path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-05-25Doh, skip tests when we know core isn't present.Rob Austein
2015-05-25Add missing truncated SHA-512 cases.Rob Austein
2015-05-24Cleanup.Rob Austein
2015-05-24Debug hash-testing code.Rob Austein
2015-05-24First pass on hash test code.Rob Austein
2015-05-24AES key wrap now working with AES core.Rob Austein
2015-05-24Typing "!" when one meant "~" has interesting effects when bit masking.Rob Austein
2015-05-23Guess it might help to write the config value to the AES core afterRob Austein
2015-05-21Add test cases for 128-bit and 256-bit KEKs.Rob Austein
2015-05-21Add test harness: no useful tests yet, just the framework.Rob Austein