//====================================================================== // // tb_keywrap.v // ------------ // Testbench for the keywrap top level wrapper (and core). // // // Author: Joachim Strombergson // Copyright (c) 2018, NORDUnet A/S // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // - Neither the name of the NORDUnet nor the names of its contributors may // be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //====================================================================== module tb_keywrap(); parameter DEBUG = 0; parameter DUMP_TOP = 0; parameter DUMP_CORE = 0; parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1; parameter CLK_PERIOD = 2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD; parameter ADDR_BITS = 13; parameter MEM_BASE = {1'h1, {(ADDR_BITS - 1){1'h0}}}; // API for the core. localparam ADDR_NAME0 = 8'h00; localparam ADDR_NAME1 = 8'h01; localparam ADDR_VERSION = 8'h02; localparam ADDR_CTRL = 8'h08; localparam CTRL_INIT_BIT = 0; localparam CTRL_NEXT_BIT = 1; localparam CTRL_ZEROISE_BIT = 2; localparam ADDR_STATUS = 8'h09; localparam STATUS_READY_BIT = 0; localparam STATUS_VALID_BIT = 1; localparam STATUS_LOADED_BIT = 2; localparam ADDR_CONFIG = 8'h0a; localparam CTRL_ENCDEC_BIT = 0; localparam CTRL_KEYLEN_BIT = 1; localparam ADDR_TIMEOUT = 8'h0b; localparam ADDR_RLEN = 8'h0c; localparam ADDR_R_BANK = 8'h0d; localparam ADDR_A0 = 8'h0e; localparam ADDR_A1 = 8'h0f; localparam ADDR_KEY0 = 8'h10; localparam ADDR_KEY1 = 8'h11; localparam ADDR_KEY2 = 8'h12; localparam ADDR_KEY3 = 8'h13; localparam ADDR_KEY4 = 8'h14; localparam ADDR_KEY5 = 8'h15; localparam ADDR_KEY6 = 8'h16; localparam ADDR_KEY7 = 8'h17; localparam ADDR_R_DATA0 = 8'h80; localparam ADDR_R_DATA127 = 8'hff; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Register and Wire declarations. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] cycle_ctr; reg [31 : 0] error_ctr; reg [31 : 0] tc_ctr; reg [31 : 0] read_data; reg [127 : 0] result_data; reg tb_clk; reg tb_reset_n; reg tb_cs; reg tb_we; reg [(ADDR_BITS -1 ) : 0] tb_address; reg [31 : 0] tb_write_data; wire [31 : 0] tb_read_data; wire tb_error; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Under Test. //---------------------------------------------------------------- keywrap dut( .clk(tb_clk), .reset_n(tb_reset_n), .cs(tb_cs), .we(tb_we), .address(tb_address), .write_data(tb_write_data), .read_data(tb_read_data), .error(tb_error) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // clk_gen // // Always running clock generator process. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : clk_gen #CLK_HALF_PERIOD; tb_clk = !tb_clk; end // clk_gen //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sys_monitor() // // An always running process that creates a cycle counter and // conditionally displays information about the DUT. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : sys_monitor cycle_ctr = cycle_ctr + 1; if (DEBUG) dump_dut_state(); #(CLK_PERIOD); end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // read_word() // // Read a data word from the given address in the DUT. // the word read will be available in the global variable // read_data. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task read_word(input [(ADDR_BITS - 1) : 0] address); begin tb_address = address; tb_cs = 1; tb_we = 0; #(CLK_PERIOD); read_data = tb_read_data; tb_cs = 0; if (DEBUG) begin $display("*** Reading 0x%08x from 0x%02x.", read_data, address); $display(""); end end endtask // read_word //---------------------------------------------------------------- // write_word() // // Write the given word to the DUT using the DUT interface. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task write_word(input [(ADDR_BITS - 1) : 0] address, input [31 : 0] word); begin if (DEBUG) begin $display("*** Writing 0x%08x to 0x%02x.", word, address); $display(""); end tb_address = address; tb_write_data = word; tb_cs = 1; tb_we = 1; #(1 * CLK_PERIOD); tb_cs = 0; tb_we = 0; end endtask // write_word //---------------------------------------------------------------- // wait_ready // // Wait for the DUT to signal that the result is ready //---------------------------------------------------------------- task wait_ready; begin : wait_ready reg rdy; rdy = 1'b0; while (rdy != 1'b1) begin read_word(ADDR_STATUS); rdy = tb_read_data[STATUS_READY_BIT]; end end endtask // wait_ready //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dump_mem() // // Dump the n first memory positions in the dut internal memory. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task dump_mem(input integer n); begin : dump_mem integer i; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i = i + 1) $display("mem0[0x%06x] = 0x%08x mem1[0x%06x] = 0x%08x", i, dut.core.mem.mem0[i], i, dut.core.mem.mem1[i]); $display(""); end endtask // dump_mem //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dump_dut_state() // // Dump the state of the dump when needed. