EESchema Schematic File Version 2 LIBS:power LIBS:device LIBS:transistors LIBS:conn LIBS:linear LIBS:regul LIBS:cmos4000 LIBS:adc-dac LIBS:memory LIBS:xilinx LIBS:special LIBS:microcontrollers LIBS:dsp LIBS:microchip LIBS:analog_switches LIBS:motorola LIBS:texas LIBS:intel LIBS:audio LIBS:interface LIBS:digital-audio LIBS:philips LIBS:display LIBS:cypress LIBS:siliconi LIBS:opto LIBS:atmel LIBS:contrib LIBS:valves EELAYER 27 0 EELAYER END $Descr B 17000 11000 encoding utf-8 Sheet 4 27 Title "rev02_02" Date "15 10 2016" Rev "" Comp "" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr Text Notes 12760 2970 0 126 ~ 12 Digitizer Text Notes 3520 2970 0 126 ~ 12 Noise generator Text Notes 4620 5951 0 60 ~ 12 Noisy diode Text Notes 7480 2970 0 126 ~ 12 Amplifier Text Notes 3520 7260 0 60 ~ 12 AGND is connected to GND on the board using polygons\n(found no other good way) - not visible in schematics. Text Notes 10340 7315 0 60 ~ 12 This whole sheets circuitry should be as shielded as possible.\nSolid isolated ground plane and internal planes connected\nto the rest of the board at a single point is expected. Text Notes 15059 10142 0 84 ~ 12 Noise source Text Label 11759 4785 0 70 ~ 0.1uF Text Notes 13178 3861 0 60 ~ 12 U3 Text Notes 12969 5269 0 60 ~ 12 MC74HC1G14DTT1G Text Label 3839 5962 0 70 ~ 0.1uF Text Label 4950 4785 0 70 ~ 470 Text Label 5709 4521 0 70 ~ 1k Text Label 8470 5159 0 70 ~ 0.1uF Text Label 9317 4565 0 70 ~ 10k Text Label 9779 3839 0 70 ~ 1k $Comp L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?580240AA U 1 1 580240AA P 12540 3410 F 0 "VCCO_3V3" H 12540 3410 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 12540 3340 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 12540 3410 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 12540 3410 70 0000 C CNN 1 12540 3410 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR?580240A9 U 1 1 580240A9 P 5555 6105 F 0 "GND_21" H 5555 6105 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+GND" H 5555 6035 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5555 6105 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 5555 6105 70 0000 C CNN 1 5555 6105 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L VCCO_3V3 #PWR?580240A8 U 1 1 580240A8 P 9680 3410 F 0 "VCCO_3V3_2" H 9680 3410 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+VCCO_3V3" H 9680 3340 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 9680 3410 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 9680 3410 70 0000 C CNN 1 9680 3410 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L 15V_STABLE #PWR?580240A7 U 1 1 580240A7 P 5555 3685 F 0 "15V_STABLE_2" H 5555 3685 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+15V_STABLE" H 5555 3615 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5555 3685 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 5555 3685 70 0000 C CNN 1 5555 3685 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 12650 4180 12540 4180 Wire Wire Line 12540 3410 12540 4180 Wire Wire Line 12210 4180 12210 4510 Wire Wire Line 12540 4180 12210 4180 Connection ~ 12540 4180 Wire Wire Line 9680 3410 9680 3520 Wire Wire Line 12650 4400 11330 4400 Text Label 11330 4400 0 70 ~ AMPLIFIED Wire Wire Line 11055 4400 10230 4400 Wire Wire Line 9680 3960 9680 4070 Wire Wire Line 9680 4070 9680 4400 Wire Wire Line 9680 4400 9680 4620 Wire Wire Line 10230 4400 9680 4400 Wire Wire Line 9680 4400 9570 4400 Wire Wire Line 9680 4070 9460 4070 Wire Wire Line 10230 4290 10230 4400 Text Label 10615 4400 0 70 ~ AMPLIFIED Connection ~ 9680 4400 Connection ~ 9680 4400 Connection ~ 9680 4070 Connection ~ 10230 4400 Wire Wire Line 14740 4180 14190 4180 Text Label 14740 4180 0 70 ~ DIGITIZED_NOISE Wire Wire Line 12650 4840 12540 4840 Wire Wire Line 12540 4840 12540 5280 Wire Wire Line 12540 5280 12540 5390 Wire Wire Line 12210 4840 12210 5280 Wire Wire Line 12540 5280 12210 5280 Connection ~ 12540 5280 Wire Wire Line 9680 5060 9680 5170 Wire Wire Line 5335 5500 4895 5500 Text Label 4950 5500 0 70 ~ NOISE_OUT Wire Wire Line 4345 4840 4345 5720 Wire Wire Line 4675 4840 4345 4840 Wire Wire Line 4895 4840 4675 4840 Wire Wire Line 4675 4840 4675 5280 Connection ~ 4675 4840 Text Label 4345 4840 0 70 ~ NOISE_IN Wire Wire Line 5555 4840 5335 4840 Wire Wire Line 5555 4840 5555 5280 Wire Wire Line 5555 4730 5555 4840 Wire Wire Line 5885 4840 5555 4840 Wire Wire Line 7040 4840 5885 4840 Wire Wire Line 5885 4730 5885 4840 Text Label 6600 4840 0 70 ~ RAW_NOISE Connection ~ 5555 4840 Connection ~ 5885 4840 Wire Wire Line 8470 4840 7425 4840 Text Label 7425 4840 0 70 ~ RAW_NOISE Wire Wire Line 9240 4070 8910 4070 Wire Wire Line 8910 4840 8800 4840 Wire Wire Line 8910 4400 8910 4840 Wire Wire Line 9130 4400 8910 4400 Wire Wire Line 9460 4840 8910 4840 Wire Wire Line 8910 4070 8910 4400 Connection ~ 8910 4840 Connection ~ 8910 4400 Wire Wire Line 5555 5720 5555 6105 Wire Wire Line 4345 6050 4345 6105 Wire Wire Line 5555 6105 4345 6105 Connection ~ 5555 6105 Wire Wire Line 5555 