/* * halrpc.h * ---------- * Remote procedure call API to extrude libhal across the green/yellow boundary. * * Authors: Rob Austein, Paul Selkirk * Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the NORDUnet nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _HALRPC_H_ #define _HALRPC_H_ /* * Get random bytes. */ extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_get_random(void *buffer, const size_t length); /* * Session handles are pretty much as in PKCS #11: from our viewpoint, * a session is a lock-step stream of operations, so while operations * from different sessions can interleave, operations within a single * session cannot. * * Client handles are a small extension to the PKCS #11 model, * intended to support multiple PKCS #11 using applications sharing a * single HSM. Technically, sessions are per-client, but in practice * there's no sane reason why we'd use the same session handle * concurrently in multiple clients. Mostly, the client abstraction * is to handle login and logout against the HSM's PIN. Clients add * nothing whatsoever to the security model (the HSM has no way of * knowing whether the host is lumping multiple applications into a * single "client"), the point of the exercise is just to make the * C_Login()/C_Logout() semantics work as expected in the presence of * multiple applications. * * NB: Unlike other handles used in this protocol, session and client * handles are created by the client (host) side of the RPC mechanism, * not the server (HSM) side. */ typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_rpc_client_handle_t; typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_rpc_session_handle_t; typedef enum { HAL_RPC_PIN_USER_REGULAR, HAL_RPC_PIN_USER_SO } hal_rpc_pin_user_t; extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_set_pin(const hal_rpc_pin_user_t which, const char * const newpin, const size_t newpin_len); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_login(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_pin_user_t user, const char * const newpin, const size_t newpin_len); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_logout(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client); /* * Combined hash and HMAC functions: pass NULL key for plain hashing. */ typedef enum { hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha1, hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha256, hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha512_224, hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha512_256, hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha384, hal_rpc_hash_alg__sha512 } hal_rpc_hash_alg_t; typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_rpc_hash_handle_t; extern const hal_rpc_hash_handle_t hal_rpc_hash_handle_none; extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_get_digest_len(const hal_rpc_hash_alg_t alg, size_t *length); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(const hal_rpc_hash_alg_t alg, uint8_t *id, size_t *len, const size_t len_max); /* * Once started, a hash or HMAC operation is bound to a particular * session, so we only need the client and session arguments to initialize. */ extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_initialize(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, hal_rpc_hash_handle_t *hash, const hal_rpc_hash_alg_t alg, const uint8_t * const key, const size_t key_length); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_update(const hal_rpc_hash_handle_t hash, const uint8_t * data, const size_t length); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_finalize(const hal_rpc_hash_handle_t hash, uint8_t *digest, const size_t length); /* * Public key functions. * * The _sign() and _verify() methods accept a hash OR an input string; * either "hash" should be hal_rpc_hash_handle_none or input should be NULL, * but not both. * * Use of client and session handles here needs a bit more thought. * * Client handles are straightforward: basically, anything that * creates a new pkey handle should take a client handle, which should * suffice, as object handles never cross clients. * * Session handles are more interesting, as PKCS #11's versions of * session and object handles do in effect allow one session to hand * an object handle to another session. So any action which can do * significant work (ie, which is complicated enough that we can't * guarantee an immediate response) needs to take a session handle. * * There will probably be a few cases where a session handle isn't * strictly required but we ask for one anyway because the API turns * out to be easier to understand that way (eg, we probably want to * ask for a session handle anywhere we ask for a client handle, * whether we need the session handle or not, so that users of this * API don't have to remember which pkey-handle-creating calls require * a session handle and which ones don't...). */ #define HAL_RPC_PKEY_NAME_MAX 128 typedef enum { HAL_RPC_PKEY_RSA_PRIVATE, HAL_RPC_PKEY_RSA_PUBLIC, HAL_RPC_PKEY_ECDSA_PRIVATE, HAL_RPC_PKEY_ECDSA_PUBLIC } hal_rpc_pkey_key_type_t; typedef enum { HAL_RPC_PKEY_CURVE_ECDSA_P256, HAL_RPC_PKEY_CURVE_ECDSA_P384, HAL_RPC_PKEY_CURVE_ECDSA_P521 } hal_rpc_pkey_curve_t; typedef struct { uint33_t handle; } hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t; typedef uint32_t hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t; #define HAL_RPC_PKEY_FLAG_USAGE_DIGITALSIGNATURE (1 << 0) #define HAL_RPC_PKEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT (1 << 1) #define HAL_RPC_PKEY_FLAG_USAGE_DATAENCIPHERMENT (1 << 2) extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_load(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t *pkey, const hal_rpc_pkey_key_type type, const uint8_t * const name, const size_t name_len, const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len, const hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t flags); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_find(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t *pkey, const hal_rpc_pkey_key_type type, const uint8_t * const name, const size_t name_len); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_generate_rsa(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t *pkey, const uint8_t * const name, const size_t name_len, const unsigned key_length, const uint8_t * const public_exponent, const size_t public_exponent_len, const hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t flags); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_generate_ec(const hal_rpc_client_handle_t client, const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t *pkey, const uint8_t * const name, const size_t name_len, const hal_rpc_pkey_curve_t curve, const hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t flags); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_delete(const hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t pkey); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_key_type(const hal_rpc_pkey_handle pkey, hal_rpc_pkey_key_type_t *key_type); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_key_flags(const hal_rpc_pkey_handle pkey, hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t *flags); extern size_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_public_key_len(const hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t pkey); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_public_key(const hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t pkey, uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_len_max); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_sign(const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, const hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t pkey, const hal_rpc_hash_handle_t hash, const uint8_t * const input, const size_t input_len, uint8_t * output, const size_t output_len); extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_verify(const hal_rpc_session_handle_t session, const hal_rpc_pkey_handle_t pkey, const hal_rpc_hash_handle_t hash, const uint8_t * const input, const size_t input_len, uint8_t * output, const size_t output_len); typedef struct { hal_rpc_pkey_key_type_t key_type; hal_rpc_pkey_curve_t curve; hal_rpc_pkey_flags_t flags; char name[HAL_RPC_PKEY_NAME_MAX]; /* ... */ } hal_rpc_pkey_key_info_t; extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_list(hal_rpc_pkey_key_info_t *result, unsigned *result_len, const unsigned result_max); #endif /* _HALRPC_H_ */ /* * Local variables: * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */