/* * First stumblings towards a test harness for RSA using Cryptech * ModExp core. * * For the moment this just does modular exponentiation tests using * RSA keys and pre-formatted data-to-be-signed, without attempting * CRT or any of the other clever stuff we should be doing. This is * not usable for any sane purpose other than testing. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "cryptech.h" #include "test-rsa.h" /* * Constant value to use with hal_io_write() when we don't want * a read-back check thus aren't using set_register(). */ static const uint8_t one[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; /* * Debugging aid: check a result, report on failure. */ #define check(_expr_) \ do { \ if ((_expr_) != 0) \ return printf("%s failed\n", #_expr_), 1; \ } while (0) /* * Set an ordinary register, with read-back check. */ static int _set_register(const off_t addr, const char * const name, uint32_t value) { uint8_t w1[4], w2[4]; int i; assert(name != NULL); for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { w1[i] = value & 0xFF; value >>= 8; } printf("Setting register %#lx %s...\n", (unsigned long) addr, name); check(hal_io_write(addr, w1, sizeof(w1))); check(hal_io_read(addr, w2, sizeof(w2))); if (memcmp(w1, w2, sizeof(w1)) != 0) printf("MISMATCH\n"); return 0; } /* * Get value of a block memory. */ static int _get_blockmem(const off_t reset_addr, const char * const reset_name, const off_t data_addr, const char * const data_name, uint8_t *value, const size_t length) { size_t i; assert(reset_name != NULL && data_name != NULL && value != NULL && length % 4 == 0); printf("Setting register %#lx %s...\n", (unsigned long) reset_addr, reset_name); check(hal_io_write(reset_addr, one, sizeof(one))); printf("Getting blockmem %#lx %s...\n", (unsigned long) data_addr, data_name); for (i = 0; i < length; i += 4) check(hal_io_read(data_addr, &value[i], 4)); return 0; } /* * Set value of a block memory, with read-back check. */ static int _set_blockmem(const off_t reset_addr, const char * const reset_name, const off_t data_addr, const char * const data_name, const uint8_t * const value, const size_t value_length, uint8_t *buffer, const size_t buffer_length) { size_t i; assert(reset_name != NULL && data_name != NULL && value != NULL && buffer_length >= value_length && value_length % 4 == 0); printf("Setting register %#lx %s...\n", (unsigned long) reset_addr, reset_name); check(hal_io_write(reset_addr, one, sizeof(one))); printf("Setting blockmem %#lx %s...\n", (unsigned long) data_addr, data_name); for (i = 0; i < value_length; i += 4) check(hal_io_write(data_addr, &value[i], 4)); check(_get_blockmem(reset_addr, reset_name, data_addr, data_name, buffer, value_length)); if (memcmp(value, buffer, value_length)) printf("MISMATCH\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } /* * Syntactic sugar. */ #define set_register(_field_, _value_) \ _set_register(_field_, #_field_, _value_) #define get_blockmem(_field_, _value_, _length_) \ _get_blockmem(_field_##_PTR_RST, #_field_ "_PTR_RST", _field_##_DATA, #_field_ "_DATA", _value_, _length_) #define set_blockmem(_field_, _value_, _buffer_) \ _set_blockmem(_field_##_PTR_RST, #_field_ "_PTR_RST", _field_##_DATA, #_field_ "_DATA", (_value_).val, (_value_).len, _buffer_, sizeof(_buffer_)) /* * Test driver. */ static int test(const rsa_tc_t * const tc) { uint8_t b[4096]; hal_io_set_debug(1); printf("Signature test for %lu-bit RSA key\n", (unsigned long) tc->size); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_MODULUS, tc->n, b)); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_MESSAGE, tc->m, b)); check(set_register(MODEXP_MODULUS_LENGTH, tc->n.len / 4)); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_EXPONENT, tc->d, b)); check(set_register(MODEXP_EXPONENT_LENGTH, tc->d.len / 4)); printf("Checking ready status\n"); check(hal_io_wait_ready(MODEXP_ADDR_STATUS)); printf("\n"); check(set_register(MODEXP_ADDR_CTRL, 1)); hal_io_set_debug(0); printf("Waiting for ready\n"); check(hal_io_wait(MODEXP_ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_READY, NULL)); printf("\n"); hal_io_set_debug(1); check(get_blockmem(MODEXP_RESULT, b, tc->n.len)); printf("Comparing results with known value..."); if (memcmp(b, tc->s.val, tc->s.len)) printf("MISMATCH\n"); else printf("OK\n"); printf("Verification test for %lu-bit RSA key\n", (unsigned long) tc->size); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_MODULUS, tc->n, b)); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_MESSAGE, tc->m, b)); check(set_register(MODEXP_MODULUS_LENGTH, tc->n.len / 4)); check(set_blockmem(MODEXP_EXPONENT, tc->e, b)); check(set_register(MODEXP_EXPONENT_LENGTH, tc->e.len / 4)); printf("Checking ready status\n"); check(hal_io_wait_ready(MODEXP_ADDR_STATUS)); printf("\n"); check(set_register(MODEXP_ADDR_CTRL, 1)); hal_io_set_debug(0); printf("Waiting for ready\n"); check(hal_io_wait(MODEXP_ADDR_STATUS, STATUS_READY, NULL)); printf("\n"); hal_io_set_debug(1); check(get_blockmem(MODEXP_RESULT, b, tc->n.len)); printf("Comparing results with known value..."); if (memcmp(b, tc->m.val, tc->m.len)) printf("MISMATCH\n"); else printf("OK\n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t name[8], version[4]; int i; /* * Initialize EIM and report what core we're running. */ check(hal_io_read(MODEXP_ADDR_NAME0, name, sizeof(name))); check(hal_io_read(MODEXP_ADDR_VERSION, version, sizeof(version))); printf("\"%8.8s\" \"%4.4s\"\n\n", name, version); /* * Run the test cases. */ #if 0 #define N (sizeof(rsa_tc)/sizeof(*rsa_tc)) #else #define N (1) #endif for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (test(&rsa_tc[i])) return 1; return 0; }