/***************************************************************************** Stripped-down printf() Chris Giese http://my.execpc.com/~geezer Release date: Dec 12, 2003 This code is public domain (no copyright). You can do whatever you want with it. Revised Dec 12, 2003 - fixed vsprintf() and sprintf() in test code Revised Jan 28, 2002 - changes to make characters 0x80-0xFF display properly Revised June 10, 2001 - changes to make vsprintf() terminate string with '\0' Revised May 12, 2000 - math in DO_NUM is now unsigned, as it should be - %0 flag (pad left with zeroes) now works - actually did some TESTING, maybe fixed some other bugs %[flag][width][.prec][mod][conv] flag: - left justify, pad right w/ blanks DONE 0 pad left w/ 0 for numerics DONE + always print sign, + or - no ' ' (blank) no # (???) no width: (field width) DONE prec: (precision) no conv: d,i decimal int DONE u decimal unsigned DONE o octal DONE x,X hex DONE f,e,g,E,G float no c char DONE s string DONE p ptr DONE mod: N near ptr DONE F far ptr no h short (16-bit) int DONE l long (32-bit) int DONE L long long (64-bit) int no *****************************************************************************/ #include /* strlen() */ #include /* stdout, putchar(), fputs() (but not printf() :) */ #undef putchar #if 1 #include /* va_list, va_start(), va_arg(), va_end() */ #else /* home-brew STDARG.H, also public-domain: */ /* Assume: width of stack == width of int. Don't use sizeof(char *) or other pointer because sizeof(char *)==4 for LARGE-model 16-bit code. Assume: width is a power of 2 */ #define STACK_WIDTH sizeof(int) /* Round up object width so it's an even multiple of STACK_WIDTH. Using & for division here, so STACK_WIDTH must be a power of 2. */ #define TYPE_WIDTH(TYPE) \ ((sizeof(TYPE) + STACK_WIDTH - 1) & ~(STACK_WIDTH - 1)) /* point the va_list pointer to LASTARG, then advance beyond it to the first variable arg */ #define va_start(PTR, LASTARG) \ PTR = (va_list)((char *)&(LASTARG) + TYPE_WIDTH(LASTARG)) #define va_end(PTR) /* nothing */ /* Increment the va_list pointer, then return (evaluate to, actually) the previous value of the pointer. WHEEE! At last; a valid use for the C comma operator! */ #define va_arg(PTR, TYPE) ( \ (char *)(PTR) += TYPE_WIDTH(TYPE) \ , \ *((TYPE *)((char *)(PTR) - TYPE_WIDTH(TYPE))) \ ) /* Every other compiler/libc seems to be using 'void *', so... (I _was_ using 'unsigned char *') */ typedef void *va_list; #endif /* flags used in processing format string */ #define PR_LJ 0x01 /* left justify */ #define PR_CA 0x02 /* use A-F instead of a-f for hex */ #define PR_SG 0x04 /* signed numeric conversion (%d vs. %u) */ #define PR_32 0x08 /* long (32-bit) numeric conversion */ #define PR_16 0x10 /* short (16-bit) numeric conversion */ #define PR_WS 0x20 /* PR_SG set and num was < 0 */ #define PR_LZ 0x40 /* pad left with '0' instead of ' ' */ #define PR_FP 0x80 /* pointers are far */ /* largest number handled is 2^64-1, lowest radix handled is 8. 2^64-1 in base 8 has 22 digits (add 2 for trailing NUL and for slop) */ #define PR_BUFLEN 24 typedef int (*fnptr_t)(unsigned c, void **helper); /***************************************************************************** name: do_printf action: minimal subfunction for ?printf, calls function 'fn' with arg 'ptr' for each character to be output returns:total number of characters output *****************************************************************************/ int do_printf(const char *fmt, va_list args, fnptr_t fn, void *ptr) { unsigned flags, actual_wd, count, given_wd; unsigned char *where, buf[PR_BUFLEN]; unsigned char state, radix; long num; state = flags = count = given_wd = 0; /* begin scanning format specifier list */ for(; *fmt; fmt++) { switch(state) { /* STATE 0: AWAITING % */ case 0: if(*fmt != '%') /* not %... */ { fn(*fmt, &ptr); /* ...just echo it */ count++; break; } /* found %, get next char and advance state to check if next char is a flag */ state++; fmt++; /* FALL THROUGH */ /* STATE 1: AWAITING FLAGS (%-0) */ case 1: if(*fmt == '%') /* %% */ { fn(*fmt, &ptr); count++; state = flags = given_wd = 0; break; } if(*fmt == '-') { if(flags & PR_LJ)/* %-- is illegal */ state = flags = given_wd = 0; else flags |= PR_LJ; break; } /* not a flag char: advance state to check if it's field width */ state++; /* check now for '%0...' */ if(*fmt == '0') { flags |= PR_LZ; fmt++; } /* FALL THROUGH */ /* STATE 2: AWAITING (NUMERIC) FIELD WIDTH */ case 2: if(*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9') { given_wd = 10 * given_wd + (*fmt - '0'); break; } /* not field width: advance state to check if it's a modifier */ state++; /* FALL THROUGH */ /* STATE 3: AWAITING MODIFIER CHARS (FNlh) */ case 3: if(*fmt == 'F') { flags |= PR_FP; break; } if(*fmt == 'N') break; if(*fmt == 'l') { flags |= PR_32; break; } if(*fmt == 'h') { flags |= PR_16; break; } /* not modifier: advance state to check if it's a conversion char */ state++; /* FALL THROUGH */ /* STATE 4: AWAITING CONVERSION CHARS (Xxpndiuocs) */ case 4: where = buf + PR_BUFLEN - 1; *where = '\0'; switch(*fmt) { case 'X': flags |= PR_CA; /* FALL THROUGH */ /* xxx - far pointers (%Fp, %Fn) not yet supported */ case 'x': case 'p': case 'n': radix = 16; goto DO_NUM; case 'd': case 'i': flags |= PR_SG; /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'u': radix = 10; goto DO_NUM; case 'o': radix = 8; /* load the value to be printed. l=long=32 bits: */ DO_NUM: if(flags & PR_32) num = va_arg(args, unsigned long); /* h=short=16 bits (signed or unsigned) */ else if(flags & PR_16) { if(flags & PR_SG) num = va_arg(args, short); else num = va_arg(args, unsigned short); } /* no h nor l: sizeof(int) bits (signed or unsigned) */ else { if(flags & PR_SG) num = va_arg(args, int); else num = va_arg(args, unsigned int); } /* take care of sign */ if(flags & PR_SG) { if(num < 0) { flags |= PR_WS; num = -num; } } /* convert binary to octal/decimal/hex ASCII OK, I found my mistake. The math here is _always_ unsigned */ do { unsigned long temp; temp = (unsigned long)num % radix; where--; if(temp < 10) *where = temp + '0'; else if(flags & PR_CA) *where = temp - 10 + 'A'; else *where = temp - 10 + 'a'; num = (unsigned long)num / radix; } while(num != 0); goto EMIT; case 'c': /* disallow pad-left-with-zeroes for %c */ flags &= ~PR_LZ; where--; *where = (unsigned char)va_arg(args, unsigned char); actual_wd = 1; goto EMIT2; case 's': /* disallow pad-left-with-zeroes for %s */ flags &= ~PR_LZ; where = va_arg(args, unsigned char *); EMIT: actual_wd = strlen(where); if(flags & PR_WS) actual_wd++; /* if we pad left with ZEROES, do the sign now */ if((flags & (PR_WS | PR_LZ)) == (PR_WS | PR_LZ)) { fn('-', &ptr); count++; } /* pad on left with spaces or zeroes (for right justify) */ EMIT2: if((flags & PR_LJ) == 0) { while(given_wd > actual_wd) { fn(flags & PR_LZ ? '0' : ' ', &ptr); count++; given_wd--; } } /* if we pad left with SPACES, do the sign now */ if((flags & (PR_WS | PR_LZ)) == PR_WS) { fn('-', &ptr); count++; } /* emit string/char/converted number */ while(*where != '\0') { fn(*where++, &ptr); count++; } /* pad on right with spaces (for left justify) */ if(given_wd < actual_wd) given_wd = 0; else given_wd -= actual_wd; for(; given_wd; given_wd--) { fn(' ', &ptr); count++; } break; default: break; } default: state = flags = given_wd = 0; break; } } return count; } #if 1 /* testing */ /***************************************************************************** SPRINTF *****************************************************************************/ static int vsprintf_help(unsigned c, void **ptr) { char *dst; dst = *ptr; *dst++ = (char)c; *ptr = dst; return 0 ; } /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args) { int rv; rv = do_printf(fmt, args, vsprintf_help, (void *)buf); buf[rv] = '\0'; return rv; } /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int rv; va_start(args, fmt); rv = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); return rv; } /***************************************************************************** PRINTF You must write your own putchar() *****************************************************************************/ int vprintf_help(unsigned c, void **ptr) { putchar(c); return 0 ; } /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list args) { return do_printf(fmt, args, vprintf_help, NULL); } /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int rv; va_start(args, fmt); rv = vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); return rv; } #endif #if 0 /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%lu score and %i years ago...\n", 4L, -7); fputs(buf, stdout); /* puts() adds newline */ sprintf(buf, "-1L == 0x%lX == octal %lo\n", -1L, -1L); fputs(buf, stdout); /* puts() adds newline */ printf("<%-8s> and <%8s> justified strings\n", "left", "right"); return 0; } #endif /***************************************************************************** 2015-10-29 pselkirk for cryptech *****************************************************************************/ /* gcc decides that a plain string with no formatting is best handled by puts() */ int puts(const char *s) { return printf("%s\n", s); } /* transmit characters to the uart */ #include "stm-uart.h" int putchar(int c) { if (c == '\n') uart_send_char('\r'); uart_send_char((uint8_t) c); return c; } id='n239' href='#n239'>239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460