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task dump_dut_state; begin $display("cycle: 0x%016x", cycle_ctr); $display("State of DUT"); $display("------------"); if (DUMP_TOP) begin $display("top level state:"); $display("init_reg = 0x%x next_reg = 0x%x", dut.init_reg, dut.next_reg); $display("endec_reg = 0x%x keylen_reg = 0x%x", dut.encdec_reg, dut.keylen_reg); $display("rlen_reg = 0x%08x", dut.rlen_reg); $display("a0_reg = 0x%08x a1_reg = 0x%08x", dut.a0_reg, dut.a1_reg); $display(""); end if (DUMP_CORE) begin $display("core level state:"); $display("init = 0x%0x next = 0x%0x ready = 0x%0x valid = 0x%0x", dut.core.init, dut.core.next, dut.core.ready, dut.core.valid); $display("api_we = 0x%0x api_addr = 0x%0x api_wr_data = 0x%0x api_rd_data = 0x%0x", dut.core.api_we, dut.core.api_addr, dut.core.api_wr_data, dut.core.api_rd_data); $display("rlen = 0x%0x", dut.core.rlen); $display("key = 0x%0x", dut.core.key); $display("a_init = 0x%0x a_result = 0x%0x", dut.core.a_init, dut.core.a_result); $display(""); $display("update_state = 0x%0x", dut.core.update_state); $display("a_reg = 0x%0x a_new = 0x%0x a_we = 0x%0x", dut.core.a_reg, dut.core.a_new, dut.core.a_we); $display("core_we = 0x%0x core_addr = 0x%0x", dut.core.core_we, dut.core.core_addr); $display("core_rd_data = 0x%0x core_wr_data = 0x%0x ", dut.core.core_rd_data, dut.core.core_wr_data); $display("xor_val = 0x%0x", dut.core.keywrap_logic.xor_val); $display(""); $display("aes_ready = 0x%0x aes_valid = 0x%0x", dut.core.aes_ready, dut.core.aes_valid); $display("aes_init = 0x%0x aes_next = 0x%0x", dut.core.aes_init, dut.core.aes_next); $display("aes_block = 0x%0x aes_result = 0x%0x", dut.core.aes_block, dut.core.aes_result); $display(""); $display("block_ctr_reg = 0x%0x iteration_ctr_reg = 0x%0x", dut.core.block_ctr_reg, dut.core.iteration_ctr_reg); $display("keywrap_core_ctrl_reg = 0x%0x", dut.core.keywrap_core_ctrl_reg); $display("keywrap_core_ctrl_new = 0x%0x", dut.core.keywrap_core_ctrl_new); $display("keywrap_core_ctrl_we = 0x%0x", dut.core.keywrap_core_ctrl_we); end $display(""); $display(""); end endtask // dump_dut_state //---------------------------------------------------------------- // display_test_results() // // Display the accumulated test results. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task display_test_results; begin if (error_ctr == 0) begin $display("*** All %02d test cases completed successfully", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("*** %02d tests completed - %02d test cases did not complete successfully.", tc_ctr, error_ctr); end end endtask // display_test_results //---------------------------------------------------------------- // init_sim() // // Initialize all counters and testbed functionality as well // as setting the DUT inputs to defined values. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task init_sim; begin cycle_ctr = 0; error_ctr = 0; tc_ctr = 0; tb_clk = 0; tb_reset_n = 1; tb_cs = 0; tb_we = 0; tb_address = 8'h0; tb_write_data = 32'h0; end endtask // init_sim //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reset_dut() // // Toggle reset to put the DUT into a well known state. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task reset_dut; begin $display("** Toggling reset."); tb_reset_n = 0; #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); tb_reset_n = 1; $display(""); end endtask // reset_dut //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_core_access // Simple test that we can perform read access to regs // in the core. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_core_access; begin : test_core_access $display("** TC test_core_access START."); read_word(ADDR_NAME0); $display("NAME0: %s", read_data); read_word(ADDR_NAME1); $display("NAME1: %s", read_data); read_word(ADDR_VERSION); $display("version: %s", read_data); $display("** TC test_core_access END."); $display(""); end endtask // test_core_access //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_kwp_ae_128_1 // Implements wrap test based on NIST KWP_AE 128 bit key // with 248 bit plaintext. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_kwp_ae_128_1; begin : kwp_ae_128_1 integer i; integer err; err = 0; tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; $display("** TC kwp_ae_128_1 START."); // Write key and keylength, we also want to encrypt/wrap. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'hc03db3cc); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h1416dcd1); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'hc069a195); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'ha8d77e3d); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000001); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. // Note, not actually needed to wait. We can write R data during init. $display("* Trying to initialize."