path: root/hal.h
blob: 99f0456c47eaaa2df2b6334f46f36961cfd07dee (plain) (tree)





























































































































































 * hal.h
 * ----------
 * Memory map, access functions, and HAL for Cryptech cores.
 * Authors: Joachim Strombergson, Paul Selkirk, Rob Austein
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
 * Copyright: 2019-2020, The Commons Conservancy Cryptech Project
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
 * met:
 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * - Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
 *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 *   this software without specific prior written permission.

#ifndef _HAL_H_
#define _HAL_H_

#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

 * A handy macro from cryptlib.
#ifndef bitsToBytes
#define bitsToBytes(x)          ((x) / 8)

 * Current name and version values for crypto cores.
 * Should these even be here?  Dunno.
 * Should the versions be here even if the names should be?

#define ALPHA_BOARD_NAME        "ALPHA   "
#define ALPHA_BOARD_VERSION     "0.20"

#define FMC_INTERFACE_NAME      "fmc     "
#define FMC_INTERFACE_VERSION   "0.20"

#define NOVENA_BOARD_NAME       "PVT1    "
#define NOVENA_BOARD_VERSION    "0.10"

#define EIM_INTERFACE_NAME      "eim     "
#define EIM_INTERFACE_VERSION   "0.10"

#define I2C_INTERFACE_NAME      "i2c     "
#define I2C_INTERFACE_VERSION   "0.10"

#define TRNG_NAME               "trng    "
#define TRNG_VERSION            "0.51"

#define AVALANCHE_ENTROPY_NAME  "extnoise"

#define ROSC_ENTROPY_NAME       "rosc ent"
#define ROSC_ENTROPY_VERSION    "0.10"

#define RNG_MIXER_NAME          "rngmixer"
#define RNG_MIXER_VERSION       "0.50"

#define CSPRNG_NAME             "csprng  "
#define CSPRNG_VERSION          "0.50"

#define SHA1_NAME               "sha1    "
#define SHA1_VERSION            "0.60"

#define SHA256_NAME             "sha2-256"
#define SHA256_VERSION          "1.82"

#define SHA512_NAME             "sha2-512"
#define SHA512_VERSION          "0.81"

#define AES_CORE_NAME           "aes     "
#define AES_CORE_VERSION        "0.70"

#define CHACHA_NAME             "chacha  "
#define CHACHA_VERSION          "0.80"

#define MODEXP_NAME             "modexp"
#define MODEXP_VERSION          "0.10"

#define MODEXPS6_NAME           "modexps6"
#define MODEXPS6_VERSION        "0.10"

#define MODEXPA7_NAME           "modexpa7"
#define MODEXPA7_VERSION        "0.25"

#define MODEXPNG_NAME           "modexpng"
#define MODEXPNG_VERSION        "0.10"

#define MKMIF_NAME              "mkmif   "
#define MKMIF_VERSION           "0.10"

#define ECDSA256_NAME           "ecdsa256"
#define ECDSA256_VERSION        "0.20"

#define ECDSA384_NAME           "ecdsa384"
#define ECDSA384_VERSION        "0.20"

#define KEYWRAP_NAME            "key wrap"
#define KEYWRAP_VERSION         "0.70"

 * C API error codes.  Defined in this form so we can keep the tokens
 * and error strings together.  See errorstrings.c.

