path: root/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 970 deletions
diff --git a/config/config.cfg b/config/config.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index f42813e..0000000
--- a/config/config.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for the Cryptech Novena FPGA framework.
-# Variables used in this file:
-# default-section: Name of the configuration to build if the user
-# doesn't specify one. Only meaningful in the default section.
-# cores: A list of cores to build. Use with the --section option.
-# vfiles: A list of Verilog files to include in the vfiles list when
-# including a particular core. All (optional) cores must have a
-# vfiles option, so that the configuration program knows what to put
-# into core_vfiles.mk.
-# requires: A list of other cores whose vfiles must be loaded to build
-# this core. This has no effect on the generated core_selector.v
-# file, and has no effect at all if an instance of a core named here
-# is already included in the build.
-# error_wire: boolean indicating whether the core wants a error wire.
-# block_memory: boolean indicating whether the core uses block memory.
-# Effect of this is a bit strange: setting it triggers generation of
-# a one-cycle timing delay for every core in this build that does
-# *not* use block memory. When no cores in the build use block
-# memory, the delay isn't necessary and is therefore omitted.
-default-section = rsa
-cores = sha1 sha256 sha512
-cores = trng
-cores = modexp
-cores = sha256 aes trng modexps6
-cores = sha256 aes aes chacha aes
-vfiles =
- hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1.v
- hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_core.v
- hash/sha1/src/rtl/sha1_w_mem.v
-vfiles =
- hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256.v
- hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_core.v
- hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_k_constants.v
- hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_w_mem.v
-vfiles =
- hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512.v
- hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_core.v
- hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_h_constants.v
- hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_k_constants.v
- hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_w_mem.v
-requires = chacha sha512
-vfiles =
- rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy.v
- rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy_core.v
- rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc.v
- rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy.v
- rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy_core.v
- rng/trng/src/rtl/trng.v
- rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng.v
- rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng_fifo.v
- rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_mixer.v
-vfiles =
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_core.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_decipher_block.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_encipher_block.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_inv_sbox.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_key_mem.v
- cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_sbox.v
-vfiles =
- cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha.v
- cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_core.v
- cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_qr.v
-block_memory = yes
-error_wire = no
-vfiles =
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_adder64_carry32.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_core.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_user.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_modinv32.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_coeff.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_multiplier.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_top.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_wrapper.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/ram_1rw_1ro_readfirst.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/multiplier_s6.v
- math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/subtractor_s6.v
-error_wire = no
-vfiles =
- math/modexp/src/rtl/adder.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem1r1w.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2r1wptr.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2r1w.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/blockmem2rptr1w.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/modexp.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/modexp_core.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/montprod.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/residue.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/shl.v
- math/modexp/src/rtl/shr.v
diff --git a/config/config.py b/config/config.py
deleted file mode 100755
index de28e7b..0000000
--- a/config/config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Generate core_selector.v and core_vfiles.mk for a set of cores.
-# History of Cryptech bus addressing scheme, as best I understand it.
-# The old old addressing scheme that Joachim and Paul came up with
-# was:
-# 3 bits of segment selector [16:14]
-# 6 bits of core selector [13:8]
-# 8 bits of register selector [7:0]
-# modexp6s needed more register bits than that, so Pavel changed
-# addressing within the math segment to:
-# 3 bits of segment selector [16:14]
-# 4 bits of core selector [13:10]
-# 10 bits of register selector [9:0]
-# Meanwhile, Paul eliminated segments entirely when writing the
-# ancestor of this script, resulting in:
-# 9 bits of core selector [16:8]
-# 8 bits of register selector [7:0]
-# Taking Pavel's and Paul's changes together, we'd get:
-# 7 bits of core selector [16:10]
-# 10 bits of register selector [9:0]
-# Except that this would waste space for most cores, and make things
-# very confusing for the TRNG cores. So, instead, we keep Paul's
-# two-level (no segment) scheme and handle modexps6 as a set of four
-# contiguous "cores" with a 10-bit composite register selector.
