# Copyright (c) 2016, NORDUnet A/S # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # - Neither the name of the NORDUnet nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ A Python interface to the Cryptech libhal RPC API. """ # A lot of this is hand-generated XDR data structure encoding. If and # when we ever convert the C library to use data structures processed # by rpcgen, we may want to rewrite this code to use the output of # something like https://github.com/floodlight/xdr.git -- in either # case the generated code would just be for the data structures, we're # not likely to want to use the full ONC RPC mechanism. import os import sys import uuid import xdrlib import socket import logging import binascii logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if sys.version_info.major == 2: def colon_hex(raw): return ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(b)) for b in raw) else: def colon_hex(raw): return ":".join("{:02x}".format(b) for b in raw) SLIP_END = b"\300" # indicates end of packet SLIP_ESC = b"\333" # indicates byte stuffing SLIP_ESC_END = b"\334" # ESC ESC_END means END data byte SLIP_ESC_ESC = b"\335" # ESC ESC_ESC means ESC data byte def slip_encode(buffer): return SLIP_END + buffer.replace(SLIP_ESC, SLIP_ESC + SLIP_ESC_ESC).replace(SLIP_END, SLIP_ESC + SLIP_ESC_END) + SLIP_END def slip_decode(buffer): return buffer.strip(SLIP_END).replace(SLIP_ESC + SLIP_ESC_END, SLIP_END).replace(SLIP_ESC + SLIP_ESC_ESC, SLIP_ESC) HAL_OK = 0 class HALError(Exception): "LibHAL error" table = [None] @classmethod def define(cls, **kw): assert len(kw) == 1 name, text = list(kw.items())[0] e = type(name, (cls,), dict(__doc__ = text)) cls.table.append(e) globals()[name] = e HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS = "Bad arguments given") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY = "Unsupported key type or key length") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IO_SETUP_FAILED = "Could not set up I/O with FPGA") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT = "I/O with FPGA timed out") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IO_UNEXPECTED = "Unexpected response from FPGA") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IO_OS_ERROR = "Operating system error talking to FPGA") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IO_BAD_COUNT = "Bad byte count") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_CSPRNG_BROKEN = "CSPRNG is returning nonsense") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_MAGIC = "Bad magic number while unwrapping key") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_LENGTH = "Length out of range while unwrapping key") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_PADDING = "Non-zero padding detected unwrapping key") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE = "\"Impossible\" error") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILURE = "Memory allocation failed") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_RESULT_TOO_LONG = "Result too long for buffer") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_ASN1_PARSE_FAILED = "ASN.1 parse failed") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NOT_ON_CURVE = "EC key is not on its purported curve") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE = "Invalid signature") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_CORE_NOT_FOUND = "Requested core not found") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_CORE_BUSY = "Requested core busy") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_ACCESS = "Could not access keystore") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND = "Key not found") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NAME_IN_USE = "Key name in use") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_NO_KEY_SLOTS_AVAILABLE = "No key slots available") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_PIN_INCORRECT = "PIN incorrect") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_NO_CLIENT_SLOTS_AVAILABLE = "No client slots available") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_FORBIDDEN = "Forbidden") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_XDR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = "XDR buffer overflow") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_RPC_TRANSPORT = "RPC transport error") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_RPC_PACKET_OVERFLOW = "RPC packet overflow") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_RPC_BAD_FUNCTION = "Bad RPC function number") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NAME_TOO_LONG = "Key name too long") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_NOT_SET = "Master key (Key Encryption Key) not set") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_FAIL = "Master key generic