] = 18'h02ad9; T1[10] = 18'h1a8b5; T1[11] = 18'h1479b;
+ T1[12] = 18'h08b5f; T1[13] = 18'h14806; T1[14] = 18'h0e6f7; T1[15] = 18'h0ce9d;
+ T1[16] = 18'h0cbc2; T1[17] = 18'h16ef1; T1[18] = 18'h0e14e; T1[19] = 18'h1796f;
+ T1[20] = 18'h14901; T1[21] = 18'h06666; T1[22] = 18'h0cb9f; T1[23] = 18'h09ab4;
+ T1[24] = 18'h12ffc; T1[25] = 18'h0a86d; T1[26] = 18'h19d35; T1[27] = 18'h0cda9;
+ T1[28] = 18'h16a19; T1[29] = 18'h09a36; T1[30] = 18'h0b176; T1[31] = 18'h0e0dc;
+ //
+ T2[ 0] = 18'h0b21a; T2[ 1] = 18'h13e71; T2[ 2] = 18'h03459; T2[ 3] = 18'h1063f;
+ T2[ 4] = 18'h18cef; T2[ 5] = 18'h1b8a5; T2[ 6] = 18'h082d1; T2[ 7] = 18'h1b1be;
+ T2[ 8] = 18'h18979; T2[ 9] = 18'h1409a; T2[10] = 18'h1713c; T2[11] = 18'h0cda3;
+ T2[12] = 18'h11c7d; T2[13] = 18'h0c943; T2[14] = 18'h12d7c; T2[15] = 18'h1531e;
+ T2[16] = 18'h0a45a; T2[17] = 18'h1c637; T2[18] = 18'h0906a; T2[19] = 18'h1670e;
+ T2[20] = 18'h12f78; T2[21] = 18'h08ce6; T2[22] = 18'h1c5c7; T2[23] = 18'h1292d;
+ T2[24] = 18'h0fc4b; T2[25] = 18'h064fb; T2[26] = 18'h0cc3c; T2[27] = 18'h19b37;
+ T2[28] = 18'h1b721; T2[29] = 18'h0f424; T2[30] = 18'h0f608; T2[31] = 18'h03e9b;
+ //
+ N[ 0] = 18'h00a9d; N[ 1] = 18'h01175; N[ 2] = 18'h0254f; N[ 3] = 18'h0ee38;
+ N[ 4] = 18'h00a6a; N[ 5] = 18'h0c7bd; N[ 6] = 18'h0ddac; N[ 7] = 18'h069fe;
+ N[ 8] = 18'h0e9d6; N[ 9] = 18'h0b6bf; N[10] = 18'h09230; N[11] = 18'h04fc5;
+ N[12] = 18'h05c9f; N[13] = 18'h09502; N[14] = 18'h0cbc5; N[15] = 18'h03109;
+ N[16] = 18'h08029; N[17] = 18'h0b27c; N[18] = 18'h0eeb8; N[19] = 18'h0c191;
+ N[20] = 18'h0ff86; N[21] = 18'h027ab; N[22] = 18'h07d76; N[23] = 18'h0ff1a;
+ N[24] = 18'h02afc; N[25] = 18'h0b25a; N[26] = 18'h0d3c1; N[27] = 18'h05589;
+ N[28] = 18'h09f7c; N[29] = 18'h0ddd6; N[30] = 18'h0b4fc; N[31] = 18'h0e8e7;
+ //
+ N_COEFF[ 0] = 18'h0344b; N_COEFF[ 1] = 18'h0ca66; N_COEFF[ 2] = 18'h0d9e8; N_COEFF[ 3] = 18'h070d5;
+ N_COEFF[ 4] = 18'h0ce4b; N_COEFF[ 5] = 18'h049b2; N_COEFF[ 6] = 18'h0abb3; N_COEFF[ 7] = 18'h0c3b2;
+ N_COEFF[ 8] = 18'h0ad38; N_COEFF[ 9] = 18'h05672; N_COEFF[10] = 18'h0fd47; N_COEFF[11] = 18'h06671;
+ N_COEFF[12] = 18'h00b7f; N_COEFF[13] = 18'h0fa35; N_COEFF[14] = 18'h0d4ac; N_COEFF[15] = 18'h0f1ca;
+ N_COEFF[16] = 18'h08e0a; N_COEFF[17] = 18'h05858; N_COEFF[18] = 18'h02dc6; N_COEFF[19] = 18'h08cfc;
+ N_COEFF[20] = 18'h01941; N_COEFF[21] = 18'h0f855; N_COEFF[22] = 18'h01e43; N_COEFF[23] = 18'h053f0;