#define HAL_ERROR_LIST \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_OK,                              "No error")                                     \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,             "Bad arguments given")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_KEY,           "Unsupported key type or key length")           \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IO_SETUP_FAILED,           "Could not set up I/O with FPGA")               \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT,                "I/O with FPGA timed out")                      \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IO_UNEXPECTED,             "Unexpected response from FPGA")                \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IO_OS_ERROR,               "Operating system error talking to FPGA")       \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IO_BAD_COUNT,              "Bad byte count")                               \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_CSPRNG_BROKEN,             "CSPRNG is returning nonsense")                 \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_MAGIC,         "Bad magic number while unwrapping key")        \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_LENGTH,        "Length out of range while unwrapping key")     \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYWRAP_BAD_PADDING,       "Non-zero padding detected unwrapping key")     \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE,                "\"Impossible\" error")                         \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILURE,        "Memory allocation failed")                     \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_RESULT_TOO_LONG,           "Result too long for buffer")                   \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_ASN1_PARSE_FAILED,         "ASN.1 parse failed")                           \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NOT_ON_CURVE,          "EC key is not on its purported curve")         \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE,         "Invalid signature")                            \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_CORE_NOT_FOUND,            "Requested core not found")                     \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_CORE_BUSY,                 "Requested core busy")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_ACCESS,           "Could not access keystore")                    \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND,             "Key not found")                                \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NAME_IN_USE,           "Key name in use")                              \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_NO_KEY_SLOTS_AVAILABLE,    "No key slots available")                       \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_PIN_INCORRECT,             "PIN incorrect")                                \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_NO_CLIENT_SLOTS_AVAILABLE, "No client slots available")                    \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_FORBIDDEN,                 "Forbidden")                                    \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_XDR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW,       "XDR buffer overflow")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_RPC_TRANSPORT,             "RPC transport error")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_RPC_PACKET_OVERFLOW,       "RPC packet overflow")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_RPC_BAD_FUNCTION,          "Bad RPC function number")                      \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEY_NAME_TOO_LONG,         "Key name too long")                            \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_NOT_SET,         "Master key (Key Encryption Key) not set")      \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_FAIL,            "Master key generic failure")                   \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_MASTERKEY_BAD_LENGTH,      "Master key of unacceptable length")            \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KS_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND,       "Keystore driver not found")                    \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_BAD_CRC,          "Bad CRC in keystore")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_BAD_BLOCK_TYPE,   "Unsupported keystore block type")              \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_LOST_DATA,        "Keystore appears to have lost data")           \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH,      "Bad attribute length")                         \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND,       "Attribute not found")                          \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_NO_KEY_INDEX_SLOTS,        "No key index slots available")                 \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KS_INDEX_UUID_MISORDERED,  "Key index UUID misordered")                    \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_KEYSTORE_WRONG_BLOCK_TYPE, "Wrong block type in keystore")                 \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_RPC_PROTOCOL_ERROR,        "RPC protocol error")                           \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,           "Not implemented")                              \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_CORE_REASSIGNED,           "Core has been reassigned since last use")      \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILED,          "Assertion failed")                             \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_HASHSIG_KEY_EXHAUSTED,     "Key exhausted")                                \
  DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(HAL_ERROR_NOT_READY,                 "Not ready for this operation")                 \

/* Marker to forestall silly line continuation errors */

/* Define the error code enum here.  See errorstrings.c for the text strings. */
#define DEFINE_HAL_ERROR(_code_,_text_)  _code_,
typedef enum { HAL_ERROR_LIST N_HAL_ERRORS } hal_error_t;

 * Error translation.

extern const char *hal_error_string(const hal_error_t err);

 * Very low level public API for working directly with crypto cores.

 * Typedef to isolate code from our current choice of representation
 * for a Cryptech bus address.

typedef off_t hal_addr_t;

 * Opaque structure representing a core.

typedef struct hal_core hal_core_t;

 * Public I/O functions.

extern void hal_io_set_debug(int onoff);
extern hal_error_t hal_io_write(const hal_core_t *core, hal_addr_t offset, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
extern hal_error_t hal_io_read(const hal_core_t *core, hal_addr_t offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
extern hal_error_t hal_io_wait(const hal_core_t *core, const uint8_t status, int *count);
extern hal_error_t hal_io_wait2(const hal_core_t *core1, const hal_core_t *core2, const uint8_t status, int *count);

 * Core management functions.
 * Given our druthers, we'd handle public information about a core
 * using the opaque type and individual access methods, but C's
 * insistence on discarding array bounds information makes
 * non-delimited character arrays problematic unless we wrap them in a
 * structure.
 * For performance reasons, we promise that the hal_core_info_t will
 * be the first element of hal_core_t, so that we can convert between
 * them using inline functions without completely exposing hal_core_t.
 * This is icky, but hal_core_base() gets called a lot during I/O, so
 * it's worth a bit of ick to eliminate some function call overhead.

