EESchema Schematic File Version 2 LIBS:power LIBS:device LIBS:transistors LIBS:conn LIBS:linear LIBS:regul LIBS:cmos4000 LIBS:adc-dac LIBS:memory LIBS:xilinx LIBS:special LIBS:microcontrollers LIBS:dsp LIBS:microchip LIBS:analog_switches LIBS:motorola LIBS:texas LIBS:intel LIBS:audio LIBS:interface LIBS:digital-audio LIBS:philips LIBS:display LIBS:cypress LIBS:siliconi LIBS:opto LIBS:atmel LIBS:contrib LIBS:valves EELAYER 27 0 EELAYER END $Descr B 17000 11000 encoding utf-8 Sheet 19 27 Title "rev02_17" Date "15 10 2016" Rev "" Comp "" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr Text Notes 6655 3850 0 60 ~ 12 *) Bottom Bank Text Notes 1100 3410 0 60 ~ 12 *) Lower Left Bank Text Notes 9328 4554 0 60 ~ 12 FMC_A[...] signals can be swapped Text Notes 8954 7535 0 60 ~ 12 <-- FMC_CLK signal _MUST_ go\ninto either W11 or V13 (i.e. into\none of the two positive (master)\nsides of the two available\nMRCC differential pairs) Text Notes 3586 4576 0 60 ~ 12 FMC_D[...] signals can be swapped Text Notes 3190 8470 0 60 ~ 12 <-- FMC_* control signals\n can be swapped Text Notes 9438 10153 0 84 ~ 12 FPGA FMC interface $Comp L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?58023F2F U 1 1 58023F2F P 2200 3740 F 0 "VCCO_3V3_33" H 2200 3740 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 2200 3670 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 2200 3740 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 2200 3740 70 0000 C CNN 1 2200 3740 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?58023F2E U 1 1 58023F2E P 7700 4070 F 0 "VCCO_3V3_34" H 7700 4070 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 7700 4000 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 7700 4070 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 7700 4070 70 0000 C CNN 1 7700 4070 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 2200 4510 1980 4510 Wire Wire Line 2200 4400 2200 4510 Wire Wire Line 2200 4290 2200 4400 Wire Wire Line 2200 4180 2200 4290 Wire Wire Line 2200 4070 2200 4180 Wire Wire Line 2200 3960 2200 4070 Wire Wire Line 2200 3960 1980 3960 Wire Wire Line 2200 4070 1980 4070 Wire Wire Line 2200 4180 1980 4180 Wire Wire Line 2200 4290 1980 4290 Wire Wire Line 2200 4400 1980 4400 Wire Wire Line 2200 3740 2200 3960 Wire Wire Line 7700 4400 7425 4400 Wire Wire Line 7700 4070 7700 4400 Wire Wire Line 7700 4510 7425 4510 Wire Wire Line 7700 4400 7700 4510 Wire Wire Line 7700 4620 7425 4620 Wire Wire Line 7700 4510 7700 4620 Wire Wire Line 7700 4730 7425 4730 Wire Wire Line 7700 4620 7700 4730 Wire Wire Line 7700 4840 7425 4840 Wire Wire Line 7700 4730 7700 4840 Wire Wire Line 8679 7480 7425 7480 Text Label 7920 7480 0 70 ~ FMC_CLK Wire Wire Line 3245 4620 1980 4620 Wire Wire Line 3245 4730 1980 4730 Wire Wire Line 3245 4840 1980 4840 Text Label 2442 4840 0 70 ~ FMC_D2 Wire Wire Line 3245 4950 1980 4950 Text Label 2442 4950 0 70 ~ FMC_D3 Wire Wire Line 3245 5060 1980 5060 Text Label 7920 6380 0 70 ~ FMC_D4 Text Label 7920 6930 0 70 ~ FMC_D5 Text Label 7920 7260 0 70 ~ FMC_D6 Wire Wire Line 3245 5390 1980 5390 Text Label 7920 7370 0 70 ~ FMC_D7 Wire Wire Line 3245 5610 1980 5610 Wire Wire Line 3245 5720 1980 5720 Wire Wire Line 3245 5830 1980 5830 Wire Wire Line 3245 5940 1980 5940 Wire Wire Line 3245 6050 1980 6050 Text Label 2442 6050 0 70 ~ FMC_D13 Wire Wire Line 3245 6160 1980 6160 Text Label 2442 6160 0 70 ~ FMC_D14 Wire Wire Line 3245 6270 1980 6270 Text Label 2442 