#!/usr/bin/env python """ Generate a C header file based on a YAML description of PKCS #11 attributes. See comments in attributes.yaml for details. """ # Author: Rob Austein # Copyright (c) 2015, SUNET # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or # without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This requires a third-party YAML parser. On Debian-family Linux, # you can install this with: # # sudo apt-get install python-yaml import os import sys import yaml import argparse def define_flags(flag_names): """ Flag definitions. Called later, here at front of program just to make them easier to find. """ flag_names.create("DEFAULT_VALUE", "Value field contains default") flag_names.footnote( 1, "REQUIRED_BY_CREATEOBJECT") flag_names.footnote( 2, "FORBIDDEN_BY_CREATEOBJECT") flag_names.footnote( 3, "REQUIRED_BY_GENERATE") flag_names.footnote( 4, "FORBIDDEN_BY_GENERATE") flag_names.footnote( 5, "REQUIRED_BY_UNWRAP") flag_names.footnote( 6, "FORBIDDEN_BY_UNWRAP") flag_names.footnote( 7, "SENSITIVE") flag_names.footnote( 8, "PERHAPS_MODIFIABLE") flag_names.footnote( 9, "DEFAULT_IS_TOKEN_SPECIFIC") flag_names.footnote(10, "ONLY_SO_USER_CAN_SET") flag_names.footnote(11, "LATCHES_WHEN_TRUE") flag_names.footnote(12, "LATCHES_WHEN_FALSE") class PKCS11ParseError(Exception): "Failure parsing PCKS #11 object definitions from YAML data." def write_lines(*lines, **d): """ Utility to simplify writing formatted text to the output stream. """ for line in lines: args.output_file.write((line % d) + "\n") class Flags(object): """ Descriptor flag database. Many of these are derived from PKCS #11 Table 15 footnotes """ prefix = "P11_DESCRIPTOR_" # Prefix string for all descriptor flags def __init__(self): self.names = [] self.notes = {} self.width = 0 def create(self, name, comment = None): """ Create a descriptor flag. """ assert len(self.names) < 32 name = self.prefix + name self.names.append((name, comment)) if len(name) > self.width: self.width = len(name) def footnote(self, number, name): """ Create a descriptor flag for a PKCS #11 table 15 footnote. """ assert number not in self.notes self.create(name, "Section 10.2 table 15 footnote #%2d" % number) self.notes[number] = self.prefix + name def write(self): """ Generate the flags, assigning bit positions as we go. """ assert len(self.names) < 32 self.width = (((self.width + 4) >> 2) << 2) - 1 bit = 1 for name, comment in self.names: format = "#define %(name)s 0x%(bit)08x" if comment is not None: format += " /* %(comment)s */" write_lines(format, bit = bit, comment = comment, name = "%-*s" % (self.width, name)) bit <<= 1 class AttributeNumbers(dict): """ Attribute names and numbers scraped (yuck) from pkcs11t.h. """ def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: for line in f: word = line.split() if len(word) <= 2 or word[0] != "#define" or not word[1].startswith("CKA_"): continue if word[2] in self: continue if word[2].startswith("(CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE|"): word[2] = word[2].translate(None, "()").split("|")[1] self[word[1]] = int(word[2], 16) class Attribute(object): """ Definition of one attribute. """ def __init__(self, name, type = None, footnotes = None, default = None, value = None, unimplemented = False): assert value is None or default is None self.name = name self.type = type self.footnotes = footnotes self.default = self.convert_integers(default) self.value = self.convert_integers(value) self.unimplemented = unimplemented @staticmethod def convert_integers(val): """ Convert a non-negative integer initialization value into a byte array. """ if not isinstance(val, (int, long)): return val if val < 0: raise ValueError("Negative integers not legal here: %s" % val) bytes = [] while val > 0: bytes.insert(0, val & 0xFF) val >>= 8 return bytes or [0] def inherit(self, other): """ Merge values from paraent attribute definition, if any. """ for k in ("type", "footnotes", "default", "value"): if getattr(self, k) is None: setattr(self, k, getattr(other, k)) self.unimplemented = self.unimplemented or other.unimplemented def format_flags(self): """ Generate the descriptor flags field. """ flags = [] if self.footnotes: flags.extend(flag_names.notes[f] for f in self.footnotes) if self.value is None and self.default is not None: flags.append("P11_DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_VALUE") flags = " | ".join(flags) return flags or "0" def format_size(self): """ Generate the descriptor size field. """ if isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"): return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type elif self.type in ("rfc2279string", "biginteger", "bytearray"): return "0" else: raise PKCS11ParseError("Unknown meta-type %r" % self.type) def format_length(self): """ Generate the descriptor length field. """ value = self.value or self.default if isinstance(value, list): return "sizeof(const_0x%s)" % "".join("%02x" % v for v in value) elif value and isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"): return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type else: return "0" def format_value(self): """ Generate the descriptor value field. """ value = self.value or self.default if not value: return "NULL_PTR" elif isinstance(value, list): return "const_0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value) else: return "&const_" + value def format_constant(self, constants): """ Generate constant initializer values. These are merged so that we only end up declaring one copy of each initializer value no matter how many attributes use it. """ value = self.value or self.default if not self.unimplemented and value: if isinstance(value, list): constants.add("static const CK_BYTE const_%s[] = { %s };" % ( "0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value), ", ".join("0x%02x" % v for v in value))) else: constants.add("static const %s const_%s = %s;" % (self.type, value, value)) def generate(self): """ Generate the descriptor line for this attribute. """ if not self.unimplemented: args.output_file.write(" { %s, %s, %s, %s, %s },\n" % ( self.name, self.format_size(), self.format_length(), self.format_value(), self.format_flags())) class Class(object): """ A PKCS #11 class. """ def __init__(self, db, name, superclass = None, concrete = False, **attrs): assert all(a.startswith("CKA_") for a in attrs), "Non-attribute: %r" % [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("CKA_")] self.attributes = dict((k, Attribute(k, **v)) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()) self.db = db self.name = name self.superclass = superclass self.concrete = concrete def inherit(self, other): """ Inherit attributes from parent type. """ for k, v in other.attributes.iteritems(): if k not in self.attributes: self.attributes[k] = v else: self.attributes[k].inherit(v) def collect_constants(self, constants): """ Collect initialization constants for all attributes. """ if self.concrete: for a in self.attributes.itervalues(): a.format_constant(constants) def generate(self): """ Generate a descriptor for this type. """ if self.concrete: write_lines("", "static const p11_attribute_descriptor_t p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s[] = {", name = self.name) for a in sorted(self.attributes, key = lambda x: attribute_numbers[x]): self.attributes[a].generate() write_lines("};", "", "static const p11_descriptor_t p11_descriptor_%(name)s = {", " p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s,", " sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s)/sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_t)", "};", name = self.name) def keyclassmap(self): """ Generate a keyclass map entry if this is a concrete key type. """ if self.concrete and all(k in self.attributes and self.attributes[k].value for k in ("CKA_CLASS", "CKA_KEY_TYPE")): write_lines(" { %s, %s, &p11_descriptor_%s }," % ( self.attributes["CKA_CLASS"].value, self.attributes["CKA_KEY_TYPE"].value, self.name)) class DB(object): """ Object type database parsed from YAML """ def __init__(self, y): self.ordered = [Class(self, **y) for y in y] self.named = dict((c.name, c) for c in self.ordered) for c in self.ordered: if c.superclass is not None: c.inherit(self.named[c.superclass]) def generate(self): """ Generate output for everything in the database. """ constants = set() for c in self.ordered: c.collect_constants(constants) for constant in sorted(constants): write_lines(constant) for c in self.ordered: c.generate() write_lines("", "static const p11_descriptor_keyclass_map_t p11_descriptor_keyclass_map[] = {") for c in self.ordered: c.keyclassmap() write_lines("};") # Main program parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--pkcs11t-file", help = "Alternate location for pkcs11t.h", default = "pkcs11t.h") parser.add_argument("yaml_file", help = "Input YAML file", nargs = "?", type = argparse.FileType("r"), default = sys.stdin) parser.add_argument("output_file", help = "Output .h file", nargs = "?", type = argparse.FileType("w"), default = sys.stdout) args = parser.parse_args() attribute_numbers = AttributeNumbers(args.pkcs11t_file) db = DB(yaml.load(args.yaml_file)) args.output_file.write('''\ /* * This file was generated automatically from %(input)s by %(script)s. Do not edit this file directly. */ typedef struct { CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type; CK_ULONG size; /* Size in bytes if this is a fixed-length attribute */ CK_ULONG length; /* Length in bytes of the object to which value points */ const void *value; /* Default or constant depending on P11_DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_VALUE */ unsigned long flags; /* (NULL value with P11_DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_VALUE means zero length default */ } p11_attribute_descriptor_t; typedef struct { const p11_attribute_descriptor_t *attributes; CK_ULONG n_attributes; } p11_descriptor_t; typedef struct { CK_OBJECT_CLASS object_class; CK_KEY_TYPE key_type; const p11_descriptor_t *descriptor; } p11_descriptor_keyclass_map_t; ''' % dict(script = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), input = args.yaml_file.name)) flag_names = Flags() define_flags(flag_names) flag_names.write() write_lines("") db.generate()