diff options
authorJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2018-08-16 19:04:03 +0200
committerJoachim StroĢˆmbergson <joachim@secworks.se>2018-08-16 19:04:03 +0200
commitb1b208d97c5a47c4651ec0c15ba41a0b3db93723 (patch)
parentb75bd86d3cb8cfd540253b9e29a791582daf3945 (diff)
Adding delay cycle to API regs to match the latency for accessing the blockRAM. Added test case that checks access to the API regs.
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap.v b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
index 58d40c0..885578b 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module keywrap(
localparam CORE_NAME0 = 32'h6b657920; // "key "
localparam CORE_NAME1 = 32'h77726170; // "wrap"
- localparam CORE_VERSION = 32'h302e3730; // "0.70"
+ localparam CORE_VERSION = 32'h302e3731; // "0.71"
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ module keywrap(
reg [31 : 0] key_reg [0 : 7];
reg key_we;
+ reg [31 : 0] api_rd_delay_reg;
+ reg [31 : 0] api_rd_delay_new;
reg valid_reg;
reg ready_reg;
@@ -198,23 +201,25 @@ module keywrap(
for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i = i + 1)
key_reg[i] <= 32'h0;
- init_reg <= 1'h0;
- next_reg <= 1'h0;
- encdec_reg <= 1'h0;
- keylen_reg <= 1'h0;
- r_bank_reg <= 7'h0;
- rlen_reg <= 13'h0;
- valid_reg <= 1'h0;
- ready_reg <= 1'h0;
- a0_reg <= 32'h0;
- a1_reg <= 32'h0;
+ init_reg <= 1'h0;
+ next_reg <= 1'h0;
+ encdec_reg <= 1'h0;
+ keylen_reg <= 1'h0;
+ r_bank_reg <= 7'h0;
+ rlen_reg <= 13'h0;
+ valid_reg <= 1'h0;
+ ready_reg <= 1'h0;
+ a0_reg <= 32'h0;
+ a1_reg <= 32'h0;
+ api_rd_delay_reg <= 32'h0;
- ready_reg <= core_ready;
- valid_reg <= core_valid;
- init_reg <= init_new;
- next_reg <= next_new;
+ ready_reg <= core_ready;
+ valid_reg <= core_valid;
+ init_reg <= init_new;
+ next_reg <= next_new;
+ api_rd_delay_reg <= api_rd_delay_new;
if (config_we)
@@ -247,17 +252,24 @@ module keywrap(
always @*
begin : api
- init_new = 1'h0;
- next_new = 1'h0;
- config_we = 1'h0;
- rlen_we = 1'h0;
- r_bank_we = 1'h0;
- key_we = 1'h0;
- core_api_we = 1'h0;
- a0_we = 1'h0;
- a1_we = 1'h0;
- tmp_read_data = 32'h0;
- tmp_error = 1'h0;
+ init_new = 1'h0;
+ next_new = 1'h0;
+ config_we = 1'h0;
+ rlen_we = 1'h0;
+ r_bank_we = 1'h0;
+ key_we = 1'h0;
+ core_api_we = 1'h0;
+ a0_we = 1'h0;
+ a1_we = 1'h0;
+ tmp_read_data = 32'h0;
+ tmp_error = 1'h0;
+ api_rd_delay_new = 32'h0;
+ // api_mux
+ if (address[7])
+ tmp_read_data = core_api_rd_data;
+ else
+ tmp_read_data = api_rd_delay_reg;
if (cs)
@@ -290,41 +302,38 @@ module keywrap(
if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
core_api_we = 1'h1;
end // if (we)
+ // Read access
if (address == ADDR_NAME0)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_NAME0;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_NAME0;
if (address == ADDR_NAME1)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_NAME1;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_NAME1;
if (address == ADDR_VERSION)
- tmp_read_data = CORE_VERSION;
+ api_rd_delay_new = CORE_VERSION;
if (address == ADDR_CTRL)
- tmp_read_data = {28'h0, keylen_reg, encdec_reg, next_reg, init_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {28'h0, keylen_reg, encdec_reg, next_reg, init_reg};
if (address == ADDR_STATUS)
- tmp_read_data = {30'h0, valid_reg, ready_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {30'h0, valid_reg, ready_reg};
if (address == ADDR_RLEN)
- tmp_read_data = {19'h0, rlen_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {19'h0, rlen_reg};
if (address == ADDR_R_BANK)
- tmp_read_data = {25'h0, r_bank_reg};
+ api_rd_delay_new = {25'h0, r_bank_reg};
if (address == ADDR_A0)
- tmp_read_data = core_a_result[63 : 32];
+ api_rd_delay_new = core_a_result[63 : 32];
if (address == ADDR_A1)
- tmp_read_data = core_a_result[31 : 0];
- if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
- tmp_read_data = core_api_rd_data;
- end
- end
- end // addr_decoder
+ api_rd_delay_new = core_a_result[31 : 0];
+ end // else: !if(we)
+ end // if (cs)
+ end // block: api
endmodule // keywrap
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
index c28b5a6..412bdb2 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
@@ -359,6 +359,28 @@ module tb_keywrap();
+ // test_core_access
+ // Simple test that we can perform read access to regs
+ // in the core.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ task test_core_access;
+ begin : test_core_access
+ $display("** TC test_core_access START.");
+ read_word(ADDR_NAME0);
+ $display("NAME0: %s", read_data);
+ read_word(ADDR_NAME1);
+ $display("NAME1: %s", read_data);
+ read_word(ADDR_VERSION);
+ $display("version: %s", read_data);
+ $display("");
+ $display("** TC test_core_access END.");
+ end
+ endtask // test_core_access
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
// test_kwp_ae_128_1
// Implements wrap test based on NIST KWP_AE 128 bit key
// with 248 bit plaintext.
@@ -949,6 +971,8 @@ module tb_keywrap();
+ test_core_access();