6380 0 70 ~ FMC_D15 Wire Wire Line 3245 6380 1980 6380 Text Label 2442 6270 0 70 ~ FMC_D16 Wire Wire Line 3245 6490 1980 6490 Text Label 2442 6490 0 70 ~ FMC_D17 Wire Wire Line 3245 6600 1980 6600 Text Label 2442 6600 0 70 ~ FMC_D18 Wire Wire Line 3245 6710 1980 6710 Text Label 2442 6710 0 70 ~ FMC_D19 Wire Wire Line 3245 6820 1980 6820 Text Label 2442 6820 0 70 ~ FMC_D20 Wire Wire Line 3245 6930 1980 6930 Text Label 2442 6930 0 70 ~ FMC_D21 Wire Wire Line 3245 7040 1980 7040 Text Label 2442 7040 0 70 ~ FMC_D22 Wire Wire Line 3245 7150 1980 7150 Text Label 2442 7150 0 70 ~ FMC_D23 Wire Wire Line 3245 7370 1980 7370 Text Label 2442 7370 0 70 ~ FMC_D25 Text Label 2442 8140 0 70 ~ FMC_NE1 Wire Wire Line 3256 8470 1980 8470 Text Label 2442 8470 0 70 ~ FMC_NWAIT Wire Wire Line 3256 8580 1980 8580 Text Label 2442 8580 0 70 ~ FMC_NWE Wire Wire Line 8690 4950 7425 4950 Text Label 7920 4950 0 70 ~ FMC_A0 Wire Wire Line 8690 5060 7425 5060 Text Label 7920 5280 0 70 ~ FMC_A1 Wire Wire Line 8690 5170 7425 5170 Text Label 7920 5170 0 70 ~ FMC_A2 Wire Wire Line 8690 5280 7425 5280 Text Label 7920 5060 0 70 ~ FMC_A3 Wire Wire Line 8690 5390 7425 5390 Text Label 7920 5390 0 70 ~ FMC_A4 Wire Wire Line 8690 5500 7425 5500 Text Label 7920 5500 0 70 ~ FMC_A5 Wire Wire Line 8690 5610 7425 5610 Text Label 7920 5610 0 70 ~ FMC_A6 Wire Wire Line 8690 5720 7425 5720 Text Label 7920 5720 0 70 ~ FMC_A7 Wire Wire Line 8690 5830 7425 5830 Text Label 7920 5830 0 70 ~ FMC_A8 Wire Wire Line 8690 5940 7425 5940 Text Label 7920 5940 0 70 ~ FMC_A9 Wire Wire Line 8690 6050 7425 6050 Text Label 7920 6050 0 70 ~ FMC_A10 Wire Wire Line 8690 6160 7425 6160 Text Label 7920 6270 0 70 ~ FMC_A11 Wire Wire Line 8690 6270 7425 6270 Text Label 7920 6710 0 70 ~ FMC_A12 Wire Wire Line 8690 6380 7425 6380 Text Label 2442 5060 0 70 ~ FMC_A13 Wire Wire Line 8690 6490 7425 6490 Text Label 7920 6490 0 70 ~ FMC_A14 Wire Wire Line 8690 6600 7425 6600 Text Label 2442 9460 0 70 ~ FMC_A15 Wire Wire Line 8690 6710 7425 6710 Text Label 7920 6600 0 70 ~ FMC_A16 Text Label 2442 9350 0 70 ~ FMC_A17 Wire Wire Line 8690 6930 7425 6930 Text Label 2442 9680 0 70 ~ FMC_A18 Wire Wire Line 8690 7150 7425 7150 Wire Wire Line 8690 7260 7425 7260 Wire Wire Line 8690 7370 7425 7370 Wire Wire Line 8690 7590 7425 7590 Wire Wire Line 8690 7700 7425 7700 Wire Wire Line 8690 7810 7425 7810 Wire Bus Line 9977 4400 9317 4400 Text Label 9317 4400 0 70 ~ FMC_A[0..25] Wire Bus Line 4246 4400 3586 4400 Text Label 3586 4400 0 70 ~ FMC_D[0..31] Wire Wire Line 3267 9460 1980 9460 Wire Wire Line 3267 9020 1980 9020 Text Label 2442 8910 0 70 ~ FMC_D0 Wire Wire Line 3267 8910 1980 8910 Text Label 2442 9020 0 70 ~ FMC_D1 Wire Wire Line 3267 9680 1980 9680 Wire Wire Line 3267 9350 1980 9350 Text Label 7920 7150 0 70 ~ FMC_D24 Text Label 7920 7590 0 70 ~ FMC_D26 Text Label 7920 6160 0 70 ~ FMC_D27 Text Label 7920 8470 0 70 ~ FMC_NOE Wire Wire Line 8701 8470 7425 8470 Wire Wire Line 3245 8140 1980 8140 Text Label 2453 5390 0 70 ~ MKM_FPGA_CS_N Text Label 2453 5940 0 70 ~ MKM_FPGA_SCK Text Label 2453 5610 0 70 ~ MKM_FPGA_MOSI Text Label 2453 5720 0 70 ~ MKM_FPGA_MISO Text Label 2442 5830 0 70 ~ FPGA_GPIO_LED_0 Text Label 2453 4730 0 70 ~ FPGA_GPIO_LED_1 $Comp L XC7A200TFBG484_2 IC252 U 1 1 58023F2D 1 7205 6490 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L XC7A200TFBG484_6 IC253 U 1 1 58023F2C 1 1760 6930 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $EndSCHEMATC