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init should be done."); // Set the length or R in blocks. // Write the R bank to be written to. // Write the R blocks to be processed. write_word(ADDR_RLEN, 32'h00000004); // Write the data to be wrapped. write_word(MEM_BASE + 0, 32'h46f87f58); write_word(MEM_BASE + 1, 32'hcdda4200); write_word(MEM_BASE + 2, 32'hf53d99ce); write_word(MEM_BASE + 3, 32'h2e49bdb7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 4, 32'h6212511f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 5, 32'he0cd4d0b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 6, 32'h5f37a27d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 7, 32'h45a28800); // Write magic words to A. write_word(ADDR_A0, 32'ha65959a6); write_word(ADDR_A1, 32'h0000001f); $display("* Dumping state and mem after data write and A words."); dump_dut_state(); dump_mem(6); $display("* Contents of memory and dut before wrap processing:"); dump_mem(6); // Start wrapping and wait for wrap to complete. $display("* Trying to start processing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000002); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Processing should be done."); $display("Contents of memory and dut after wrap processing:"); dump_mem(6); dump_dut_state(); // Read and check the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); if (read_data != 32'h57e3b669) begin $display("Error A0 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0x57e3b669", read_data); err = 1; end read_word(ADDR_A1); if (read_data != 32'h9c6e8177) begin $display("Error A1 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0x9c6e8177", read_data); err = 1; end if (err) begin $display("kwp_ae_128_1 completed with errors."); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end else $display("kwp_ae_128_1 completed successfully."); $display("** TC kwp_ae_128_1 END.\n"); end endtask // test_kwp_ae_128_1 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_kwp_ad_128_1 // Implements unwrap test based on NIST KWP_AE 128 bit key // with 248 bit plaintext. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_kwp_ad_128_1; begin : kwp_ad_128_1 integer i; integer err; err = 0; tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; $display("** TC kwp_ad_128_1 START."); // Write key and keylength, we also want to decrypt/unwrap. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'hc03db3cc); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h1416dcd1); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'hc069a195); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'ha8d77e3d); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000000); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. // Note, not actually needed to wait. We can write R data during init. $display("* Trying to initialize."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init should be done."); // Set the length or R in blocks. // Write the R bank to be written to. // Write the R blocks to be processed. write_word(ADDR_RLEN, 32'h00000004); write_word(MEM_BASE + 0, 32'h59a69492); write_word(MEM_BASE + 1, 32'hbb7e2cd0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 2, 32'h0160d2eb); write_word(MEM_BASE + 3, 32'hef9bf4d4); write_word(MEM_BASE + 4, 32'heb16fbf7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 5, 32'h98f1340f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 6, 32'h6df6558a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 7, 32'h4fb84cd0); // Write magic words to A. write_word(ADDR_A0, 32'h57e3b669); write_word(ADDR_A1, 32'h9c6e8177); $display("* Contents of memory and dut before unwrap processing:"); dump_mem(6); // Start unwrapping and wait for unwrap to complete. $display("* Trying to start processing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000002); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Processing should be done."); $display("Contents of memory and dut after unwrap processing:"); dump_mem(6); dump_dut_state(); // Read and display the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); $display("A0 after unwrap: 0x%08x", read_data); read_word(ADDR_A1); $display("A1 after unwrap: 0x%08x", read_data); // Read and display the R blocks that has been processed. for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i = i + 1) begin read_word(MEM_BASE + i); $display("mem[0x%08x] = 0x%08x", i, read_data); end // Read and check the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); if (read_data != 32'ha65959a6) begin $display("Error A0 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0xa65959a6", read_data); err = 1; end read_word(ADDR_A1); if (read_data != 32'h0000001f) begin $display("Error A1 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0x0000001f", read_data); err = 1; end if (err) begin $display("kwp_ad_128_1 completed with errors."); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end else $display("kwp_ad_128_1 completed successfully."); $display("** TC kwp_ad_128_1 END.