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Work-in-progress repository with output of altium2kicad conversion of the Cryptech Alpha rev03 board.

The conversion was done using 'convert.sh', with the Altium Designer project files from


and the altium2kicad project from


Current status

NOTE: The latest stable KiCAD version as of this writing is 4.0.7 - it does NOT include necessary support for stitching vias. Install KiCAD nightly build to work with the Cryptech Alpha PCB.

The schematics are mostly converted. A few components do not connect with their nets (e.g. C9 and C10 on sheet rev02_01), but maybe a manual overhaul will be needed anyways at the end of conversion. A bigger issue is that no components get footprints associated with them in the schema, so generating a new netlist won't work at all. The footprints exists in some form in the PCB, so we only need to figure out how to reference them properly in the schema.

All the copper layers convert reasonably well. The challenges are mostly around filled polygons on the various layers. A python script (fix-pcb.py) modifies parameters to get a fairly close result.

I'm currently looking into ensuring the drill hole sizes are right, and the non-copper layers have been largely ignored this far.


Two layers (Altium Gerber files CrypTech.G1 and CrypTech.G2) have fills that I have not been able to reproduce. I targeted not missing any copper, accepting that the KiCAD gerber fills reach more places, so add some copper on those layers.

Drill hole sizes have not been checked. KiCAD seems to add ~0.85 mil more clearance around vias. This needs to be double checked but I'm hoping that we can just tolerate that.

Importing WRL files (3D models) required some hacking of the altium2kicad tool that I haven't been able to work on upstreaming yet. Something is still not right here, but the board does have a fair amount of component (including the more special ones) in KiCAD 3D view.

Another hack that has not been upstreamed is loading more of the source files, IIRC to get all component footprints properly converted.

The KiCAD board does not pass DRC checks yet. I believe part of this is because design rule settings aren't (fully?) imported from Altium. Need to figure out the settings used for this project, and fix all drill sizes I think.

``` [[RepositoryIndex(format=table,glob=user/ft/alpha_to_kicad)]] | Clone `https://git.cryptech.is/user/ft/alpha_to_kicad.git` | |---|