-# The modexps6 core drags in a one clock cycle delay to other cores,
-# to compensate for the extra clock cycle consumed by the block
-# memories used in the modexps6 core. We probably want a general
-# solution for this, because we're going to run into this problem for
-# any core that handles arguments big enough to require block memory.
-# To Do:
-# - Consider automating the one-clock-cycle delay stuff by adding
-# another boolean flag to the config file. Default would be no
-# delay, if any included core sets the "I use block memories" flag,
-# all other cores would get the delay. Slightly tedious but
-# something we can calculate easily enough, and probably an
-# improvement over wiring in the delay when nothing needs it.
-# - Rename script and its config file to something more meaningful.
-# - Figure out whether this really belongs in the novena repository at
-# all, seems more generic than that.
-def main():
- """
- Parse arguments and config file, generate core list, generate output.
- """
- from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
- from sys import exit
- parser = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help = "enable debugging", action = "store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--section", help = "config file section")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help = "configuration file", default = "config.cfg", type = FileType("r"))
- parser.add_argument("--verilog", help = "verilog output file", default = "core_selector.v", type = FileType("w"))
- parser.add_argument("--makefile", help = "output makefile", default = "core_vfiles.mk", type = FileType("w"))
- parser.add_argument("core", help = "name(s) of core(s)", nargs = "*")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- try:
- cfg = RawConfigParser()
- cfg.readfp(args.config)
- if args.core:
- cores = args.core
- else:
- section = args.section or cfg.get("default", "default-section")
- cores = cfg.get(section, "cores").split()
- cores.insert(0, "board_regs")
- cores.insert(1, "comm_regs")
- cores = tuple(Core.new(core) for core in cores)
- core_number = 0
- for core in cores:
- core_number = core.assign_core_number(core_number)
- for core in cores:
- core.configure(cfg)
- if False:
- # For some reason, attempting to optimize out the delay
- # code entirely results in a non-working bitstream. Don't
- # know why, disabling the optimization works, so just do
- # that for now.
- Core.need_one_cycle_delay = any(core.block_memory for core in cores)
- args.verilog.write(createModule_template.format(
- addrs = "".join(core.createAddr() for core in cores),
- insts = "".join(core.createInstance() for core in cores),
- muxes = "".join(core.createMux() for core in cores)))
- args.makefile.write(listVfiles_template.format(
- vfiles = "".join(core.listVfiles() for core in cores)))
- except Exception, e:
- if args.debug:
- raise
- exit(str(e))
- import ConfigParser as configparser
-except ImportError:
- import configparser
-class RawConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser):
- """
- RawConfigParser with a few extensions.
- """
- def getboolean(self, section, option, default = False):
- if self.has_option(section, option):
- # RawConfigParser is an old-stle class, super() doesn't work, feh.
- return configparser.RawConfigParser.getboolean(self, section, option)
- else:
- return default
- def getvalues(self, section, option):
- if self.has_option(section, option):
- for value in self.get(section, option).split():
- yield value
-class Core(object):
- """
- Data and methods for a generic core. We can use this directly for
- most cores, a few are weird and require subclassing to override
- particular methods.
- """
- # Class variable tracking how many times a particular core has
- # been instantiated. This controls instance numbering.
- _instance_count = {}
- # Class variable mapping core name to subclass for special cases.
- special_class = {}
- # Class variable recording whether we need a one-cycle delay to
- # compensate for block memories.
