core/math/modexpng"Next-generation" modular exponentiation using specialized DSP slices present in...4 years
user/shatov/modexpng"Next-generation" modular exponentiation using the specialized DSP slices presen...4 years
sw/thirdparty/ekermit(Old) EKermit library once considered for HSM firmware uploads8 years
sw/thirdparty/sqlite3(Old) SQLite3 port once used by Cryptech PKCS #118 years
core/cipher/aes_speed(Old) Verilog implementation of the symmetric block cipher AES (Advanced Encrypt...6 years
sw/cryptlib(Old) port of cryptlib to Novena8 years
core/comm/uartA Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) implemented in Verilog8 years
core/util/keywrapAES KEY WRAP as defined in RFC 33944 years
user/js/keywrapAES KEY WRAP as defined in RFC 33945 years
core/comm/i2cAn I2C slave implemented in Verilog8 years
user/ft/bootstrapBootstrap scripts used with the Alpha board8 years
core/math/ecdsalibCode common to the ecdsa256 and ecdsa384 cores5 years
core/libCommon modules instantiated by other cores (math operations, etc)3 years
user/sra/pelicanConvert to markdown with pelican
test/coretest_bp_entropyCoretest System for testing FPGA based entropy source developed by Bernd Paysan10 years
test/coretest_test_coreCoretest module combined with the test_core as a test module9 years
test/novena_i2c_simpleCoretest system for Novena PVT1, over I2C, with simplified user interface9 years
test/coretest_fpga_entropyCoretest system for testing FPGA based entropy source10 years
user/jakob/benchmarkCryptech Benchmark8 years
sw/stm32Cryptech HSM on STM-32 ARM processor3 years
test/novena_baseCryptech Novena FPGA baseline9 years
sw/thirdparty/libtfmCryptech build of Tom's Fast Math bignum library4 years
wikiCryptech developers pseudo-wiki source, see months
sw/libhalCryptech libhal: crypto software, HSM management, RPC2 years
sw/tamperCryptech prototype tamper protection software8 years
user/ft/tamperCryptech tamper detection8 years
user/jakob/tamperCryptech tamper detection8 years
user/ln5/tamperCryptech tamper detection8 years
user/shatov/fmc-testDemo program for stm32-dev-bridge board to test FMC arbiter in Novena's on-board...9 years
doc/designDesign documentation8 years
core/rng/rosc_entropyDigital entropy source based on on jitter between multiple, digital ring oscilla...5 years
core/rng/avalanche_entropyEntropy provider core for an external avalanche noise based entropy source6 years
user/sra/openssl-engineExamples using OpenSSL over Cryptech HSM via PKCS 11 and OpenSSL ENGINE API7 years
test/novena_trngExperimental HW system for the Novena platform9 years
test/novena_entropyExperimental HW system for the Novena platform9 years
test/external_avalanche_entropyExternal Avalanche Entropy9 years
user/shatov/novena-fmc-arbiterFMC interface arbiter for Novena's on-board Spartan-6 FPGA9 years
user/js/fpga_mkmFPGA-based active Master Key Memory (MKM)5 years
gitolite-adminGitolite administration repository. Sysadmins only.3 years
core/util/mkmifMaster Key Memory Interface8 years
user/js/mkmifMaster Key Memory Interface6 years
user/shatov/modexpng_fpga_modelMath model of ModExpNG IP core3 years
core/math/modexpModular exponentiation core8 years
core/math/modexpa7Modular exponentiation using the Artix-7 FPGA5 years
sw/pkcs11PKCS #11 library for Cryptech on top of libhal RPC2 years
core/platform/alphaPlatform-specific files for the Cryptech Alpha board3 years
core/platform/novenaPlatform-specific files for the Novena PVT15 years
core/platform/terasic_c5gPlatform-specific files for the TerasIC C5G development board8 years
doc/presentationsPresentations about the Cryptech project and the Cryptech HSM design9 years
user/sra/aes-keywrapPrototype implementation of AES-Keywrap6 years