failure") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_BAD_LENGTH = "Master key of unacceptable length") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KS_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = "Keystore driver not found") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_BAD_CRC = "Bad CRC in keystore") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_BAD_BLOCK_TYPE = "Unsupported keystore block type") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_LOST_DATA = "Keystore appears to have lost data") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH = "Bad attribute length") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND = "Attribute not found") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_NO_KEY_INDEX_SLOTS = "No key index slots available") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KS_INDEX_UUID_MISORDERED = "Key index UUID misordered") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_WRONG_BLOCK_TYPE = "Wrong block type in keystore") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_RPC_PROTOCOL_ERROR = "RPC protocol error") HALError.define(HAL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "Not implemented") # When we finally drop Python 2 support, this class should probably be # replaced by enum.IntEnum from the Python 3 standard library. class CEnum(int): def __new__(cls, name, value): self = int.__new__(cls, value) self._name = name setattr(self.__class__, name, self) return self def __str__(self): return self._name def __repr__(self): return "".format(self) _counter = 0 @classmethod def define(cls, names): symbols = [] for name in names.split(","): if "=" in name: name, sep, expr = name.partition("=") cls._counter = eval(expr.strip()) if not isinstance(cls._counter, int): raise TypeError symbols.append(cls(name.strip(), cls._counter)) cls._counter += 1 cls.index = dict((int(symbol), symbol) for symbol in symbols) globals().update((symbol._name, symbol) for symbol in symbols) def xdr_packer(self, packer): packer.pack_uint(self) class RPCFunc(CEnum): pass RPCFunc.define(''' RPC_FUNC_GET_VERSION, RPC_FUNC_GET_RANDOM, RPC_FUNC_SET_PIN, RPC_FUNC_LOGIN, RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT, RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT_ALL, RPC_FUNC_IS_LOGGED_IN, RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_LEN, RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_ID, RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_ALGORITHM, RPC_FUNC_HASH_INITIALIZE, RPC_FUNC_HASH_UPDATE, RPC_FUNC_HASH_FINALIZE, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LOAD, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_OPEN, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_RSA, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_EC, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_CLOSE, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_TYPE, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_FLAGS, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SIGN, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_VERIFY, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_CURVE, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SET_ATTRIBUTES, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_ATTRIBUTES, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_EXPORT, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_IMPORT, RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_HASHSIG, ''') class HALDigestAlgorithm(CEnum): pass HALDigestAlgorithm.define(''' HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NONE, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA1, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA224, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA256, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA512_224, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA512_256, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA384, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA512 ''') class HALKeyType(CEnum): pass HALKeyType.define(''' HAL_KEY_TYPE_NONE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC, HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_EC_PUBLIC, HAL_KEY_TYPE_HASHSIG_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_HASHSIG_PUBLIC, HAL_KEY_TYPE_HASHSIG_LMS, HAL_KEY_TYPE_HASHSIG_LMOTS ''') class HALCurve(CEnum): pass HALCurve.define(''' HAL_CURVE_NONE, HAL_CURVE_P256, HAL_CURVE_P384, HAL_CURVE_P521 ''') class HALUser(CEnum): pass HALUser.define(''' HAL_USER_NONE, HAL_USER_NORMAL, HAL_USER_SO, HAL_USER_WHEEL ''') class HALLmotsAlgorithm(CEnum): pass HALLmotsAlgorithm.define(''' HAL_LMOTS_RESERVED = 0, HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W1 = 1, HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W2 = 2, HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W4 = 3, HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W8 = 4 ''') class HALLmsAlgorithm(CEnum): pass HALLmsAlgorithm.define(''' HAL_LMS_RESERVED = 0, HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H5 = 5, HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H10 = 6, HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H15 = 7, HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H20 = 8, HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H25 = 9 ''') HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_DIGITALSIGNATURE = (1 << 0) HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_KEYENCIPHERMENT = (1 << 1) HAL_KEY_FLAG_USAGE_DATAENCIPHERMENT = (1 << 2) HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN = (1 << 3) HAL_KEY_FLAG_PUBLIC = (1 << 4) HAL_KEY_FLAG_EXPORTABLE = (1 << 5) HAL_PKEY_ATTRIBUTE_NIL = (0xFFFFFFFF) class UUID(uuid.UUID): def xdr_packer(self, packer): packer.pack_bytes(self.bytes) def cached_property(func): attr_name = "_" + func.__name__ def wrapped(self): try: value = getattr(self, attr_name) except AttributeError: value = func(self) setattr(self, attr_name, value) return value wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return property(wrapped) class Handle(object): def __int__(self): return self.handle def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.handle, int(other)) def xdr_packer(self, packer): packer.pack_uint(self.handle) class Digest(Handle): def __init__(self, hsm, handle, algorithm): self.hsm = hsm self.handle = handle self.algorithm = algorithm def update(self, data): self.hsm.hash_update(self, data) def finalize(self, length = None): return self.hsm.hash_finalize(self, length or self.digest_length) @cached_property def algorithm_id(self): return self.hsm.hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(self.algorithm) @cached_property def digest_length(self): return self.hsm.hash_get_digest_length(self.algorithm) class LocalDigest(object): """ Implements same interface as Digest class, but using PyCrypto, to support mixed-mode PKey operations. This only supports algorithms that PyCrypto supports, so no SHA512/224 or SHA512/256, sorry. """ def __init__(self, hsm, handle, algorithm, key): from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 from struct import pack self.hsm = hsm self.handle = handle self.algorithm = algorithm try: h = self._algorithms[algorithm] except AttributeError: self._algorithms = { HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA1 : SHA.SHA1Hash, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA224 : SHA224.SHA224Hash, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA256 : SHA256.SHA256Hash, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA384 : SHA384.SHA384Hash, HAL_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA512 : SHA512.SHA512Hash } h = self._algorithms[algorithm] self.digest_length = h.digest_size self.algorithm_id = pack("BB", 0x30, 2 + len(h.oid)) + h.oid self._context = HMAC.HMAC(key = key, digestmod = h) if key else h() def update(self, data): self._context.update(data) def finalize(self, length = None): return self._context.digest() def finalize_padded(self, pkey): if pkey.key_type not in (HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE, HAL_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC): return self.finalize() # PKCS #1.5 requires the digest to be wrapped up in an ASN.1 DigestInfo object. from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerNull, DerOctetString return DerSequence([DerSequence([self._context.oid, DerNull().encode()]).encode(), DerOctetString(self.finalize()).encode()]).encode() class PKey(Handle): def __init__(self, hsm, handle, uuid): self.hsm = hsm self.handle = handle self.uuid = uuid self.deleted = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not self.deleted: self.close() def close(self): self.hsm.pkey_close(self) def delete(self): self.hsm.pkey_delete(self) self.deleted = True @cached_property def key_type(self): return self.hsm.pkey_get_key_type(self) @cached_property def key_curve(self): return self.hsm.pkey_get_key_curve(self) @cached_property def key_flags(self): return self.hsm.pkey_get_key_flags(self) @cached_property def public_key_len(self): return self.hsm.pkey_get_public_key_len(self) @cached_property def public_key(self): return self.hsm.pkey_get_public_key(self, self.public_key_len) def sign(self, hash = 0, data = b"", length = 1024): return self.hsm.pkey_sign(self, hash = hash, data = data, length = length) def verify(self, hash = 0, data = b"", signature = None): self.hsm.pkey_verify(self, hash = hash, data = data, signature = signature) def set_attributes(self, attributes = None, **kwargs): assert attributes is None or not kwargs self.hsm.pkey_set_attributes(self, attributes or kwargs) def get_attributes(self, attributes): attrs = self.hsm.pkey_get_attributes(self, attributes, 0) attrs = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if