/* * Test Joachim's MKMIF core. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SCLK_DIV 0x00000020 typedef union { uint8_t byte[4]; uint32_t word; } byteword_t; static hal_error_t sclk_test(hal_core_t *core, const uint32_t divisor) { uint32_t readback; hal_error_t err; printf("Trying to adjust the clockspeed.\n"); if ((err = hal_mkmif_set_clockspeed(core, divisor)) != HAL_OK) { printf("hal_mkmif_set_clockspeed: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } if ((err = hal_mkmif_get_clockspeed(core, &readback)) != HAL_OK) { printf("hal_mkmif_get_clockspeed: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } if (readback != divisor) { printf("expected %x, got %x\n", (unsigned int)divisor, (unsigned int)readback); return HAL_ERROR_IO_UNEXPECTED; } return HAL_OK; } static hal_error_t init_test(hal_core_t *core) { hal_error_t err; printf("Trying to init to the memory in continuous mode.\n"); if ((err = hal_mkmif_init(core)) != HAL_OK) { printf("hal_mkmif_init: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } return HAL_OK; } static hal_error_t write_test(hal_core_t *core) { uint32_t write_data; uint32_t write_address; int i; hal_error_t err; for (write_data = 0x01020304, write_address = 0, i = 0; i < 0x10; write_data += 0x01010101, write_address += 4, ++i) { printf("Trying to write 0x%08x to memory address 0x%08x.\n", (unsigned int)write_data, (unsigned int)write_address); if ((err = hal_mkmif_write_word(core, write_address, write_data)) != HAL_OK) { printf("hal_mkmif_write: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } } return HAL_OK; } static hal_error_t read_test(hal_core_t *core) { uint32_t read_data; uint32_t read_address; int i; hal_error_t err; for (read_address = 0, i = 0; i < 0x10; read_address += 4, ++i) { printf("Trying to read from memory address 0x%08x.\n", (unsigned int)read_address); if ((err = hal_mkmif_read_word(core, read_address, &read_data)) != HAL_OK) { printf("hal_mkmif_read: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } printf("Data read: 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)read_data); } return HAL_OK; } static hal_error_t write_read_test(hal_core_t *core) { uint32_t data; uint32_t readback; hal_error_t err; printf("Trying to write 0xdeadbeef to the memory and then read back.\n"); data = 0xdeadbeef; if ((err = hal_mkmif_write_word(core, 0x00000000, data)) != HAL_OK) { printf("write error: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } if ((err = hal_mkmif_read_word(core, 0x00000000, &readback)) != HAL_OK) { printf("read error: %s\n", hal_error_string(err)); return err; } if (readback != data) { printf("read %08x, expected %08x\n", (unsigned int)readback, (unsigned int)data); return HAL_ERROR_IO_UNEXPECTED; } return HAL_OK; } int main(void) { hal_core_t *core = hal_core_find(MKMIF_NAME, NULL); if (core == NULL) { printf("MKMIF core not present, not testing.\n"); return HAL_ERROR_CORE_NOT_FOUND; } hal_io_set_debug(1); return sclk_test(core, SCLK_DIV) || init_test(core) || write_read_test(core) || write_test(core) || read_test(core); } =3b044e50d3295c04863bdb0587a6eef157e654b8'>cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/stm32f4xx_hal_tim.c
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