Slug: Requirements Title: HSM Requirements Date: 2016-12-15 22:39 Requirements for the Cryptech Alpha System. Derived from Use Cases (see below). There are also utility, internal requirements (again, see below). ## Capacity ### Per key storage requirements In addition to the actual key data, each key requires - Key type – 4 bytes - Key identifier – 4 bytes - Key flags, e.g. exportable – 8 bytes This results a total 16 bytes overhead for each key. ### Examples per algorithm (For RSA, we might also want to include the primes p and q might also be included which requires additional storage.) - RSA-8192 requires 1024 bytes secret key, 1024 bytes public key + 4 bytes exponent + 16 bytes overhead = 2068 bytes - RSA-4096 requires 512 bytes secret key, 512 bytes public key + 4 bytes exponent + 16 bytes overhead = 1044 bytes - RSA-2048 requires 256 bytes secret key, 256 bytes public key + 4 bytes exponent + 16 bytes overhead = 532 bytes - EC P-256 requires 32 bytes secret key, 64 bytes public key + 16 bytes overhead = 112 bytes - EC P-384 requires 48 bytes secret key, 96 bytes public key + 16 bytes overhead = 160 bytes - Curve 25519 requires 32 bytes secret key, 32 bytes public key + 16 bytes overhead = 80 bytes ## Use Cases ### DNSSEC #### Number of keys - TLD (or provider using key sharing) requires ~ 100 key pairs - 3 KSK per zone (previous, current, new) - 3 ZSK per zone (previous, current, new) #### Possibly dual algorithms - A typical TLD operator usually has less than 10 TLDs - Other DNS providers may use key sharing to limit number of keys required #### Algorithms - RSA-1024/SHA-256 - RSA-2048/SHA-256 - EC-P256/SHA-256 #### Performance Each update to a zone requires 3-4 signatures (per algorithm) - Resign SOA (signed by ZSK) - Resign updated RR (signed by ZSK) - Resign NSEC/NSEC3 (signed by ZSK), may require multiple signatures Non-interactive latency (batch), dynamic updates may require faster signing ### SAML #### Number of keys SAML federation operator requires max 10 key pairs (including space for roll) #### Algorithms - RSA-2048/SHA-256 #### Performance - Non-interactive latency (batch) - non-MDX: … - Interactive latency - MDX: … ### PKIX (including RPKI) #### Number of keys - Typical Certification Authority ~ 10 key pairs - CA key, OCSP, CRL per level in the CA - Root CA is one level - For subordinate CAs, perhaps 2-5 CAs in a HSM is reasonable? #### Algorithms - RSA-2048/SHA-256 - RSA-4096/SHA-256 - RSA-4096/SHA-512 ? - EC-P256/SHA-256 #### Performance - Non-interactive latency - Root CA: Less than 1 signature per day - Issuing CA: One signature per issued certificate - CRL: Less than 1 signature per hour - Interactive latency - OCSP: Multiple signatures per second ### Tor Requirements according to (section 1): #### Number of keys - 1 private key - 10 public keys #### Algorithms - RSA-2048/SHA-1 ? - RSA-2048/SHA-256 - RSA-4096/SHA-256 ? - RSA-4096/SHA-512 ? #### Performance - 2 signatures per hour - 20 verification operations per hour - 1 second max latency for RSA-2048 based verification ### Certificate Transparency (CT) #### Number of keys CT requires 1 key (ECDSA or RSA) per log #### Algorithms - RSA-2048/SHA-256 - RSA-4096/SHA-256 ? - RSA-4096/SHA-512 ? - EC-P256/SHA-256 #### Performance - A Certificate Transparency log uses one ECDSA or one RSA key to sign two separate documents: - STH's might need to be signed once per hour - SCT's might need to be signed once per second (*) See RFC 6962, section 2.1.4 – ## Internal Functional Requirements ### Algorithms and functions - Key wrapping using AES-256 with SIV, - Internal Storage Master Key (ISMK) in battery backed RAM connected to FPGA - Battery connection controlled by tamper mechanism - Active erasure controlled by tamper mechanism - 32-bit high quality random number generation ### PKCS11 The following PKCS11 mechanisms are required to fulfill the aforementioned use cases: - RSA - CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN - CKM_RSA_PKCS - CKM_RSA_X_509 ? - CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS - CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS ? - ECDSA - CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN - CKM_ECDSA - AES - … TBD … - Random - … TBD … - Key Wrapping - … TBD … - Hash - CKM_SHA256 - CKM_SHA512 (?)