\n"); end endtask // test_kwp_ad_128_1 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_kwp_ae_128_2 // Implements wrap test based on NIST KWP_AE 128 bit key with // 4096 bit plaintext. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_kwp_ae_128_2; begin : kwp_ae_128_2 integer i; integer err; err = 0; tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; $display("** TC kwp_ae_128_2 START."); // Write key and keylength, we also want to encrypt/wrap. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'h6b8ba9cc); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h9b31068b); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'ha175abfc); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'hc60c1338); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000001); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. $display("* Trying to initialize."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init should be done."); // Set the length or R in blocks. // Write the R bank to be written to. // Write the R blocks to be processed. write_word(ADDR_RLEN, 32'h00000040); write_word(MEM_BASE + 0, 32'h8af887c5); write_word(MEM_BASE + 1, 32'h8dfbc38e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 2, 32'he0423eef); write_word(MEM_BASE + 3, 32'hcc0e032d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 4, 32'hcc79dd11); write_word(MEM_BASE + 5, 32'h6638ca65); write_word(MEM_BASE + 6, 32'had75dca2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 7, 32'ha2459f13); write_word(MEM_BASE + 8, 32'h934dbe61); write_word(MEM_BASE + 9, 32'ha62cb26d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 10, 32'h8bbddbab); write_word(MEM_BASE + 11, 32'hf9bf52bb); write_word(MEM_BASE + 12, 32'he137ef1d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 13, 32'h3e30eacf); write_word(MEM_BASE + 14, 32'h0fe456ec); write_word(MEM_BASE + 15, 32'h808d6798); write_word(MEM_BASE + 16, 32'hdc29fe54); write_word(MEM_BASE + 17, 32'hfa1f784a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 18, 32'ha3c11cf3); write_word(MEM_BASE + 19, 32'h94050095); write_word(MEM_BASE + 20, 32'h81d3f1d5); write_word(MEM_BASE + 21, 32'h96843813); write_word(MEM_BASE + 22, 32'ha6685e50); write_word(MEM_BASE + 23, 32'h3fac8535); write_word(MEM_BASE + 24, 32'he0c06ecc); write_word(MEM_BASE + 25, 32'ha8561b6a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 26, 32'h1f22c578); write_word(MEM_BASE + 27, 32'heefb6919); write_word(MEM_BASE + 28, 32'h12be2e16); write_word(MEM_BASE + 29, 32'h67946101); write_word(MEM_BASE + 30, 32'hae8c3501); write_word(MEM_BASE + 31, 32'he6c66eb1); write_word(MEM_BASE + 32, 32'h7e14f260); write_word(MEM_BASE + 33, 32'h8c9ce6fb); write_word(MEM_BASE + 34, 32'hab4a1597); write_word(MEM_BASE + 35, 32'hed49ccb3); write_word(MEM_BASE + 36, 32'h930b1060); write_word(MEM_BASE + 37, 32'hf98c97d8); write_word(MEM_BASE + 38, 32'hdc4ce81e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 39, 32'h35279c4d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 40, 32'h30d1bf86); write_word(MEM_BASE + 41, 32'hc9b919a3); write_word(MEM_BASE + 42, 32'hce4f0109); write_word(MEM_BASE + 43, 32'he77929e5); write_word(MEM_BASE + 44, 32'h8c4c3aeb); write_word(MEM_BASE + 45, 32'h5de1ec5e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 46, 32'h0afa38ae); write_word(MEM_BASE + 47, 32'h896df912); write_word(MEM_BASE + 48, 32'h1c72c255); write_word(MEM_BASE + 49, 32'h141f2f5c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 50, 32'h9a51be50); write_word(MEM_BASE + 51, 32'h72547cf8); write_word(MEM_BASE + 52, 32'ha3b06740); write_word(MEM_BASE + 53, 32'h4e62f961); write_word(MEM_BASE + 54, 32'h5a02479c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 55, 32'hf8c202e7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 56, 32'hfeb2e258); write_word(MEM_BASE + 57, 32'h314e0ebe); write_word(MEM_BASE + 58, 32'h62878a5c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 59, 32'h4ecd4e9d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 60, 32'hf7dab2e1); write_word(MEM_BASE + 61, 32'hfa9a7b53); write_word(MEM_BASE + 62, 32'h2c2169ac); write_word(MEM_BASE + 63, 32'hedb7998d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 64, 32'h5cd8a711); write_word(MEM_BASE + 65, 32'h8848ce7e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 66, 32'he9fb2f68); write_word(MEM_BASE + 67, 32'he28c2b27); write_word(MEM_BASE + 68, 32'h9ddc064d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 69, 32'hb70ad73c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 70, 32'h6dbe10c5); write_word(MEM_BASE + 71, 32'he1c56a70); write_word(MEM_BASE + 72, 