- need_one_cycle_delay = True
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- self.core_number = None
- self.vfiles = []
- self.error_wire = True
- self.block_memory = False
- self.instance_number = self._instance_count.get(name, 0)
- self._instance_count[name] = self.instance_number + 1
- @classmethod
- def new(cls, name):
- return cls.special_class.get(name, cls)(name)
- def assign_core_number(self, n):
- self.core_number = n
- return n + 1
- def configure(self, cfg):
- if self.instance_number == 0:
- self.vfiles.extend(cfg.getvalues(self.name, "vfiles"))
- for required in cfg.getvalues(self.name, "requires"):
- if required not in self._instance_count:
- self.vfiles.extend(cfg.getvalues(required, "vfiles"))
- self.error_wire = cfg.getboolean(self.name, "error_wire", self.error_wire)
- self.block_memory = cfg.getboolean(self.name, "block_memory", self.block_memory)
- @property
- def instance_name(self):
- if self._instance_count[self.name] > 1:
- return "{}_{}".format(self.name, self.instance_number)
- else:
- return self.name
- @property
- def upper_instance_name(self):
- return self.instance_name.upper()
- @property
- def reset_pin(self):
- return ".reset_n(sys_rst_n)"
- @property
- def error_port(self):
- return ",\n .error(error_{core.instance_name})".format(core = self) if self.error_wire else ""
- @property
- def one_cycle_delay(self):
- return one_cycle_delay_template.format(core = self) if self.need_one_cycle_delay and not self.block_memory else ""
- @property
- def mux_data_reg(self):
- return "read_data_" + self.instance_name + ("_reg" if self.need_one_cycle_delay and not self.block_memory else "")
- @property
- def mux_error_reg(self):
- return "error_" + self.instance_name if self.error_wire else "0"
- def createInstance(self):
- return createInstance_template_generic.format(core = self)
- def createAddr(self):
- return createAddr_template.format(core = self)
- def createMux(self):
- return createMux_template.format(core = self, core0 = self)
- def listVfiles(self):
- return "".join(" \\\n\t$(CORE_TREE)/" + vfile for vfile in self.vfiles)
-class SubCore(Core):
- """"
- Override mux handling for TRNG's sub-cores.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, parent):
- super(SubCore, self).__init__(name)
- self.parent = parent
- def createMux(self):
- return createMux_template.format(core = self, core0 = self.parent)
-class TRNGCore(Core):
- """
- The TRNG core has an internal mux with slots for 15 sub-cores,
- most of which are empty. This is a bit of a mess.
- Mostly this means that our method calls have to iterate over all
- of the subcores after handling the base TRNG core, but we also use
- different templates, and fiddle with addresses a bit.
- Mux numbers have to be dug out of the TRNG Verilog source.
- """
- # TRNG subcore name -> internal mux number.
- subcore_parameters = dict(avalanche_entropy = 0x1,
- rosc_entropy = 0x2,
- trng_mixer = 0x3,
- trng_csprng = 0x4)
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(TRNGCore, self).__init__(name)
- self.subcores = tuple(SubCore(name, self)
- for name in sorted(self.subcore_parameters,
- key = lambda x: self.subcore_parameters[x]))
- def assign_core_number(self, n):
- n = super(TRNGCore, self).assign_core_number(n)
- for subcore in self.subcores:
- subcore.assign_core_number(self.core_number + self.subcore_parameters[subcore.name])
- return n + 15
- @property
- def last_subcore_upper_instance_name(self):
- return self.subcores[-1].upper_instance_name
- def createInstance(self):
- return createInstance_template_TRNG.format(core = self)
- def createAddr(self):
- return super(TRNGCore, self).createAddr() + "".join(subcore.createAddr() for subcore in self.subcores)
- def createMux(self):
- return super(TRNGCore, self).createMux() + "".join(subcore.createMux() for subcore in self.subcores)
-class ModExpS6Core(Core):
- """
- ModExpS6 core consumes as much space as four ordinary cores, and
- uses different templates to handle the differences in timing and
- addressing.
- """
- def assign_core_number(self, n):
- n = super(ModExpS6Core, self).assign_core_number(n)
- return n + 3
- def createInstance(self):
- return createInstance_template_ModExpS6.format(core = self)
- def createMux(self):
- return createMux_modexps6_template.format(core = self, core0 = self)
-# