path: root/KiCAD/rev02_11.sch-bak
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'KiCAD/rev02_11.sch-bak')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 465 deletions
diff --git a/KiCAD/rev02_11.sch-bak b/KiCAD/rev02_11.sch-bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 278883c..0000000
--- a/KiCAD/rev02_11.sch-bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 4
-$Descr B 17000 11000
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 12 27
-Title "rev04_11"
-Date "15 10 2016"
-Rev ""
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-Text Notes 2650 3830 0 84 ~ 17
-Panic button
-Text Notes 7050 3750 0 84 ~ 17
-Expansion GPIO
-Text Notes 6580 1680 0 60 ~ 12
-Connector for external 3V3 battery.\nPlace a jumper between pins 1-2\nto "emulate" having a battery present.
-Text Notes 10250 1060 0 84 ~ 17
-Tamper detection supporting circuitry
-Text Notes 8150 3950 2 60 ~ 12
-Text Notes 8150 5200 2 60 ~ 12
-Text Notes 2850 4000 0 60 ~ 12
-Text Notes 8200 2150 2 60 ~ 12
-Text Notes 8200 2680 2 60 ~ 12
-L power:GND #GND_082
-U 1 1 58023FA8
-P 8150 8150
-F 0 "#GND_082" H 8150 8150 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 8150 8080 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8150 8150 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8150 8150 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 8150 8150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L power:GND #GND_083
-U 1 1 58023FA7
-P 7550 5150
-F 0 "#GND_083" H 7550 5150 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 7550 5080 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7550 5150 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7550 5150 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 7550 5150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L power:GND #GND_084
-U 1 1 58023FA6
-P 3850 5200
-F 0 "#GND_084" H 3850 5200 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 3850 5130 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3850 5200 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3850 5200 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 3850 5200
- 1 0 0 -1
-L power:GND #GND_085
-U 1 1 58023FA5
-P 7600 2750
-F 0 "#GND_085" H 7600 2750 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 7600 2680 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7600 2750 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7600 2750 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 7600 2750
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:3V3_BATT #3V3_BATT_06
-U 1 1 58023FA4
-P 7100 2150
-F 0 "#3V3_BATT_06" H 7100 2150 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3_BATT" H 7100 2080 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7100 2150 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7100 2150 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 7100 2150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:VCCO_3V3 #VCCO_3V3_019
-U 1 1 58023FA3
-P 7600 2150
-F 0 "#VCCO_3V3_019" H 7600 2150 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 7600 2080 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7600 2150 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7600 2150 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 7600 2150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L power:GND #GND_086
-U 1 1 58023FA2
-P 6650 5150
-F 0 "#GND_086" H 6650 5150 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 6650 5080 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6650 5150 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6650 5150 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 6650 5150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:3V3_BATT #3V3_BATT_07
-U 1 1 58023FA1
-P 2450 4300
-F 0 "#3V3_BATT_07" H 2450 4300 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3_BATT" H 2450 4230 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2450 4300 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2450 4300 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 2450 4300
- 1 0 0 -1
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7650 8050 7650
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7850 8150 7950
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7750 8150 7850
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7650 8150 7750
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7750 7850 7750
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7950 7850 7950
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7850 8050 7850
-Wire Wire Line
- 8150 7950 8150 8150
-Connection ~ 8150 7850
-Connection ~ 8150 7750
-Connection ~ 8150 7950
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 5050 7550 5050
-Wire Wire Line
- 7550 5050 7550 5150
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4500 3750 4500
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4500 3850 4700
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4700 3850 5000
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 5000 3850 5200
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4700 3750 4700
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 5000 3450 5000
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4200 3450 4200
-Wire Wire Line
- 3850 4200 3850 4500
-Connection ~ 3850 4700
-Connection ~ 3850 5000
-Connection ~ 3850 4500
-Wire Wire Line
- 7800 2550 7600 2550
-Wire Wire Line
- 7600 2550 7600 2750
-Wire Wire Line
- 6650 4750 6650 5150
-Wire Wire Line
- 7800 2450 7100 2450
-Wire Wire Line
- 7100 2150 7100 2450
-Wire Wire Line
- 2450 4300 2450 4400
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 7650 7450 7650
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 7850 7450 7850
-Wire Wire Line
- 7550 7950 7140 7950
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4250 7350 4250
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4350 7350 4350
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4450 7350 4450
