#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from os import getenv if getenv("CRYPTECH_WIKI_PRODUCTION_BUILD"): SITEURL = "https://wiki.cryptech.is/" RELATIVE_URLS = False else: SITEURL = "" RELATIVE_URLS = True del getenv AUTHOR = "Cryptech Core Team" SITENAME = "Cryptech Project" PATH = "content" TIMEZONE = "UTC" DEFAULT_LANG = "en" # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing #FEED_ALL_ATOM = None #CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None #TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None #AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None #AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 THEME = "m.css/pelican-theme" THEME_STATIC_DIR = "static" M_LINKS_NAVBAR1 = [ ("Repositories", "https://git.cryptech.is/", "git", []), ("Documents", "presentations-and-design-documents.html", "documents", []), ("Mailing Lists", "mailing-lists.html", "mailinglists", []), ("Archives", "archives.html", "archives", []), ] M_CSS_FILES = [ "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,400i,600,600i%7CSource+Code+Pro:400,400i,600", "/static/m-dark.css" ] M_HIDE_ARTICLE_SUMMARY = True M_THEME_COLOR = "#22272e" PLUGIN_PATHS = ["m.css/plugins"] PLUGINS = ["m.htmlsanity"] # Per https://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/faq.html#how-can-i-use-a-static-page-as-my-home-page INDEX_SAVE_AS = "pelican-index.html" # https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/settings.html#url-settings # Fiddle with names to so that /Foo will do the right thing even when # /Foo/ is a directory with supporting content. ARTICLE_URL = "{slug}" ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = "{slug}/index.html" PAGE_URL = "pages/{slug}" PAGE_SAVE_AS = "pages/{slug}/index.html" # Enable Markdown tables support. MARKDOWN = { "extension_configs": { "markdown.extensions.codehilite": {"css_class": "highlight"}, "markdown.extensions.extra": {}, "markdown.extensions.meta": {}, "markdown.extensions.tables": {}, }, "output_format": "html5", }