+ N_COEFF[24] = 18'h0a479; N_COEFF[25] = 18'h0ae7e; N_COEFF[26] = 18'h05c66; N_COEFF[27] = 18'h02413;
+ N_COEFF[28] = 18'h0b5f8; N_COEFF[29] = 18'h0eb06; N_COEFF[30] = 18'h0de5b; N_COEFF[31] = 18'h0a751;
+ N_COEFF[32] = 18'h0c1ec;
+ //
+ end
+ //
+ // Load Interface
+ //
+ wire load_phase;
+ wire [ INDEX_WIDTH:0] load_xy_addr;
+ wire load_xy_addr_vld;
+ wire load_xy_req;
+ reg [ WORD_WIDTH-1:0] load_x_din;
+ reg [ WORD_WIDTH-1:0] load_y_din;
+ reg [ WORD_WIDTH-1:0] load_x_pipe;
+ reg [ WORD_WIDTH-1:0] load_y_pipe;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ //
+ if (load_xy_addr_vld) begin
+ if (!load_phase) begin
+ load_x_pipe <= T1[load_xy_addr];
+ load_y_pipe <= T2[load_xy_addr];
+ end else begin
+ load_x_pipe <= !load_xy_addr[INDEX_WIDTH] ? N[load_xy_addr] : {WORD_WIDTH{1'bX}};
+ load_y_pipe <= N_COEFF[load_xy_addr];
+ end
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ //
+ if (load_xy_req)
+ {load_y_din, load_x_din} <= {load_y_pipe, load_x_pipe};
+ else
+ {load_y_din, load_x_din} <= {2*WORD_WIDTH{1'bX}};
+ //
+ // UUT
+ //
+ modexpng_mmm_x8_dual #
+ (
+ )
+ uut
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .rst_n (rst_n),
+ .ena (ena),
+ .rdy (rdy),
+ .mode (mode),
+ .transfer (transfer),
+ .index_last (index_last),
+ .x_din (x_din),
+ .y_din (y_din),
+ .x_dout (x_dout),
+ .y_dout (y_dout),
+ .x_din_addr (x_din_addr),
+ .y_din_addr (y_din_addr),
+ .x_dout_addr (x_dout_addr),
+ .y_dout_addr (y_dout_addr),
+ .x_din_ena (x_din_ena),
+ .y_din_ena (y_din_ena),
+ .x_dout_ena (x_dout_ena),
+ .y_dout_ena (y_dout_ena),
+ .x_din_reg_ena (x_din_reg_ena),
+ .y_din_reg_ena (y_din_reg_ena),
+ .x_din_bank (x_din_bank),
+ .y_din_bank (y_din_bank),
+ .x_dout_bank (x_dout_bank),
+ .y_dout_bank (y_dout_bank),
+ .load_phase (load_phase),
+ .load_xy_addr (load_xy_addr),
+ .load_xy_addr_vld (load_xy_addr_vld),
+ .load_xy_req (load_xy_req),
+ .load_x_din (load_x_din),
+ .load_y_din (load_y_din)
+ );
+ //
+ // Script
+ //
+ initial begin
+ #(100.0*`CLK_PERIOD_NS) rst = 1'b0;
+ #(100.0*`CLK_PERIOD_NS) ena = 1'b1;
+ transfer = 1'b1;
+ mode = 1'b0;
+ #( 1.0*`CLK_PERIOD_NS) ena = 1'b0;
+ transfer = 1'bX;
+ mode = 1'bX;
+ while (!rdy) #`CLK_PERIOD_NS;
+ #(100.0*`CLK_PERIOD_NS) ena = 1'b1;
+ transfer = 1'b0;
+ mode = 1'b0;
+ #( 1.0*`CLK_PERIOD_NS) ena = 1'b0;
+ transfer = 1'bX;
+ mode = 1'bX;
+ while (!rdy) #`CLK_PERIOD_NS;
+ end