# Top-level package build for Cryptech Alpha board. export CRYPTECH_VERSION := 2.0 HEAD_TIME := $(shell git show -s --format=%ct HEAD) HEAD_HASH := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) PACKAGE_NAME := cryptech-alpha PACKAGE_VERSION := ${CRYPTECH_VERSION}~${HEAD_TIME}~${HEAD_HASH} export GNUPGHOME := /home/aptbot/gnupg REPO_BASE := /home/aptbot/alpha REPO_UMASK := 002 PBUILDER_BASE := ${HOME}/pbuilder PBUILDER_TARGETS := debian/jessie/i386 debian/jessie/amd64 ubuntu/xenial/i386 ubuntu/xenial/amd64 REPO_UPLOAD_USER := aptbot REPO_UPLOAD_URI := rsync://apt.cryptech.is/alpha/ # Yes, we really are putting the firmware tarball into the source package. # We want to supply the firmware in both source and binary form, to save users # the trouble of all the cross compilation and Verilog synthesis, and the Alpha # firmware is the same regardless of the host platform, so including the firmware # tarball in the source package lets us simplify installation for the user. FIRMWARE_TARBALL := source/cryptech-alpha-firmware.tar.gz BITSTREAM := build/core/platform/alpha/build/alpha_fmc.bit ELVES := build/sw/stm32/projects/bootloader/bootloader.elf build/sw/stm32/projects/hsm/hsm.elf TAMPER := build/user/ln5/tamper/tamper.hex # Command to generate a new changelog containing one entry. # Does nothing if the changelog already exists. DCH = test -f debian/changelog || \ EDITOR=true VISUAL=true TZ=UTC DEBEMAIL='APT Builder Robot ' \ dch --create --package ${PACKAGE_NAME} --newversion '${PACKAGE_VERSION}' \ '$(strip Version ${CRYPTECH_VERSION} package for Cryptech Alpha development board.)' all: init firmware dsc pbuilder homebrew enchilada: all upload init: git submodule update --init --recursive clean: git clean -dfx git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -dfx sandblast: clean git submodule deinit -f . firmware: shadow ${FIRMWARE_TARBALL} shadow: ./build-shadow-tree.py ${FIRMWARE_TARBALL}: ${BITSTREAM} $(sort ${ELVES} ${ELVES:.elf=.bin}) ${TAMPER} ./build-firmware-package.py $@ $^ bitstream: ${BITSTREAM} ${BITSTREAM}: $(shell find source/core -name .git -prune -o -type f -print) ${MAKE} -C build/core/platform/alpha/build ${ELVES:.elf=.bin}: shadow elves elves: ${MAKE} -C build/sw/stm32 distclean bootloader hsm ${TAMPER}: tamper tamper: ${MAKE} -C $(dir ${TAMPER}) dsc: rm -f ${PACKAGE_NAME}_*.dsc ${PACKAGE_NAME}_*.tar.xz ${PACKAGE_NAME}_*_source.build ${PACKAGE_NAME}_*_source.changes cd source; ${DCH} cd source; debuild -S -uc -us pbuilder: rm -f ${PBUILDER_BASE}/*result/* umask ${REPO_UMASK}; \ for target in ${PBUILDER_TARGETS}; do echo $$target | tr '/' ' '; done | \ while read dist code arch; do \ reprepro -b ${REPO_BASE}/$$dist -A $$arch list $$code ${PACKAGE_NAME} | awk '{v = $$3} END {exit v != "${PACKAGE_VERSION}"}' && continue; \ pbuilder-dist $$code $$arch build ${PACKAGE_NAME}_${PACKAGE_VERSION}.dsc; \ reprepro -b ${REPO_BASE}/$$dist include $$code ${PBUILDER_BASE}/$${code}-$${arch}_result/${PACKAGE_NAME}_${PACKAGE_VERSION}_$${arch}.changes; \ done RSYNC := rsync --rsh 'ssh -l ${REPO_UPLOAD_USER}' --archive --itemize-changes upload: ${RSYNC} --ignore-existing ${REPO_BASE}/ ${REPO_UPLOAD_URI} ${RSYNC} --delete --delete-delay ${REPO_BASE}/ ${REPO_UPLOAD_URI} .PHONY: all init clean firmware shadow bitstream elves tamper dsc pbuilder homebrew upload enchilada sandblast