32'h9c1407f9); write_word(MEM_BASE + 73, 32'h3a727cce); write_word(MEM_BASE + 74, 32'h1075103a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 75, 32'h4009ae2f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 76, 32'h7731b7d7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 77, 32'h1756eee1); write_word(MEM_BASE + 78, 32'h19b828ef); write_word(MEM_BASE + 79, 32'h4ed61eff); write_word(MEM_BASE + 80, 32'h16493553); write_word(MEM_BASE + 81, 32'h2a94fa8f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 82, 32'he62dc2e2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 83, 32'h2cf20f16); write_word(MEM_BASE + 84, 32'h8ae65f4b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 85, 32'h6785286c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 86, 32'h253f365f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 87, 32'h29453a47); write_word(MEM_BASE + 88, 32'h9dc2824b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 89, 32'h8bdabd96); write_word(MEM_BASE + 90, 32'h2da3b76a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 91, 32'he9c8a720); write_word(MEM_BASE + 92, 32'h155e158f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 93, 32'he389c8cc); write_word(MEM_BASE + 94, 32'h7fa6ad52); write_word(MEM_BASE + 95, 32'h2c951b5c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 96, 32'h236bf964); write_word(MEM_BASE + 97, 32'hb5b1bfb0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 98, 32'h98a39835); write_word(MEM_BASE + 99, 32'h759b9540); write_word(MEM_BASE + 100, 32'h4b72b17f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 101, 32'h7dbcda93); write_word(MEM_BASE + 102, 32'h6177ae05); write_word(MEM_BASE + 103, 32'h9269f41e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 104, 32'hcdac81a4); write_word(MEM_BASE + 105, 32'h9f5bbfd2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 106, 32'he801392a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 107, 32'h043ef068); write_word(MEM_BASE + 108, 32'h73550a67); write_word(MEM_BASE + 109, 32'hfcbc039f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 110, 32'h0b5d30ce); write_word(MEM_BASE + 111, 32'h490baa97); write_word(MEM_BASE + 112, 32'h9dbbaf9e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 113, 32'h53d45d7e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 114, 32'h2dff26b2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 115, 32'hf7e6628d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 116, 32'hed694217); write_word(MEM_BASE + 117, 32'ha39f454b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 118, 32'h288e7906); write_word(MEM_BASE + 119, 32'hb79faf4a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 120, 32'h407a7d20); write_word(MEM_BASE + 121, 32'h7646f930); write_word(MEM_BASE + 122, 32'h96a157f0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 123, 32'hd1dca05a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 124, 32'h7f92e318); write_word(MEM_BASE + 125, 32'hfc1ff62c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 126, 32'he2de7f12); write_word(MEM_BASE + 127, 32'h9b187053); // Write magic words to A. write_word(ADDR_A0, 32'ha65959a6); write_word(ADDR_A1, 32'h00000200); $display("* Contents of memory and dut before wrap processing:"); dump_mem(65); // Start wrapping and wait for wrap to complete. $display("* Trying to start processing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000002); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Processing should be done."); $display("Contents of memory and dut after wrap processing:"); dump_mem(65); dump_dut_state(); // Read and display the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); $display("A0 after wrap: 0x%08x", read_data); read_word(ADDR_A1); $display("A1 after wrap: 0x%08x", read_data); // Read and display the R blocks that has been processed. for (i = 0 ; i < 128 ; i = i + 1) begin read_word(MEM_BASE + i); $display("mem[0x%08x] = 0x%08x", i, read_data); end // Read and check the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); if (read_data != 32'haea19443) begin $display("Error A0 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0xaea19443", read_data); err = 1; end read_word(ADDR_A1); if (read_data != 32'hd7f8ad7d) begin $display("Error A1 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0xd7f8ad7d", read_data); err = 1; end if (err) begin $display("kwp_ae_128_2 completed with errors."); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end else $display("kwp_ae_128_2 completed successfully."); $display("** TC kwp_ae_128_2 END.\n"); end endtask // test_kwp_ae_128_2 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_kwp_ad_128_2 // Implements unwrap test based on NIST KWP_AD 128 bit key with // 4096 bit plaintext. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_kwp_ad_128_2; begin : kwp_ad_128_2 integer i; integer err; err = 0; tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; $display("** TC kwp_ad_128_2 START."); // Write key and keylength, we also want to unwrap/decrypt. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'h6b8ba9cc); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h9b31068b); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'ha175abfc); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'hc60c1338); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000000); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. $display("* Trying to initialize."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init should be done."); // Set the length or R in blocks. // Write the R bank to be written to. // Write the R blocks to be processed. write_word(ADDR_RLEN, 32'h00000040); write_word(MEM_BASE + 0, 32'h4501c1ec); write_word(MEM_BASE + 1, 32'hadc6b5e3); write_word(MEM_BASE + 2, 32'hf1c23c29); write_word(MEM_BASE + 3, 32'heca60890); write_word(MEM_BASE + 4, 32'h5f9cabdd); write_word(MEM_BASE + 5, 32'h46e34a55); write_word(MEM_BASE + 6, 32'he1f7ac83); write_word(MEM_BASE + 7, 32'h08e75c90); write_word(MEM_BASE + 8, 32'h3675982b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 9, 32'hda99173a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 10, 32'h2ba57d2c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 11, 32'hcf2e01a0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 12, 32'h2589f89d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 13, 32'hfd4b3c7f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 14, 32'hd229ec91); write_word(MEM_BASE + 15, 32'hc9d0c46e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 16, 32'ha5dee3c0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 17, 32'h48cd4611); write_word(MEM_BASE + 18, 32'hbfeadc9b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 19, 32'hf26daa1e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 20, 32'h02cb72e2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 21, 32'h22cf3dab); write_word(MEM_BASE + 22, 32'h120dd1e8); write_word(MEM_BASE + 23, 32'hc2dd9bd5); write_word(MEM_BASE + 24, 32'h8bbefa5d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 25, 32'h14526abd); write_word(MEM_BASE + 26, 32'h1e8d2170); write_word(MEM_BASE + 27, 32'ha6ba8283); write_word(MEM_BASE + 28, 32'hc243ec2f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 29, 32'hd5ef0703); write_word(MEM_BASE + 30, 32'h0b1ef5f6); write_word(MEM_BASE + 31, 32'h9f9620e4); write_word(MEM_BASE + 32, 32'hb17a3639); write_word(MEM_BASE + 33, 32'h34100588); write_word(MEM_BASE + 34, 32'h7b9ffc79); write_word(MEM_BASE + 35, 32'h35335947); write_word(MEM_BASE + 36, 32'h03e5dcae); write_word(MEM_BASE + 37, 32'h67bd0ce7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 38, 32'ha3c98ca6); write_word(MEM_BASE + 39, 32'h5815a4d0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 40, 32'h67f27e6e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 41, 32'h66d6636c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 42, 32'hebb78973); write_word(MEM_BASE + 43, 32'h2566a52a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 44, 32'hc3970e14); write_word(MEM_BASE + 45, 32'hc37310dc); write_word(MEM_BASE + 46, 32'h2fcee0e7); write_word(MEM_BASE + 47, 32'h39a16291); write_word(MEM_BASE + 48, 32'h029fd2b4); write_word(MEM_BASE + 49, 32'hd534e304); write_word(MEM_BASE + 50, 32'h45474b26); write_word(MEM_BASE + 51, 32'h711a8b3e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 52, 32'h1ee3cc88); write_word(MEM_BASE + 53, 32'hb09e8b17); write_word(MEM_BASE + 54, 32'h45b6cc0f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 55, 32'h067624ec); write_word(MEM_BASE + 56, 32'hb232db75); write_word(MEM_BASE + 57, 32'h0b01fe54); write_word(MEM_BASE + 58, 32'h57fdea77); write_word(MEM_BASE + 59, 32'hb251b10f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 60, 32'he95d3eee); write_word(MEM_BASE + 61, 32'hdb083bdf); write_word(MEM_BASE + 62, 32'h109c41db); write_word(MEM_BASE + 63, 32'ha26cc965); write_word(MEM_BASE + 64, 32'h4f787bf9); write_word(MEM_BASE + 65, 32'h5735ff07); write_word(MEM_BASE + 66, 32'h070b175c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 67, 32'hea8b6230); write_word(MEM_BASE + 68, 32'h2e6087b9); write_word(MEM_BASE + 69, 32'h1a041547); write_word(MEM_BASE + 70, 32'h46056910); write_word(MEM_BASE + 71, 32'h99f1a9e2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 72, 32'hb626c4b3); write_word(MEM_BASE + 73, 32'hbb7aeb8e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 74, 32'had9922bc); write_word(MEM_BASE + 75, 32'h3617cb42); write_word(MEM_BASE + 76, 32'h7c669b88); write_word(MEM_BASE + 77, 32'hbe5f98ae); write_word(MEM_BASE + 78, 32'ha7edb8b0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 79, 32'h063bec80); write_word(MEM_BASE + 80, 32'haf4c081f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 