typedef struct {
  char name[8];
  char version[4];
  hal_addr_t base;
} hal_core_info_t;

typedef uint32_t hal_core_lru_t;

static inline const hal_core_info_t *hal_core_info(const hal_core_t *core)
  return (const hal_core_info_t *) core;

static inline hal_addr_t hal_core_base(const hal_core_t *core)
  return core == NULL ? 0 : hal_core_info(core)->base;

extern hal_core_t *hal_core_find(const char *name, hal_core_t *core);
extern hal_core_t *hal_core_iterate(hal_core_t *core);
extern void hal_core_reset_table(void);
extern hal_error_t hal_core_alloc(const char *name, hal_core_t **core, hal_core_lru_t *pomace);
extern hal_error_t hal_core_alloc2(const char *name1, hal_core_t **core1, hal_core_lru_t *pomace1,
                                   const char *name2, hal_core_t **core2, hal_core_lru_t *pomace2);
extern void hal_core_free(hal_core_t *core);

 * Slightly higher level public API, still working directly with cores.

 * Get random bytes from the CSPRNG.

extern hal_error_t hal_get_random(hal_core_t *core, void *buffer, const size_t length);

 * Hash and HMAC API.

 * Opaque driver structure for digest algorithms.

typedef struct hal_hash_driver hal_hash_driver_t;

 * Public information about a digest algorithm.
 * The _state_length values in the descriptor and the typed opaque
 * pointers in the API are all intended to hide internal details of
 * the implementation while making memory allocation the caller's
 * problem.

typedef enum {
} hal_digest_algorithm_t;

typedef struct {
  hal_digest_algorithm_t digest_algorithm;
  size_t block_length;
  size_t digest_length;
  size_t hash_state_length;
  size_t hmac_state_length;
  const uint8_t * const digest_algorithm_id;
  size_t digest_algorithm_id_length;
  const hal_hash_driver_t *driver;
  char core_name[8];
  unsigned can_restore_state : 1;
} hal_hash_descriptor_t;

 * Opaque structures for internal state.

typedef struct hal_hash_state hal_hash_state_t;
typedef struct hal_hmac_state hal_hmac_state_t;

 * Supported digest algorithms.  These are one-element arrays so that
 * they can be used as constant pointers.

extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha1[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha224[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha256[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha512_224[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha512_256[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha384[1];
extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t hal_hash_sha512[1];

 * Hash and HMAC functions.

extern void hal_hash_set_debug(int onoff);

extern hal_error_t hal_hash_initialize(hal_core_t *core,
                                       const hal_hash_descriptor_t * const descriptor,
                                       hal_hash_state_t **state,
                                       void *state_buffer, const size_t state_length);

extern hal_error_t hal_hash_update(hal_hash_state_t *state,
                                   const uint8_t * data, const size_t length);

extern hal_error_t hal_hash_finalize(hal_hash_state_t *state,
                                     uint8_t *digest, const size_t length);

extern hal_error_t hal_hmac_initialize(hal_core_t *core,
                                       const hal_hash_descriptor_t * const descriptor,
                                       hal_hmac_state_t **state,
                                       void *state_buffer, const size_t state_length,
                                       const uint8_t * const key, const size_t key_length);

extern hal_error_t hal_hmac_update(hal_hmac_state_t *state,
                                   const uint8_t * data, const size_t length);

extern hal_error_t hal_hmac_finalize(hal_hmac_state_t *state,
                                     uint8_t *hmac, const size_t length);
extern void hal_hash_cleanup(hal_hash_state_t **state);

extern void hal_hmac_cleanup(hal_hmac_state_t **state);

extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t *hal_hash_get_descriptor(const hal_hash_state_t * const state);

extern const hal_hash_descriptor_t *hal_hmac_get_descriptor(const hal_hmac_state_t * const state);

 * AES key wrap functions.

extern hal_error_t hal_aes_keywrap(hal_core_t *core,
                                   const uint8_t *kek, const size_t kek_length,
                                   const uint8_t *plaintext, const size_t plaintext_length,
                                   uint8_t *cyphertext, size_t *ciphertext_length);

extern hal_error_t hal_aes_keyunwrap(hal_core_t *core,
                                     const uint8_t *kek, const size_t kek_length,
                                     const uint8_t *ciphertext, const size_t ciphertext_length,
                                     uint8_t *plaintext, size_t *plaintext_length);

extern size_t hal_aes_keywrap_ciphertext_length(const size_t plaintext_length);

