//====================================================================== // // tb_csprng_fifo.v // ---------------- // Testbench for the csprng output fifo module in the Crytech trng. // // // Author: Joachim Strombergson // Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or // without modification, are permitted provided that the following // conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in // the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF // ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //====================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Simulator directives. //------------------------------------------------------------------ `timescale 1ns/100ps //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Test module. //------------------------------------------------------------------ module tb_csprng_fifo(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal constant and parameter definitions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- parameter DEBUG = 1; parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1; parameter CLK_PERIOD = 2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Register and Wire declarations. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] cycle_ctr; reg [31 : 0] error_ctr; reg [31 : 0] tc_ctr; reg tb_clk; reg tb_reset_n; reg tb_cs; reg tb_we; reg [7 : 0] tb_address; reg [31 : 0] tb_write_data; wire [31 : 0] tb_read_data; wire tb_error; reg [511 : 0] tb_csprng_data; reg tb_csprng_data_valid; reg tb_discard; wire tb_more_data; wire tb_rnd_syn; wire [31 : 0] tb_rnd_data; reg tb_rnd_ack; reg [7 : 0] i; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Under Test. //---------------------------------------------------------------- trng_csprng_fifo dut( .clk(tb_clk), .reset_n(tb_reset_n), .csprng_data(tb_csprng_data), .csprng_data_valid(tb_csprng_data_valid), .discard(tb_discard), .more_data(tb_more_data), .rnd_syn(tb_rnd_syn), .rnd_data(tb_rnd_data), .rnd_ack(tb_rnd_ack) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // clk_gen // // Always running clock generator process. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : clk_gen #CLK_HALF_PERIOD; tb_clk = !tb_clk; end // clk_gen //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sys_monitor() // // An always running process that creates a cycle counter and // conditionally displays information about the DUT. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : sys_monitor cycle_ctr = cycle_ctr + 1; #(CLK_PERIOD); if (DEBUG) begin dump_dut_state(); end end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dump_dut_state() // // Dump the state of the dump when needed. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task dump_dut_state(); begin $display("cycle: 0x%016x", cycle_ctr); $display("State of DUT"); $display("------------"); $display("inputs:"); $display("more_data = 0x%01x, data_valid = 0x%01x", tb_more_data, tb_csprng_data_valid); $display("input_data = 0x%0128x", tb_csprng_data); $display(""); $display("outputs:"); $display("rnd_syn = 0x%01x, rnd_ack = 0x%01x, rnd_data = 0x%08x", tb_rnd_syn, tb_rnd_ack, tb_rnd_data); $display(""); $display("internals:"); $display("rd_ptr = 0x%02x, wr_ptr = 0x%02x, fifo_ctr = 0x%02x, mux_ptr = 0x%02x", dut.rd_ptr_reg, dut.wr_ptr_reg, dut.fifo_ctr_reg, dut.mux_data_ptr_reg); $display(""); end endtask // dump_dut_state //---------------------------------------------------------------- // gen_csprng_data // // Generate test data with distinct patterns as requested // by the dut. //---------------------------------------------------------------- // always @ (posedge tb_more_data) // begin // for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) // tb_csprng_data[i * 32 +: 32] = tb_csprng_data[i * 32 +: 32] + 32'h10101010; // // tb_csprng_data_valid = 1'b1; // #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); // tb_csprng_data_valid = 1'b0; // end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reset_dut() // // Toggle reset to put the DUT into a well known state. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task reset_dut(); begin $display("*** Toggle reset."); tb_reset_n = 0; #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); tb_reset_n = 1; $display(""); end endtask // reset_dut //---------------------------------------------------------------- // display_test_results() // // Display the accumulated test results. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task display_test_results(); begin if (error_ctr == 0) begin $display("*** All %02d test cases completed successfully", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("*** %02d tests completed - %02d test cases did not complete successfully.", tc_ctr, error_ctr); end end endtask // display_test_results //---------------------------------------------------------------- // init_sim() // // Initialize all counters and testbed functionality as well // as setting the DUT inputs to defined values. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task init_sim(); begin cycle_ctr = 0; error_ctr = 0; tc_ctr = 0; tb_clk = 0; tb_reset_n = 1; tb_cs = 0; tb_we = 0; tb_address = 8'h00; tb_write_data = 32'h00000000; tb_discard = 0; tb_rnd_ack = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) tb_csprng_data[i * 32 +: 32] = 32'h0; tb_csprng_data_valid = 0; end endtask // init_sim //---------------------------------------------------------------- // write_w512() // // Writes a 512 bit data word into the fifo. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task write_w512(input [511 : 0] w512); begin tb_csprng_data = w512; tb_csprng_data_valid = 1; #(CLK_PERIOD); tb_csprng_data_valid = 0; end endtask // write_w512 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // fifo_test() // // Writes a number of 512-bit words to the FIFO and then // extracts 32-bit words and checks that we get the correct // words all the time. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task fifo_test(); reg [7 : 0] i; reg [7 : 0] j; reg [511 : 0] w512; reg [31 : 0] w00; reg [31 : 0] w01; reg [31 : 0] w02; reg [31 : 0] w03; reg [31 : 0] w04; reg [31 : 0] w05; reg [31 : 0] w06; reg [31 : 0] w07; reg [31 : 0] w08; reg [31 : 0] w09; reg [31 : 0] w10; reg [31 : 0] w11; reg [31 : 0] w12; reg [31 : 0] w13; reg [31 : 0] w14; reg [31 : 0] w15; begin i = 8'd0; // Filling up the memory with data. for (j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j = j + 1) begin w00 = {(i + 8'd15), (i + 8'd15), (i + 8'd15), (i + 8'd15)}; w01 = {(i + 8'd14), (i + 8'd14), (i + 8'd14), (i + 8'd14)}; w02 = {(i + 8'd13), (i + 8'd13), (i + 8'd13), (i + 8'd13)}; w03 = {(i + 8'd12), (i + 8'd12), (i + 8'd12), (i + 8'd12)}; w04 = {(i + 8'd11), (i + 8'd11), (i + 8'd11), (i + 8'd11)}; w05 = {(i + 8'd10), (i + 8'd10), (i + 8'd10), (i + 8'd10)}; w06 = {(i + 8'd09), (i + 8'd09), (i + 8'd09), (i + 8'd09)}; w07 = {(i + 8'd08), (i + 8'd08), (i + 8'd08), (i + 8'd08)}; w08 = {(i + 8'd07), (i + 8'd07), (i + 8'd07), (i + 8'd07)}; w09 = {(i + 8'd06), (i + 8'd06), (i + 8'd06), (i + 8'd06)}; w10 = {(i + 8'd05), (i + 8'd05), (i + 8'd05), (i + 8'd05)}; w11 = {(i + 8'd04), (i + 8'd04), (i + 8'd04), (i + 8'd04)}; w12 = {(i + 8'd03), (i + 8'd03), (i + 8'd03), (i + 8'd03)}; w13 = {(i + 8'd02), (i + 8'd02), (i + 8'd02), (i + 8'd02)}; w14 = {(i + 8'd01), (i + 8'd01), (i + 8'd01), (i + 8'd01)}; w15 = {(i + 8'd00), (i + 8'd00), (i + 8'd00), (i + 8'd00)}; w512 = {w00, w01, w02, w03, w04, w05, w06, w07, w08, w09, w10, w11, w12, w13, w14, w15}; write_w512(w512); i = i + 16; end end endtask // init_sim //---------------------------------------------------------------- // csprng_test // // The main test functionality. //---------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin : csprng_fifo_test $display(" -= Testbench for csprng fifo started =-"); $display(" ======================================"); $display(""); init_sim(); dump_dut_state(); reset_dut(); dump_dut_state(); #(100 * CLK_PERIOD) fifo_test(); #(100 * CLK_PERIOD) display_test_results(); $display(""); $display("*** CSPRNG FIFO simulation done. ***"); $finish; end // tb_csprng_fifo_test endmodule // tb_csprng_fifo //====================================================================== // EOF tb_csprng_fifo.v //======================================================================