/* * Test code for the RTC. * * Dumps the SRAM and EEPROM on startup, then enables the oscillator. * After that, the clock registers are read once a second - the first byte * is seconds (and some control bits, so dont expect 0..59). * */ #include #include "stm-init.h" #include "stm-led.h" #include "stm-uart.h" #include "stm-rtc.h" #define DELAY() HAL_Delay(1000) uint8_t buf[1024]; uint32_t i; uint32_t device_ready(uint16_t i2c_addr) { uart_send_string("Checking readiness of 0x"); uart_send_hex(i2c_addr, 4); uart_send_string("..."); if (rtc_device_ready(i2c_addr) == HAL_OK) { uart_send_string("OK\r\n"); return 1; } uart_send_string("Not ready (0x"); uart_send_hex(i, 4); uart_send_string(")\r\n"); return 0; } void send_byte(const uint16_t i2c_addr, const uint8_t value) { uint8_t ch = value; uart_send_string("Sending "); uart_send_hex(ch, 2); uart_send_string(" to 0x"); uart_send_hex(i2c_addr, 4); uart_send_string("..."); if (rtc_send_byte(i2c_addr, ch, 1000) != HAL_OK) { uart_send_string("Timeout\r\n"); Error_Handler(); } uart_send_string("OK\r\n"); } void read_bytes (uint8_t *buf, const uint16_t i2c_addr, const uint8_t len) { uart_send_string("Reading "); uart_send_integer(len, 1); uart_send_string(" bytes from 0x"); uart_send_hex(i2c_addr, 4); uart_send_string("..."); if (rtc_read_bytes(i2c_addr, buf, len, 1000) != HAL_OK) { uart_send_string("Timeout\r\n"); Error_Handler(); } uart_send_string("OK\r\n"); } void request_data(uint8_t *buf, const uint16_t i2c_addr, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t bytes) { send_byte(i2c_addr, offset); read_bytes(buf, i2c_addr, bytes); } void print_time() { request_data(buf, RTC_RTC_ADDR, RTC_TIME_OFFSET, RTC_TIME_BYTES); for (i = 0; i < RTC_TIME_BYTES; i++) { uart_send_hex(buf[i], 2); uart_send_string(" "); } } void dump_sram() { request_data(buf, RTC_RTC_ADDR, 0x0, RTC_SRAM_TOTAL_BYTES); uart_send_string("SRAM contents:\r\n"); uart_send_hexdump(buf, 0, RTC_SRAM_TOTAL_BYTES); uart_send_string("\r\n"); } void dump_eeprom() { request_data(buf, RTC_EEPROM_ADDR, 0x0, RTC_EEPROM_TOTAL_BYTES); uart_send_string("EEPROM contents:\r\n"); uart_send_hexdump(buf, 0, RTC_EEPROM_TOTAL_BYTES); uart_send_string("\r\n"); request_data(buf, RTC_EEPROM_ADDR, RTC_EEPROM_EUI48_OFFSET, RTC_EEPROM_EUI48_BYTES); uart_send_string("EEPROM EUI-48:\r\n"); uart_send_hexdump(buf, RTC_EEPROM_EUI48_OFFSET, RTC_EEPROM_EUI48_BYTES); uart_send_string("\r\n"); } void enable_oscillator() { uart_send_string("Enabling oscillator...\r\n"); if (rtc_enable_oscillator() != HAL_OK) { uart_send_string("Timeout\r\n"); Error_Handler(); } uart_send_string("OK\r\n"); } int main() { stm_init(); uart_send_string("\r\n\r\n*** Init done\r\n"); dump_sram(); dump_eeprom(); enable_oscillator(); while (1) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (! device_ready(RTC_RTC_ADDR)) { goto fail; } print_time(buf); uart_send_string("\r\n\r\n"); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_PORT, LED_GREEN); DELAY(); continue; fail: HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_PORT, LED_RED); DELAY(); } } (plain) (tree)