81, 32'h89778d7c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 82, 32'h7242ddae); write_word(MEM_BASE + 83, 32'h88e8d3af); write_word(MEM_BASE + 84, 32'hf1f80e57); write_word(MEM_BASE + 85, 32'h5e1aab4a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 86, 32'h5d115bc2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 87, 32'h7636fd14); write_word(MEM_BASE + 88, 32'hd19bc594); write_word(MEM_BASE + 89, 32'h33f69763); write_word(MEM_BASE + 90, 32'h5ecd870d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 91, 32'h17e7f5b0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 92, 32'h04dee400); write_word(MEM_BASE + 93, 32'h1cddc34a); write_word(MEM_BASE + 94, 32'hb6e377ee); write_word(MEM_BASE + 95, 32'hb3fb08e9); write_word(MEM_BASE + 96, 32'h47697076); write_word(MEM_BASE + 97, 32'h5105d93e); write_word(MEM_BASE + 98, 32'h4558fe3d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 99, 32'h4fc6fe05); write_word(MEM_BASE + 100, 32'h3aab9c6c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 101, 32'hf032f111); write_word(MEM_BASE + 102, 32'h6e70c2d6); write_word(MEM_BASE + 103, 32'h5f7c8cde); write_word(MEM_BASE + 104, 32'hb6ad63ac); write_word(MEM_BASE + 105, 32'h4291f93d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 106, 32'h467ebbb2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 107, 32'h9ead265c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 108, 32'h05ac684d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 109, 32'h20a6bef0); write_word(MEM_BASE + 110, 32'h9b71830f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 111, 32'h717e08bc); write_word(MEM_BASE + 112, 32'hb4f9d377); write_word(MEM_BASE + 113, 32'h3bec928f); write_word(MEM_BASE + 114, 32'h66eeb64d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 115, 32'hc451e958); write_word(MEM_BASE + 116, 32'he357ebbf); write_word(MEM_BASE + 117, 32'hef5a342d); write_word(MEM_BASE + 118, 32'hf28707ac); write_word(MEM_BASE + 119, 32'h4b8e3e8c); write_word(MEM_BASE + 120, 32'h854e8d69); write_word(MEM_BASE + 121, 32'h1cb92e87); write_word(MEM_BASE + 122, 32'hc0d57558); write_word(MEM_BASE + 123, 32'he44cd754); write_word(MEM_BASE + 124, 32'h424865c2); write_word(MEM_BASE + 125, 32'h29c9e1ab); write_word(MEM_BASE + 126, 32'hb28e003b); write_word(MEM_BASE + 127, 32'h6819400b); // Write magic words to A. write_word(ADDR_A0, 32'haea19443); write_word(ADDR_A1, 32'hd7f8ad7d); $display("* Contents of memory and dut before unwrap processing:"); dump_mem(65); // Start unwrapping and wait for unwrap to complete. $display("* Trying to start processing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000002); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Processing should be done."); $display("Contents of memory and dut after unwrap processing:"); dump_mem(65); dump_dut_state(); // Read and display the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); $display("A0 after unwrap: 0x%08x", read_data); read_word(ADDR_A1); $display("A1 after unwrap: 0x%08x", read_data); // Read and display the R blocks that has been processed. for (i = 0 ; i < 128 ; i = i + 1) begin read_word(MEM_BASE + i); $display("mem[0x%08x] = 0x%08x", i, read_data); end // Read and check the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); if (read_data != 32'ha65959a6) begin $display("Error A0 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0xa65959a6", read_data); err = 1; end read_word(ADDR_A1); if (read_data != 32'h00000200) begin $display("Error A1 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0x00000200", read_data); err = 1; end if (err) begin $display("kwp_ad_128_2 completed with errors."); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end else $display("kwp_ad_128_2 completed successfully."); $display("** TC kwp_ad_128_2 END.\n"); end endtask // test_kwp_ad_128_2 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_big_wrap_256 // Implements wrap test with a huge (16 kB+) data object // and 256 bit key. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_big_wrap_256; begin : test_big_wrap_256 integer i; integer err; err = 0; tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; $display("** TC test_big_wrap_256 START."); // Write key and keylength, we also want to encrypt/wrap. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY4, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY5, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY6, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY7, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000003); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. // Note, not actually needed to wait. We can write R data during init. $display("* Trying to initialize."