
design documentation

This repo contains a number of documents used during development of various parts the Cryptech design. Note that the directory contains source files (for example in OmniGraffle, Open Document file formats) as well as final documents (normally in PFF file format).

  • Alpha_board_drawing A drawing/diagram that shows the functional components and their functional connectivities for the Cryptech Alpha board being developed. The drawing is not formal schematics for the Alpha board.

  • Novena-entropy-board Sub directory with schematics as well as layout with silk screen for the Cryptech Noise board designed to be used as external entropy source on the Novena.

  • alpha_board_config Configuration file for setting up the I/Os and functionality of the STM32 microcontroller on the Alpha board. The config file is used by the tool [STM32CubeMX][http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF259242?sc=microxplorer] from ST Microelectronics.

  • application-aware-signing A drawing that shows a proposed mechanism with data and command flows for doing application based (application aware) signing.

  • fpga_estimates A document that tracks the FPGA resources and performance of the different Cryptech cores in different FPGA technologies. The document also includes estimates for cores not yet designed or completed. The purpose of the document is to provide estimates of FPGA devices needed to implement different use cases.

  • hsm-board A high level functional diagram of the Cryptech HSM board that shows the major functional blocks. Used during development of the Alpha board to see what components are needed to realise the functionality of the blocks. The Alpha_board_drawing is the concrete functional realisation of this diagram.

  • hsm-keys A document that includes diagrams that shows proposed mechanisms for handling keys including managament, protection and migration of wrapped keys.

  • novena-memory-map This document contains information about the memory map of the Cryptech FPGA design with the specific memory maps of each core as well as how the cores are addressed and accessed from SW via different interfaces.