 * New keywrap functions

extern hal_error_t hal_keywrap_mkm_status(hal_core_t *core);

extern hal_error_t hal_keywrap_mkm_write(hal_core_t *core, const uint8_t *K, const size_t K_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_keywrap_mkm_erase(hal_core_t *core, const size_t K_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_keywrap_wrap(hal_core_t *core,
                                    const uint8_t *kek, const size_t kek_length,
                                    const uint8_t *plaintext, const size_t plaintext_length,
                                    uint8_t *cyphertext, size_t *ciphertext_length);

extern hal_error_t hal_keywrap_unwrap(hal_core_t *core,
                                      const uint8_t *kek, const size_t kek_length,
                                      const uint8_t *ciphertext, const size_t ciphertext_length,
                                      uint8_t *plaintext, size_t *plaintext_length);

 * PBKDF2 function.  Uses HMAC with the specified digest algorithm as
 * the pseudo-random function (PRF).

extern hal_error_t hal_pbkdf2(hal_core_t *core,
                              const hal_hash_descriptor_t * const descriptor,
			      const uint8_t * const password, const size_t password_length,
			      const uint8_t * const salt,     const size_t salt_length,
			      uint8_t       * derived_key,    const size_t derived_key_length,
			      unsigned iterations_desired);

 * Modular exponentiation.  This takes a ridiculous number of
 * arguments of very similar types, making it easy to confuse them,
 * particularly when performing two modexp operations in parallel, so
 * we encapsulate the arguments in a structure.

typedef struct {
  hal_core_t *core;
  const uint8_t *msg;    size_t msg_len;        /* Message */
  const uint8_t *exp;    size_t exp_len;        /* Exponent */
  const uint8_t *mod;    size_t mod_len;        /* Modulus */
  uint8_t       *result; size_t result_len;     /* Result of exponentiation */
  uint8_t       *coeff;  size_t coeff_len;      /* Modulus coefficient (r/w) */
  uint8_t       *mont;   size_t mont_len;       /* Montgomery factor (r/w)*/
} hal_modexp_arg_t;

extern void hal_modexp_set_debug(const int onoff);
extern hal_error_t hal_modexp( const int precalc, hal_modexp_arg_t *args);
extern hal_error_t hal_modexp2(const int precalc, hal_modexp_arg_t *args1, hal_modexp_arg_t *args2);

/* ModExpNG extensions */

typedef struct {
  hal_core_t *core;
  const uint8_t *msg;    size_t msg_len;        /* Message */
  const uint8_t *exp;    size_t exp_len;        /* Exponent */
  const uint8_t *mod;    size_t mod_len;        /* Modulus */
  uint8_t       *result; size_t result_len;     /* Result of exponentiation */
  uint8_t       *coeff;  size_t coeff_len;      /* Modulus coefficient (r/w) */
  uint8_t       *mont;   size_t mont_len;       /* Montgomery factor (r/w)*/

  uint8_t       *p;      size_t p_len;
  uint8_t       *pC;     size_t pC_len;
  uint8_t       *pF;     size_t pF_len;

  uint8_t       *q;      size_t q_len;
  uint8_t       *qC;     size_t qC_len;
  uint8_t       *qF;     size_t qF_len;

  uint8_t       *dP;     size_t dP_len;
  uint8_t       *dQ;     size_t dQ_len;
  uint8_t       *qInv;   size_t qInv_len;

  uint8_t       *bf;     size_t bf_len;
  uint8_t       *ubf;    size_t ubf_len;
} hal_modexpng_arg_t;

extern hal_error_t hal_modexp_use_modexpng(const int onoff);
extern int hal_modexp_using_modexpng(void);
extern hal_error_t hal_modexpng(hal_modexpng_arg_t *a);

 * Master Key Memory Interface

extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_init(hal_core_t *core);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_set_clockspeed(hal_core_t *core, const uint32_t divisor);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_get_clockspeed(hal_core_t *core, uint32_t *divisor);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_write(hal_core_t *core, uint32_t addr, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_write_word(hal_core_t *core, uint32_t addr, const uint32_t data);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_read(hal_core_t *core, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
extern hal_error_t hal_mkmif_read_word(hal_core_t *core, uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data);

