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Verilog implementation of the SHA-1 cryptgraphic hash function. The functionality follows the specification in NIST FIPS 180-4.

The sha1 design is divided into the following sections.

The actual core consists of the following RTL files:

The main core functionality is in the sha1_core file. The file sha1_w_mem contains the message block memory W (see FIPS 180-4). The top level entity is called sha1_core. The sha1_core module has wide interfaces (512 bit block input, 160 bit digest). In order to make it usable you probably want to wrap the core with a bus interface.

The file sha1.v contains a top level wrapper that provides a simple interface with 32-bit data access . This interface contains mesage block and digest registers to allow a host to load the next block while the current block is being processed.


The following list contains the address map for all registers implemented by the sha1 top level wrapper:

address name access description
0x00 name0 R "SHA1"
0x01 name1 R " "
0x02 version R "0.50"
0x08 control R/W Control of core. Bit 0: init, Bit 1: next
0x09 status R/W Status of core. Bit 0: Ready, Bit 1: valid data
0x10 block0 R/W data block register
0x11 block1 R/W data block register
0x12 block2 R/W data block register
0x13 block3 R/W data block register
0x14 block4 R/W data block register
0x15 block5 R/W data block register
0x16 block6 R/W data block register
0x17 block7 R/W data block register
0x18 block8 R/W data block register
0x19 block9 R/W data block register
0x1a block10 R/W data block register
0x1b block11 R/W data block register
0x1c block12 R/W data block register
0x1d block13 R/W data block register
0x1e block14 R/W data block register
0x1f block15 R/W data block register
0x20 digest0 R/W digest register
0x21 digest1 R/W digest register
0x22 digest2 R/W digest register
0x23 digest3 R/W digest register
0x24 digest4 R/W digest register

Implementation details

The implementation is iterative with one cycle/round. The initialization takes one cycle. The W memory is based around a sliding window of 16 32-bit registers that are updated in sync with the round processing. The total latency/message block is 82 cycles.

All registers have asynchronous reset.

The design has been implemented and tested on TerasIC DE0-Nano and C5G FPGA boards.


The design has been implemented and extensively been tested on TerasIC DE0-Nano and C5G FPGA boards. The core has also been tested using SW running on The Novena CPU talking to the core in the Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA.


Altera Cyclone FPGAs

Implementation results using Altera Quartus-II 13.1.

Altera Cyclone IV E

Altera Cyclone IV GX

Altera Cyclone V

Xilinx FPGAs

Implementation results using ISE 14.7.

* Xilinx Spartan-6 *


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