# Preliminary makefile for releng/alpha/firmware, just to test the # basic build sequence before we start messing with packaging scripts, # version numbers, and other forms of entertainment. Expect changes. export GNUPGHOME := /home/aptbot/gnupg TARBALL := package.tar.gz BITSTREAM := core/platform/alpha/build/alpha_fmc.bit BINARIES := sw/stm32/projects/bootloader/bootloader.bin sw/stm32/projects/hsm/hsm.bin FIRMWARE := ${BITSTREAM} ${BINARIES} ${BINARIES:.bin=.elf} RTLSOURCE := $(shell find core -name .git -prune -o -path core/platform/alpha/build -prune -o -type f -print) all: bitstream elves package bitstream: ${BITSTREAM} ${BITSTREAM}: ${RTLSOURCE} cd core/platform/alpha/build; ${MAKE} ${BINARIES}: elves elves: cd sw/stm32; ${MAKE} bootloader hsm package: ${TARBALL} ${TARBALL}: ${FIRMWARE} ./build-package.py $(basename $@) $^ gzip -9f $(basename $@) clean: git clean -dfx git submodule foreach git clean -dfx .PHONY: all bitstream elves package clean