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Math model of ModExpNG IP core. The model mimics how an FPGA does modular exponentiation.

First use the scripts from the vector/ folder to generate and format a keypair vector, then edit the DUMP_* switches in modexpng_fpga_model.py to dump the desired internal values. The FORCE_OVERFLOW setting artificially forces the virtually neven seen internal interim overflow situation and allows its handler to be tested. You can also un-comment the _#c.dump_banks()_ line and move it anywhere within _sign_using_crt()_ and/or _sign_without_crt()_ to dump the contents of entire core's memory.

``` [[RepositoryIndex(format=table,glob=user/shatov/modexpng_fpga_model)]] | Clone `https://git.cryptech.is/user/shatov/modexpng_fpga_model.git` | |---|