v != HAL_PKEY_ATTRIBUTE_NIL) result = dict((a, None) for a in attributes) result.update(self.hsm.pkey_get_attributes(self, iter(attrs.keys()), sum(attrs.values()))) return result def export_pkey(self, pkey): return self.hsm.pkey_export(pkey = pkey, kekek = self, pkcs8_max = 5480, kek_max = 512) def import_pkey(self, pkcs8, kek, flags = 0): return self.hsm.pkey_import(kekek = self, pkcs8 = pkcs8, kek = kek, flags = flags) class ContextManagedUnpacker(xdrlib.Unpacker): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.done() class HSM(object): mixed_mode = False debug_io = False def _raise_if_error(self, status): if status != 0: raise HALError.table[status]() def __init__(self, sockname = os.getenv("CRYPTECH_RPC_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAME", "/tmp/.cryptech_muxd.rpc")): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect(sockname) self.sockfile = self.socket.makefile("rb") def _send(self, msg): # Expects an xdrlib.Packer msg = slip_encode(msg.get_buffer()) if self.debug_io: logger.debug("send: %s", colon_hex(msg)) self.socket.sendall(msg) def _recv(self, code): # Returns a ContextManagedUnpacker closed = False while True: msg = [self.sockfile.read(1)] while msg[-1] != SLIP_END: if msg[-1] == b"": raise HAL_ERROR_RPC_TRANSPORT() msg.append(self.sockfile.read(1)) if self.debug_io: logger.debug("recv: %s", colon_hex(msg)) msg = slip_decode(b"".join(msg)) if not msg: continue msg = ContextManagedUnpacker(msg) if msg.unpack_uint() != code: continue return msg _pack_builtin = ((int, "_pack_uint"), (bytes, "_pack_bytes"), (str, "_pack_str"), ((list, tuple, set), "_pack_array"), (dict, "_pack_items")) try: _pack_builtin += ((long, "_pack_uint"),) except NameError: # "long" merged with "int" in Python 3 pass def _pack_arg(self, packer, arg): if hasattr(arg, "xdr_packer"): return arg.xdr_packer(packer) for cls, method in self._pack_builtin: if isinstance(arg, cls): return getattr(self, method)(packer, arg) raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to pack {!r} ({!r})".format(arg, type(arg))) def _pack_args(self, packer, args): for arg in args: self._pack_arg(packer, arg) def _pack_uint(self, packer, arg): packer.pack_uint(arg) def _pack_bytes(self, packer, arg): packer.pack_bytes(arg) def _pack_str(self, packer, arg): packer.pack_bytes(arg.encode()) def _pack_array(self, packer, arg): packer.pack_uint(len(arg)) self._pack_args(packer, arg) def _pack_items(self, packer, arg): packer.pack_uint(len(arg)) for name, value in arg.items(): self._pack_arg(packer, name) self._pack_arg(packer, HAL_PKEY_ATTRIBUTE_NIL if value is None else value) def rpc(self, code, *args, **kwargs): client = kwargs.get("client", 0) packer = xdrlib.Packer() packer.pack_uint(code) packer.pack_uint(client) self._pack_args(packer, args) self._send(packer) unpacker = self._recv(code) client = unpacker.unpack_uint() self._raise_if_error(unpacker.unpack_uint()) return unpacker def get_version(self): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_GET_VERSION) as r: return r.unpack_uint() def get_random(self, n): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_GET_RANDOM, n) as r: return r.unpack_bytes() def set_pin(self, user, pin, client = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_SET_PIN, user, pin, client = client): return def login(self, user, pin, client = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGIN, user, pin, client = client): return def logout(self, client = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT, client = client): return def logout_all(self): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_LOGOUT_ALL): return def is_logged_in(self, user, client = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_IS_LOGGED_IN, user, client = client): return def hash_get_digest_length(self, alg): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_LEN, alg) as r: return r.unpack_uint() def hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(self, alg, max_len = 256): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_ID, alg, max_len) as r: return r.unpack_bytes() def hash_get_algorithm(self, handle): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_GET_ALGORITHM, handle) as r: return HALDigestAlgorithm.index[r.unpack_uint()] def hash_initialize(self, alg, key = None, client = 0, session = 0, mixed_mode = None): if key is None: key = b"" if mixed_mode is None: mixed_mode = self.mixed_mode if mixed_mode: return LocalDigest(self, 0, alg, key) else: with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_INITIALIZE, session, alg, key, client = client) as r: return Digest(self, r.unpack_uint(), alg) def hash_update(self, handle, data): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_UPDATE, handle, data): return def hash_finalize(self, handle, length = None): if length is None: length = self.hash_get_digest_length(self.hash_get_algorithm(handle)) with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_HASH_FINALIZE, handle, length) as r: return r.unpack_bytes() def pkey_load(self, der, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_LOAD, session, der, flags, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())) logger.debug("Loaded pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey def pkey_open(self, uuid, client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_OPEN, session, uuid, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), uuid) logger.debug("Opened pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey def pkey_generate_rsa(self, keylen, flags = 0, exponent = b"\x01\x00\x01", client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_RSA, session, keylen, exponent, flags, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())) logger.debug("Generated RSA pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey def pkey_generate_ec(self, curve, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_EC, session, curve, flags, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())) logger.debug("Generated EC pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey def pkey_generate_hashsig(self, L, lms, lmots, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GENERATE_HASHSIG, session, L, lms, lmots, flags, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())) logger.debug("Generated hashsig pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey def pkey_close(self, pkey): try: logger.debug("Closing pkey %s", pkey.uuid) except AttributeError: pass with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_CLOSE, pkey): return def pkey_delete(self, pkey): try: logger.debug("Deleting pkey %s", pkey.uuid) except AttributeError: pass with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_DELETE, pkey): return def pkey_get_key_type(self, pkey): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_TYPE, pkey) as r: return HALKeyType.index[r.unpack_uint()] def pkey_get_key_curve(self, pkey): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_CURVE, pkey) as r: return HALCurve.index[r.unpack_uint()] def pkey_get_key_flags(self, pkey): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_KEY_FLAGS, pkey) as r: return r.unpack_uint() def pkey_get_public_key_len(self, pkey): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN, pkey) as r: return r.unpack_uint() def pkey_get_public_key(self, pkey, length = None): if length is None: length = self.pkey_get_public_key_len(pkey) with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_PUBLIC_KEY, pkey, length) as r: return r.unpack_bytes() def pkey_sign(self, pkey, hash = 0, data = b"", length = 1024): assert not hash or not data if isinstance(hash, LocalDigest): hash, data = 0, hash.finalize_padded(pkey) with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SIGN, pkey, hash, data, length) as r: return r.unpack_bytes() def pkey_verify(self, pkey, hash = 0, data = b"", signature = None): assert not hash or not data if isinstance(hash, LocalDigest): hash, data = 0, hash.finalize_padded(pkey) with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_VERIFY, pkey, hash, data, signature): return def pkey_match(self, type = 0, curve = 0, mask = 0, flags = 0, attributes = {}, length = 64, client = 0, session = 0): u = UUID(int = 0) n = length s = 0 while n == length: with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_MATCH, session, type, curve, mask, flags, attributes, s, length, u, client = client) as r: s = r.unpack_uint() n = r.unpack_uint() for i in range(n): u = UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes()) yield u def pkey_set_attributes(self, pkey, attributes): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_SET_ATTRIBUTES, pkey, attributes): return def pkey_get_attributes(self, pkey, attributes, attributes_buffer_len = 2048): attributes = tuple(attributes) with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_GET_ATTRIBUTES, pkey, attributes, attributes_buffer_len) as r: n = r.unpack_uint() if n != len(attributes): raise HAL_ERROR_RPC_PROTOCOL_ERROR if attributes_buffer_len > 0: return dict((r.unpack_uint(), r.unpack_bytes()) for i in range(n)) else: return dict((r.unpack_uint(), r.unpack_uint()) for i in range(n)) def pkey_export(self, pkey, kekek, pkcs8_max = 2560, kek_max = 512): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_EXPORT, pkey, kekek, pkcs8_max, kek_max) as r: pkcs8, kek = r.unpack_bytes(), r.unpack_bytes() logger.debug("Exported pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkcs8, kek def pkey_import(self, kekek, pkcs8, kek, flags = 0, client = 0, session = 0): with self.rpc(RPC_FUNC_PKEY_IMPORT, session, kekek, pkcs8, kek, flags, client = client) as r: pkey = PKey(self, r.unpack_uint(), UUID(bytes = r.unpack_bytes())) logger.debug("Imported pkey %s", pkey.uuid) return pkey