# Download and build libtfm from source with the options we want. # Commit against which we've been testing. Perhaps we should be using # a git subrepository instead of this hack? URL := https://github.com/libtom/tomsfastmath.git COMMIT := e0fe602802e376a971a84ba300ad0aab17165600 # Maximum size of a bignum. See tfm.pdf section 1.3.6 ("Precision # configuration") for details on how FP_MAX_SIZE works. BITS := 8192 REPO := $(notdir $(basename ${URL})) HDR := ${REPO}/src/headers/tfm.h LIB := ${REPO}/libtfm.a FLAGS := CFLAGS='-fPIC -Wall -W -Wshadow -Isrc/headers -g3 -DFP_MAX_SIZE="(${BITS}+(8*DIGIT_BIT))"' TARGETS := $(notdir ${HDR} ${LIB}) SHA256SUM := $(firstword $(wildcard /usr/local/bin/sha256sum /usr/local/bin/gsha256sum /usr/bin/sha256sum)) all: ${TARGETS} clean: rm -f ${TARGETS} $(notdir ${HDR}.tmp) cd ${REPO}; git clean -dxf distclean: clean rm -rf ${REPO} TAGS ${HDR}: git clone --quiet --no-checkout ${URL} cd ${REPO}; git checkout --quiet ${COMMIT} ${LIB}: ${HDR} ifeq "" "${SHA256SUM}" @echo "Couldn't find sha256sum, not verifying distribution checksums" else ${SHA256SUM} --check Checksums endif cd ${REPO}; git clean -dxf cd ${REPO}; ${MAKE} ${FLAGS} $(notdir ${HDR}): ${HDR} echo >$@.tmp '/* Configure size of largest bignum we want to handle -- see notes in tfm.pdf */' echo >>$@.tmp '#define FP_MAX_SIZE (${BITS}+(8*DIGIT_BIT))' echo >>$@.tmp '' cat >>$@.tmp $^ mv -f $@.tmp $@ $(notdir ${LIB}): ${LIB} ln -f $^ $@ tags: TAGS TAGS: ${HDR} find ${REPO} -type f -name '*.[ch]' -print | etags - ifneq "" "${SHA256SUM}" regenerate-checksums: ${HDR} cd ${REPO}; git clean -dxf find ${REPO} -name .git -prune -o -type f -print | sort | xargs ${SHA256SUM} >Checksums endif