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4550 7350 4550
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4650 7350 4650
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4750 7350 4750
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4850 7350 4850
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4950 7350 4950
-Wire Wire Line
- 2850 5000 2450 5000
-Wire Wire Line
- 2450 5000 2150 5000
-Wire Wire Line
- 2450 4800 2450 5000
-Text Label 2150 5000 0 48 ~ 0
-Connection ~ 2450 5000
-Wire Wire Line
- 7800 2350 7600 2350
-Wire Wire Line
- 7600 2150 7600 2350
-Wire Wire Line
- 6650 4050 6650 4150
-Wire Wire Line
- 7750 4150 6650 4150
-Wire Wire Line
- 6650 4150 6650 4450
-Connection ~ 6650 4150
-L Cryptech_Alpha:LEDCHIP-LED0603 LED10
-U 1 1 58023F9E
-P 7650 7950
-F 0 "LED10" V 7620 7266 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "LTST-C191KRKT" V 7610 6760 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:VD_0603" H 7610 6760 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7610 6760 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7650 7950
- 0 -1 -1 0
-L Cryptech_Alpha:M10LOCK JP5
-U 1 1 58023F9D
-P 8150 4850
-F 0 "JP5" H 8430 5280 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "~" H 8150 4850 50 0001 C CNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:HDR1X10" H 8430 5280 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8150 4850 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 8150 4850
- -1 0 0 1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:TACTILE_SWITCH S2
-U 1 1 58023F9C
-P 3150 4600
-F 0 "S2" H 3770 4710 60 0000 L BNN
-F 1 "EVQPT9A15" H 2850 5070 60 0000 L BNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:TACTILE_SWITCH" H 2850 5070 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2850 5070 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 3150 4600
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:M03LOCK JP4
-U 1 1 58023F9B
-P 8100 2450
-F 0 "JP4" H 8280 2780 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "~" H 8100 2450 50 0001 C CNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:PLS-3" H 8280 2780 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8100 2450 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 8100 2450
- -1 0 0 1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:C-EUC0402 C105
-U 1 1 58023F9A
-P 6650 4550
-F 0 "C105" H 6240 4500 60 0000 L BNN
-F 1 "0.1uF" H 6230 4390 60 0000 L BNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:C_0402" H 6230 4390 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6230 4390 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 6650 4550
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R82
-U 1 1 58023F99
-P 2450 4600
-F 0 "R82" V 2421 4947 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "15k" V 2310 4950 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 2310 4950 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2310 4950 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 2450 4600
- 0 -1 -1 0
-L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R96
-U 1 1 58023F98
-P 7250 7650
-F 0 "R96" H 7340 7470 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "330" H 7350 7560 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 7350 7560 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7350 7560 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7250 7650
- -1 0 0 1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R31
-U 1 1 58023F96
-P 7250 7850
-F 0 "R31" H 6930 7460 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "330" H 6940 7550 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 6940 7550 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6940 7550 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7250 7850
- -1 0 0 1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R97
-U 1 1 58023F95
-P 6940 7950
-F 0 "R97" H 7030 8120 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "330" H 7040 8210 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 7040 8210 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7040 8210 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 6940 7950
- -1 0 0 1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:LEDCHIP-LED0603 LED11
-U 1 1 58023F8F
-P 7850 7650
-F 0 "LED11" V 7820 7166 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "LTST-C193TBKT-5A" V 7810 6660 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:VD_0603" H 7810 6660 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7810 6660 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7850 7650
- 0 -1 -1 0
-L Cryptech_Alpha:LEDCHIP-LED0603 LED9
-U 1 1 58023F8E
-P 7650 7750
-F 0 "LED9" V 7620 7060 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "LTST-C191KGKT" V 7605 6566 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:VD_0603" H 7605 6566 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7605 6566 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7650 7750
- 0 -1 -1 0
-L Cryptech_Alpha:LEDCHIP-LED0603 LED12
-U 1 1 58023F8D
-P 7850 7850
-F 0 "LED12" V 7820 7366 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "LTST-C191KSKT" V 7810 6870 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:VD_0603" H 7810 6870 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7810 6870 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7850 7850
- 0 -1 -1 0
-NoConn ~ 2850 4200
-L power:PWR_FLAG #FLG0108
-U 1 1 5AF61081
-P 7100 2450
-F 0 "#FLG0108" H 7100 2525 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "PWR_FLAG" V 7100 2578 50 0000 L CNN
-F 2 "" H 7100 2450 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7100 2450 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 7100 2450
- 0 -1 -1 0
-Connection ~ 7100 2450
-Text Notes 2350 1450 0 60 ~ 12
-Generic jumper (can potentially be used to\ncontrol access to something, that requires\nphysicaly opening the case).