3685 5555 4290 Wire Wire Line 3465 4345 3520 4345 Wire Wire Line 3465 5225 3465 4345 $Comp L GND #PWR?580240A6 U 1 1 580240A6 P 3465 5225 F 0 "GND_22" H 3465 5225 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+GND" H 3465 5155 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 3465 5225 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 3465 5225 70 0000 C CNN 1 3465 5225 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR?580240A5 U 1 1 580240A5 P 9680 5170 F 0 "GND_23" H 9680 5170 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+GND" H 9680 5100 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 9680 5170 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 9680 5170 70 0000 C CNN 1 9680 5170 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L GND #PWR?580240A4 U 1 1 580240A4 P 12540 5390 F 0 "GND_24" H 12540 5390 20 0000 C CNN F 1 "+GND" H 12540 5320 30 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 12540 5390 70 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 12540 5390 70 0000 C CNN 1 12540 5390 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C-EUC0603 C16 U 1 1 580240A3 F 0 "C16" H 12650 4686 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "" V 12023 4895 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 12023 4895 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 12023 4895 60 0000 C CNN 1 12210 4730 -1 0 0 1 $EndComp $Comp L WE-SHC S1 U 1 1 580240A2 F 0 "S1" H 3630 4950 60 0000 L BNN F 1 "SHIELDING CABINET" H 3960 4895 60 0000 L BNN F 2 "" H 3960 4895 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 3960 4895 60 0000 C CNN 1 3960 4455 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L BC818*SMD Q2 U 1 1 580240A1 F 0 "Q2" H 4862 5148 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "BC818-40LT1G" H 4862 5258 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 4862 5258 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 4862 5258 60 0000 C CNN 1 4785 5500 -1 0 0 1 $EndComp $Comp L BC818*SMD T1 U 1 1 580240A0 F 0 "T1" H 5720 5775 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "BC847BLT3G" H 6182 5665 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 6182 5665 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 6182 5665 60 0000 C CNN 1 5445 5500 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L BC818*SMD T2 U 1 1 5802409F F 0 "T2" H 9845 5115 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "BC847BLT3G" H 10307 5005 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 10307 5005 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 10307 5005 60 0000 C CNN 1 9570 4840 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L TPB1,27 TP1 U 1 1 5802409E F 0 "TP1" H 5775 4290 60 0000 L BNN 1 5885 4620 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L TPB1,27 TP2 U 1 1 5802409D F 0 "TP2" H 10120 3850 60 0000 L BNN 1 10230 4180 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L MC74HC1G14DTT1G IC34 U 1 1 5802409C 1 13420 4400 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L C-EUC0603 C14 U 1 1 5802409B F 0 "C14" H 4840 5830 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "" H 4840 5940 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 4840 5940 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 4840 5940 60 0000 C CNN 1 4345 5940 -1 0 0 1 $EndComp $Comp L R-EU_R0402 R10 U 1 1 5802409A F 0 "R10" H 5277.78889 4697 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "" H 5390 5060 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 5390 5060 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 5390 5060 60 0000 C CNN 1 5115 4840 -1 0 0 1 $EndComp $Comp L R-EU_R0402 R11 U 1 1 58024099 F 0 "R11" V 5445 4675 60 0000 L BNN F 1 "" V 5555 4675 60 0000 L BNN F 2 "" H 5555 4675 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 5555 4675 60 0000 C CNN 1 5555 4510 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L C-EUC0603 C15 U 1 1 58024098 F 0 "C15" V 8360 4950 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "" V 8250 4950 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 8250 4950 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 8250 4950 60 0000 C CNN 1 8580 4840 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L R-EU_R0402 R12 U 1 1 58024097 F 0 "R12" H 9097 4235 60 0000 L BNN F 1 "" H 9020 4180 60 0000 L BNN F 2 "" H 9020 4180 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 9020 4180 60 0000 C CNN 1 9350 4400 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L R-EU_R0402 R13 U 1 1 58024096 F 0 "R13" V 9680 3630 60 0000 R TNN F 1 "" V 9570 3630 60 0000 R TNN F 2 "" H 9570 3630 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 9570 3630 60 0000 C CNN 1 9680 3740 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L BAT54 D1 U 1 1 58024095 F 0 "D1" H 9251 4152.5 60 0000 L BNN F 1 "BAT54LT1G" H 9097 3883 60 0000 L BNN F 2 "" H 9097 3883 60 0000 C CNN F 3 "" H 9097 3883 60 0000 C CNN 1 9350 4070 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $EndSCHEMATC