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init should be done."); // Set the length or R in blocks. // Write the R bank to be written to. // Write the R blocks to be processed. write_word(ADDR_RLEN, 32'h000007f8); // Write the data to be wrapped. for (i = 0 ; i < 4080 ; i = i + 1) write_word(MEM_BASE + i, 32'h01010101); // Write magic words to A. write_word(ADDR_A0, 32'ha65959a6); write_word(ADDR_A1, 32'h00003fc0); // Start wrapping and wait for wrap to complete. $display("* Trying to start processing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000002); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Processing should be done."); // Read and check the A registers. read_word(ADDR_A0); if (read_data != 32'h53179eb9) begin $display("Error A0 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0x53179eb9", read_data); err = 1; end read_word(ADDR_A1); if (read_data != 32'ha90ce632) begin $display("Error A1 after wrap: 0x%08x, expected 0xa90ce632", read_data); err = 1; end if (err) begin $display("test_big_wrap_256 completed with errors."); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end else $display("test_big_wrap_256 completed successfully."); $display("** TC test_big_wrap_256 END.\n"); end endtask // test_big_wrap_256 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test_zeroise // Test the auto_zeroise functionality. We test that: // 1. We can init a key and have it auto zeroise. // 2. We can init a key and keep it alive. // 3. We can init a key and the force zeroisation. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test_zeroise; begin : test_zeroise integer i; integer err; err = 0; $display("** TC test_zeroise START."); $display("** Test 1: Auto zeroise."); tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; // Write key and keylength, we also want to encrypt/wrap. write_word(ADDR_KEY0, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY1, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY2, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY3, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY4, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY5, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY6, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_KEY7, 32'h55aa55aa); write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000003); read_word(ADDR_STATUS); $display("Status register: 0x%032b", read_data); // Set the key timeout to 6 * 16 = 96 cycles. write_word(ADDR_TIMEOUT, 32'h00000006); $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%016x", dut.core.aes.keymem.key_mem[2]); // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key). // Wait for init to complete. // Note, not actually needed to wait. We can write R data during init. $display("* Initializing."); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 32'h00000001); #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); wait_ready(); $display("* Init done."); // Display contents in one of the key expansion registers $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%016x", dut.core.aes.keymem.key_mem[2]); // Check if key is loaded, according to the loaded flag. read_word(ADDR_STATUS); $display("Status register: 0x%032b", read_data); // Display the counter a few times. $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%05x", dut.core.key_timeout_ctr_reg); #(10 * CLK_PERIOD); $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%05x", dut.core.key_timeout_ctr_reg); #(10 * CLK_PERIOD); $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%05x", dut.core.key_timeout_ctr_reg); #(10 * CLK_PERIOD); $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%05x", dut.core.key_timeout_ctr_reg); #(10 * CLK_PERIOD); read_word(ADDR_STATUS); $display("Status register: 0x%032b", read_data); // Display contents in one of the key expansion registers $display("Contents of the key_mem[2]: 0x%016x", dut.core.aes.keymem.key_mem[2]); #(40 * CLK_PERIOD); read_word(ADDR_STATUS); $display("Status register: 0x%032b", read_data); $display("** TC test_zeroise END.\n"); end endtask // test_zeroise //---------------------------------------------------------------- // main //---------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin : main $display(" -= Testbench for Keywrap started =-"); $display(" =================================="); $display(""); $display("Address bits: %d", ADDR_BITS); $display("MEM_BASE: 0x%08x", MEM_BASE); $display(""); init_sim(); dump_dut_state(); reset_dut(); dump_dut_state(); // test_core_access(); // test_kwp_ae_128_1(); // test_kwp_ad_128_1(); // test_kwp_ae_128_2(); // test_kwp_ad_128_2(); // test_big_wrap_256(); test_zeroise(); display_test_results(); $display(""); $display(" -= Testbench for Keywrap completed =-"); $display(" ===================================="); $finish; end // main endmodule // tb_keywrap //====================================================================== // EOF tb_keywrap.v //======================================================================