 * Key types and curves, used in various places.

typedef enum {
} hal_key_type_t;

typedef enum {
} hal_curve_name_t;

 * RSA.

typedef struct hal_rsa_key hal_rsa_key_t;

extern const size_t hal_rsa_key_t_size;

extern void hal_rsa_set_debug(const int onoff);

extern void hal_rsa_set_blinding(const int onoff);

extern void hal_rsa_clear_blinding_cache(void);

extern void hal_rsa_set_crt(const int onoff);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_load_private(hal_rsa_key_t **key,
                                            void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const n,  const size_t n_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const e,  const size_t e_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const d,  const size_t d_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const p,  const size_t p_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const q,  const size_t q_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const u,  const size_t u_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const dP, const size_t dP_len,
                                            const uint8_t * const dQ, const size_t dQ_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_load_public(hal_rsa_key_t **key,
                                           void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                           const uint8_t * const n,  const size_t n_len,
                                           const uint8_t * const e,  const size_t e_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_get_type(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                        hal_key_type_t *key_type);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_get_modulus(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                           uint8_t *modulus,
                                           size_t *modulus_len,
                                           const size_t modulus_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_get_public_exponent(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                                   uint8_t *public_exponent,
                                                   size_t *public_exponent_len,
                                                   const size_t public_exponent_max);

extern void hal_rsa_key_clear(hal_rsa_key_t *key);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_encrypt(hal_core_t *core,
                                   hal_rsa_key_t *key,
                                   const uint8_t * const input,  const size_t input_len,
                                   uint8_t * output, const size_t output_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_decrypt(hal_core_t *core1,
                                   hal_core_t *core2,
                                   hal_rsa_key_t *key,
                                   const uint8_t * const input,  const size_t input_len,
                                   uint8_t * output, const size_t output_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_key_gen(hal_core_t *core,
                                   hal_rsa_key_t **key,
                                   void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                   const unsigned key_length,
                                   const uint8_t * const public_exponent, const size_t public_exponent_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_private_key_to_der(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                              uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_private_key_to_der_extra(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                                    uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_private_key_from_der(hal_rsa_key_t **key,
                                                void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_public_key_to_der(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key,
                                             uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_rsa_public_key_to_der_len(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_rsa_public_key_from_der(hal_rsa_key_t **key,
                                               void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                               const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len);

extern int hal_rsa_key_needs_saving(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key);

static inline size_t hal_rsa_private_key_to_der_len(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key)
  size_t len = 0;
  return hal_rsa_private_key_to_der(key, NULL, &len, 0) == HAL_OK ? len : 0;

static inline size_t hal_rsa_private_key_to_der_extra_len(const hal_rsa_key_t * const key)
  size_t len = 0;
  return hal_rsa_private_key_to_der_extra(key, NULL, &len, 0) == HAL_OK ? len : 0;


typedef struct hal_ecdsa_key hal_ecdsa_key_t;

extern const size_t hal_ecdsa_key_t_size;

extern void hal_ecdsa_set_debug(const int onoff);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_oid_to_curve(hal_curve_name_t *curve,
                                          const uint8_t * const oid,
                                          const size_t oid_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_load_private(hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                              void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                              const hal_curve_name_t curve,
                                              const uint8_t * const x, const size_t x_len,
                                              const uint8_t * const y, const size_t y_len,
                                              const uint8_t * const d, const size_t d_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_load_public(hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                             void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                             const hal_curve_name_t curve,
                                             const uint8_t * const x, const size_t x_len,
                                             const uint8_t * const y, const size_t y_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_get_type(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                          hal_key_type_t *key_type);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_get_curve(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                           hal_curve_name_t *curve);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_get_public(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                            uint8_t *x, size_t *x_len, const size_t x_max,
                                            uint8_t *y, size_t *y_len, const size_t y_max);

