TEST = cores test-bus test-trng test-hash test-aes-key-wrap test-pbkdf2 test-ecdsa test-rsa #TEST += test-rpc_hash test-rpc_pkey test-rpc_get_version test-rpc_get_random TEST += test-rpc_server CFLAGS += -I $(LIBHAL_DIR) LIBC_OBJS = printf.o gettimeofday.o LIBS += $(LIBHAL_DIR)/libhal.a $(LIBTFM_DIR)/libtfm.a all: $(TEST:=.elf) vpath %.c $(LIBHAL_DIR)/tests $(LIBHAL_DIR)/utils # .mo extension for files with main() that need to be wrapped as __main() %.mo: %.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Dmain=__main -o $@ $< %.elf: %.mo main.o $(BOARD_OBJS) $(LIBC_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $*.elf -T$(LDSCRIPT) -g -Wl,-Map=$*.map $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $*.elf $*.hex $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $*.elf $*.bin $(OBJDUMP) -St $*.elf >$*.lst $(SIZE) $*.elf # don't automatically delete objects, to avoid a lot of unnecessary rebuilding .SECONDARY: $(BOARD_OBJS) $(LIBC_OBJS) clean: rm -f *.o *.mo rm -f *.elf rm -f *.hex rm -f *.bin rm -f *.map rm -f *.lst