-Text Notes 2950 2500 1 60 ~ 12
-Text Notes 3220 2500 1 60 ~ 12
-L power:GND #GND_?
-U 1 1 5F27A88A
-P 3050 2700
-AR Path="/57D8509E/5F27A88A" Ref="#GND_?" Part="1"
-AR Path="/57D84FAD/5F27A88A" Ref="#GND_0246" Part="1"
-F 0 "#GND_0246" H 3050 2700 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+GND" H 3050 2630 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3050 2700 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3050 2700 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 3050 2700
- 1 0 0 -1
-Wire Wire Line
- 3050 2600 3050 2700
-L Cryptech_Alpha:JP1Q JP?
-U 1 1 5F27A891
-P 3050 2300
-AR Path="/57D8509E/5F27A891" Ref="JP?" Part="1"
-AR Path="/57D84FAD/5F27A891" Ref="JP3" Part="1"
-F 0 "JP3" H 3155 2330 60 0000 L BNN
-F 1 "~" H 3050 2300 50 0001 C CNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:PLS-2" H 3155 2330 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3050 2300 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 3050 2300
- 1 0 0 -1
-L Cryptech_Alpha:3V3_BATT #3V3_BATT_0108
-U 1 1 5F27D3E9
-P 6650 4050
-F 0 "#3V3_BATT_0108" H 6650 4050 20 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3_BATT" H 6650 3980 30 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6650 4050 70 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6650 4050 70 0000 C CNN
- 1 6650 4050
- 1 0 0 -1
-Wire Wire Line
- 3050 2000 3050 1800
-Wire Wire Line
- 3050 1800 2250 1800
-Text Label 2350 1800 0 50 ~ 0
-Text Notes 7000 7100 0 84 ~ 17
-Status LEDs
-Text GLabel 6450 7650 0 50 Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 6450 7750 0 50 Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 6450 7850 0 50 Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 6450 7950 0 50 Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 2250 1800 0 50 Output ~ 0
-Text GLabel 2150 5000 0 50 Output ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
- 7050 7650 6450 7650
-L Cryptech_Alpha:R-EU_R0402 R95
-U 1 1 58023F97
-P 6950 7750
-F 0 "R95" H 7080 7470 60 0000 R TNN
-F 1 "330" H 7090 7560 60 0000 R TNN
-F 2 "Cryptech_Alpha_Footprints:R_0402" H 7090 7560 60 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7090 7560 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 6950 7750
- -1 0 0 1
-Wire Wire Line
- 7150 7750 7550 7750
-Wire Wire Line
- 6750 7750 6450 7750
-Wire Wire Line
- 6450 7850 7050 7850
-Wire Wire Line
- 6740 7950 6450 7950
-Text GLabel 7350 4250 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4350 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4450 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4550 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4650 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4750 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4850 0 50 BiDi ~ 0
-Text GLabel 7350 4950 0 50 BiDi ~ 0