extern void hal_ecdsa_key_clear(hal_ecdsa_key_t *key);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_gen(hal_core_t *core,
                                     hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                     void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                     const hal_curve_name_t curve);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_private_key_to_der(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                                uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_ecdsa_private_key_to_der_len(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_private_key_from_der(hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                                  void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                  const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_public_key_to_der(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                               uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_ecdsa_public_key_to_der_len(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_public_key_from_der(hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                                 void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                 const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_to_ecpoint(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                            uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_ecdsa_key_to_ecpoint_len(const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_key_from_ecpoint(hal_ecdsa_key_t **key,
                                              void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                              const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len,
                                              const hal_curve_name_t curve);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_sign(hal_core_t *core,
                                  const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                  const uint8_t * const hash, const size_t hash_len,
                                  uint8_t *signature, size_t *signature_len, const size_t signature_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_ecdsa_verify(hal_core_t *core,
                                    const hal_ecdsa_key_t * const key,
                                    const uint8_t * const hash, const size_t hash_len,
                                    const uint8_t * const signature, const size_t signature_len);

 * UUID stuff.  All UUIDs we use (or are likely to use) are type 4 "random" UUIDs

typedef struct { uint8_t uuid[16]; } hal_uuid_t;

#define HAL_UUID_TEXT_SIZE	(sizeof("00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff"))

static inline int hal_uuid_cmp(const hal_uuid_t * const a, const hal_uuid_t * const b)
  return memcmp(a, b, sizeof(hal_uuid_t));

extern hal_error_t hal_uuid_gen(hal_uuid_t *uuid);

extern hal_error_t hal_uuid_parse(hal_uuid_t *uuid, const char * const string);

extern hal_error_t hal_uuid_format(const hal_uuid_t * const uuid,
                                   char *buffer, const size_t buffer_len);

 * Higher level RPC-based mechanism for working with HSM at arm's
 * length, using handles instead of direct access to the cores.
 * Session handles are pretty much as in PKCS #11: from our viewpoint,
 * a session is a lock-step stream of operations, so while operations
 * from different sessions can interleave, operations within a single
 * session cannot.
 * Client handles are a small extension to the PKCS #11 model,
 * intended to support multiple PKCS #11 using applications sharing a
 * single HSM.  Technically, sessions are per-client, but in practice
 * there's no sane reason why we'd use the same session handle
 * concurrently in multiple clients.  Mostly, the client abstraction
 * is to handle login and logout against the HSM's PIN.  Clients add
 * nothing whatsoever to the security model (the HSM has no way of
 * knowing whether the host is lumping multiple applications into a
 * single "client"), the point of the exercise is just to make the
 * C_Login()/C_Logout() semantics work as expected in the presence of
 * multiple applications.
 * NB: Unlike the other handles used in this protocol, session and
 * client handles are created by the client (host) side of the RPC
 * mechanism, not the server (HSM) side.

#define	HAL_HANDLE_NONE	(0)

typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_client_handle_t;
typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_session_handle_t;


extern const size_t hal_rpc_min_pin_length;
extern const size_t hal_rpc_max_pin_length;

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_set_pin(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                   const hal_user_t user,
                                   const char * const newpin, const size_t newpin_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_login(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                 const hal_user_t user,
                                 const char * const pin, const size_t pin_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_logout(const hal_client_handle_t client);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_logout_all(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_is_logged_in(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                        const hal_user_t user);

 * Get the version number of the remote RPC server.

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_get_version(uint32_t *version);

 * Get random bytes.

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_get_random(void *buffer, const size_t length);

 * Combined hash and HMAC functions: pass NULL key for plain hashing.

typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_hash_handle_t;

extern const hal_hash_handle_t hal_hash_handle_none;

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_get_digest_length(const hal_digest_algorithm_t alg, size_t *length);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_get_digest_algorithm_id(const hal_digest_algorithm_t alg,
                                                        uint8_t *id, size_t *len, const size_t len_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_get_algorithm(const hal_hash_handle_t hash, hal_digest_algorithm_t *alg);

 * Once started, a hash or HMAC operation is bound to a particular
 * session, so we only need the client and session arguments to initialize.

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_initialize(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                           const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                           hal_hash_handle_t *hash,
                                           const hal_digest_algorithm_t alg,
                                           const uint8_t * const key, const size_t key_length);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_update(const hal_hash_handle_t hash,
                                       const uint8_t * data, const size_t length);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_hash_finalize(const hal_hash_handle_t hash,
                                         uint8_t *digest, const size_t length);

 * Public key functions.
 * The _sign() and _verify() methods accept a hash OR an input string;
 * either "hash" should be hal_hash_handle_none or input should be NULL,
 * but not both.
 * Use of client and session handles here needs a bit more thought.
 * Client handles are straightforward: basically, anything that
 * creates a new pkey handle should take a client handle, which should
 * suffice, as object handles never cross clients.
 * Session handles are more interesting, as PKCS #11's versions of
 * session and object handles do in effect allow one session to hand
 * an object handle to another session.  So any action which can do
 * significant work (ie, which is complicated enough that we can't
 * guarantee an immediate response) needs to take a session handle.
 * There will probably be a few cases where a session handle isn't
 * strictly required but we ask for one anyway because the API turns
 * out to be easier to understand that way (eg, we probably want to
 * ask for a session handle anywhere we ask for a client handle,
 * whether we need the session handle or not, so that users of this
 * API don't have to remember which pkey-handle-creating calls require
 * a session handle and which ones don't...).

typedef struct { uint32_t handle; } hal_pkey_handle_t;

typedef uint32_t hal_key_flags_t;

#define	HAL_KEY_FLAG_TOKEN                      (1 << 3)
#define HAL_KEY_FLAG_PUBLIC                     (1 << 4)
#define HAL_KEY_FLAG_EXPORTABLE                 (1 << 5)

 * hal_pkey_attribute_t.length would be size_t, except that we also
 * need it to transport HAL_PKEY_ATTRIBUTE_NIL safely, which we can
 * only do with a known-width type.  The RPC code conveys size_t as a
 * uint32_t in any case, so we just use that here and have done.

typedef struct {
  uint32_t type;
  uint32_t length;
  const void *value;
} hal_pkey_attribute_t;

#define HAL_PKEY_ATTRIBUTE_NIL                  (0xFFFFFFFF)

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_load(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                     const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                     hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                     hal_uuid_t *name,
                                     const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len,
                                     const hal_key_flags_t flags);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_open(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                     const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                     hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                     const hal_uuid_t * const name);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_generate_rsa(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                             const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                             hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                             hal_uuid_t *name,
                                             const unsigned key_length,
                                             const uint8_t * const public_exponent, const size_t public_exponent_len,
                                             const hal_key_flags_t flags);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_generate_ec(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                            const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                            hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                            hal_uuid_t *name,
                                            const hal_curve_name_t curve,
                                            const hal_key_flags_t flags);

typedef enum hal_lmots_algorithm_type hal_lmots_algorithm_t;
typedef enum hal_lms_algorithm_type hal_lms_algorithm_t;

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_generate_hashsig(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                                 const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                                 hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                                 hal_uuid_t *name,
                                                 const size_t hss_levels,
                                                 const hal_lms_algorithm_t lms_type,
                                                 const hal_lmots_algorithm_t lmots_type,
                                                 const hal_key_flags_t flags);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_close(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_delete(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_key_type(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                             hal_key_type_t *type);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_key_curve(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                              hal_curve_name_t *curve);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_key_flags(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                              hal_key_flags_t *flags);

extern size_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_public_key_len(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_public_key(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                               uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_sign(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                     const hal_hash_handle_t hash,
                                     const uint8_t * const input,  const size_t input_len,
                                     uint8_t * signature, size_t *signature_len, const size_t signature_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_verify(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                       const hal_hash_handle_t hash,
                                       const uint8_t * const input, const size_t input_len,
                                       const uint8_t * const signature, const size_t signature_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_match(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                      const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                      const hal_key_type_t type,
                                      const hal_curve_name_t curve,
                                      const hal_key_flags_t mask,
                                      const hal_key_flags_t flags,
                                      const hal_pkey_attribute_t *attributes,
                                      const unsigned attributes_len,
                                      unsigned *state,
                                      hal_uuid_t *result,
                                      unsigned *result_len,
                                      const unsigned result_max,
                                      const hal_uuid_t * const previous_uuid);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_set_attributes(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                               const hal_pkey_attribute_t *const attributes,
                                               const unsigned attributes_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_get_attributes(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                               hal_pkey_attribute_t *attributes,
                                               const unsigned attributes_len,
                                               uint8_t *attributes_buffer,
                                               const size_t attributes_buffer_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_export(const hal_pkey_handle_t pkey,
                                       const hal_pkey_handle_t kekek,
                                       uint8_t *pkcs8, size_t *pkcs8_len, const size_t pkcs8_max,
                                       uint8_t *kek,   size_t *kek_len,   const size_t kek_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_pkey_import(const hal_client_handle_t client,
                                       const hal_session_handle_t session,
                                       hal_pkey_handle_t *pkey,
                                       hal_uuid_t *name,
                                       const hal_pkey_handle_t kekek,
                                       const uint8_t * const pkcs8, const size_t pkcs8_len,
                                       const uint8_t * const kek,   const size_t kek_len,
                                       const hal_key_flags_t flags);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_client_init(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_client_close(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_server_init(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_server_close(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_rpc_server_dispatch(const uint8_t * const ibuf, const size_t ilen,
                                           uint8_t * const obuf, size_t * const olen);

