path: root/rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch
diff options
authorFredrik Thulin <fredrik@thulin.net>2018-05-09 11:14:13 +0200
committerFredrik Thulin <fredrik@thulin.net>2018-05-09 11:14:13 +0200
commit0951574c194641f2bc189b193d955b98277d1ea9 (patch)
tree0b036802de0e3c0a8047ad7d35996fda2dd5dbd4 /rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch
parent6f9fea92656daaf55fc6142877630a9cf6c3c21f (diff)
remap symbols to suit KiCad-nightly
Diffstat (limited to 'rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch')
-rw-r--r--rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch262
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch b/rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch
deleted file mode 100644
index 975a559..0000000
--- a/rev03-KiCad/Cryptech Alpha.sch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2
-LIBS:Cryptech Alpha
-$Descr A4 11693 8268
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 1 27
-Title ""
-Date ""
-Rev ""
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-S 7100 6650 500 300
-U 57D8469B
-F0 "Introduction" 60
-F1 "rev02_00.sch" 60
-S 9900 850 750 400
-U 57D84708
-F0 "Power" 60
-F1 "rev02_01.sch" 60
-S 750 5200 750 400
-U 57D8488D
-F0 "Entropy source" 60
-F1 "rev02_02.sch" 60
-S 6950 3100 750 400
-U 57D84936
-F0 "STM32 configuration" 60
-F1 "rev02_03.sch" 60
-S 6950 2400 750 400
-U 57D849FD
-F0 "STM32 power" 60
-F1 "rev02_04.sch" 60
-S 8700 2400 750 400
-U 57D84B22
-F0 "SDRAM" 60
-F1 "rev02_06.sch" 60
-S 8700 3100 750 400
-U 57D84C13
-F0 "Keystore memory" 60
-F1 "rev02_07.sch" 60
-S 8700 3800 750 400
-U 57D84C55
-F0 "Real Time Clock" 60
-F1 "rev02_08.sch" 60
-S 7550 1200 750 400
-U 57D84CB3
-F0 "User USB UART" 60
-F1 "rev02_09.sch" 60
-S 6350 1200 750 400
-U 57D84E30
-F1 "rev02_10.sch" 60
-S 5350 5250 750 450
-U 57D84FAD
-F0 "Tamper MCU" 60
-F1 "rev02_11.sch" 60
-S 5350 6100 750 400
-U 57D8509E
-F0 "Master Key Memory" 60
-F1 "rev02_12.sch" 60
-S 2100 2100 750 400
-U 57D85134
-F0 "Config interface" 60
-F1 "rev02_13.sch" 60
-S 2100 2700 750 400
-U 57D85217
-F0 "Unused" 60
-F1 "rev02_14.sch" 60
-S 650 1300 750 400
-U 57D85260
-F0 "Config memory" 60
-F1 "rev02_15.sch" 60
-S 2100 3350 750 400
-U 57D85319
-F0 "Unused banks" 60
-F1 "rev02_16.sch" 60
-S 4900 3350 750 400
-U 57D85338
-F0 "FMC interface" 60
-F1 "rev02_17.sch" 60
-S 6950 3800 750 400
-U 57D85391
-F0 "STM32 IO" 60
-F1 "rev02_05.sch" 60
-S 9900 2100 750 400
-U 57D853B0
-F0 "Power: 1V8 3V3" 60
-F1 "rev02_18.sch" 60
-S 2100 4050 750 400
-U 57D854CB
-F0 "GPIO" 60
-F1 "rev02_19.sch" 60
-S 4900 4050 750 400
-U 57D8556F
-F0 "MKM interface" 60
-F1 "rev02_20.sch" 60
-S 3500 4050 750 400
-U 57D8559C
-F0 "PWR and GND" 60
-F1 "rev02_21.sch" 60
-S 3500 2700 750 400
-U 57D855DE
-F0 "Core and AUX bypass" 60
-F1 "rev02_22.sch" 60
-S 3500 3350 750 400
-U 57D8583B
-F0 "VCCO bypass" 60
-F1 "rev02_23.sch" 60
-S 9900 1500 750 400
-U 57D85A75
-F0 "Power: 1V0" 60
-F1 "rev02_24.sch" 60
-S 3500 2100 750 400
-U 57D85B19
-F0 "Power sequencing" 60
-F1 "rev02_25.sch" 60
-Wire Notes Line
- 6400 2200 6400 4400
-Wire Notes Line
- 6400 4400 8300 4400
-Wire Notes Line
- 8300 4400 8300 2200
-Wire Notes Line
- 8300 2200 6400 2200
-Text Notes 6450 2350 0 98 ~ 20
-Wire Wire Line
- 8700 3300 8300 3300
-Wire Wire Line
- 8700 4000 8300 4000
-Wire Wire Line
- 7950 1700 7950 2200
-Wire Wire Line
- 6750 1700 6750 2200
-Wire Bus Line
- 8200 2600 8700 2600
-Text Label 8350 2600 0 60 ~ 0
-Wire Notes Line
- 1950 1800 1950 4700
-Wire Notes Line
- 1950 4700 6000 4700
-Wire Notes Line
- 6000 4700 6000 1800
-Wire Notes Line
- 6000 1800 1950 1800
-Text Notes 2050 1950 0 98 ~ 20
-Wire Wire Line
- 1400 1500 1650 1500
-Wire Wire Line
- 1650 1500 1650 2300
-Wire Wire Line
- 1650 2300 2100 2300
-Wire Wire Line
- 1500 5400 3150 5400
-Wire Wire Line
- 3150 5400 3150 4700
-Wire Wire Line
- 5200 4550 5200 5450
-Wire Wire Line
- 5200 5450 5350 5450
-Wire Wire Line
- 5700 5800 5700 6000
-Wire Bus Line
- 8200 2600 8200 4000
-Wire Bus Line
- 8200 4000 7700 4000
-Wire Bus Line
- 5650 3550 6500 3550
-Wire Bus Line
- 6500 3550 6500 4000
-Wire Bus Line
- 6500 4000 6950 4000
-Text Label 6100 3550 0 60 ~ 0