 * Hash-Based Signatures.
 * This really ought to be up with RSA and ECDSA, but it has forward
 * references to hal_key_flags_t and hal_uuid_t.

enum hal_lmots_algorithm_type {
    HAL_LMOTS_RESERVED      = 0,
    HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W1 = 1,
    HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W2 = 2,
    HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W4 = 3,
    HAL_LMOTS_SHA256_N32_W8 = 4

enum hal_lms_algorithm_type {
    HAL_LMS_RESERVED        = 0,
    HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H5   = 5,
    HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H10  = 6,
    HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H15  = 7,
    HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H20  = 8,
    HAL_LMS_SHA256_N32_H25  = 9

typedef struct hal_hashsig_key hal_hashsig_key_t;

extern const size_t hal_hashsig_key_t_size;

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_key_gen(hal_core_t *core,
                                       hal_hashsig_key_t **key_,
                                       void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                       const size_t hss_levels,
                                       const hal_lms_algorithm_t lms_type,
                                       const hal_lmots_algorithm_t lmots_type,
                                       const hal_key_flags_t flags);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_delete(const hal_uuid_t * const name);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_private_key_to_der(const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key,
                                                  uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_hashsig_private_key_to_der_len(const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_private_key_from_der(hal_hashsig_key_t **key_,
                                                    void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                    const uint8_t *der, const size_t der_len);

extern size_t hal_hashsig_public_key_len(const hal_lms_algorithm_t lms_type);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_public_key_to_der(const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key,
                                                 uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern size_t hal_hashsig_public_key_to_der_len(const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_public_key_from_der(hal_hashsig_key_t **key,
                                                   void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                   const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_sign(hal_core_t *core,
                                    const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key,
                                    const uint8_t * const hash, const size_t hash_len,
                                    uint8_t *sig, size_t *sig_len, const size_t sig_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_verify(hal_core_t *core,
                                      const hal_hashsig_key_t * const key,
                                      const uint8_t * const hash, const size_t hash_len,
                                      const uint8_t * const sig, const size_t sig_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_key_load_public(hal_hashsig_key_t **key_,
                                               void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                               const size_t L,
                                               const hal_lms_algorithm_t lms_type,
                                               const hal_lmots_algorithm_t lmots_type,
                                               const uint8_t * const I, const size_t I_len,
                                               const uint8_t * const T1, const size_t T1_len);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_key_load_public_xdr(hal_hashsig_key_t **key_,
                                                   void *keybuf, const size_t keybuf_len,
                                                   const uint8_t * const xdr, const size_t xdr_len);

extern size_t hal_hashsig_signature_len(const size_t L,
                                        const hal_lms_algorithm_t lms_type,
                                        const hal_lmots_algorithm_t lmots_type);

extern size_t hal_hashsig_lmots_private_key_len(const hal_lmots_algorithm_t lmots_type);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_public_key_der_to_xdr(const uint8_t * const der, const size_t der_len,
                                                     uint8_t * const xdr, size_t * const xdr_len , const size_t xdr_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_ks_init(void);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_export(const hal_uuid_t * const name,
                                      uint8_t *der, size_t *der_len, const size_t der_max);

extern hal_error_t hal_hashsig_import(const uint8_t *der, const size_t der_len,
                                      const hal_key_flags_t flags);

#endif /* _HAL_H_ */

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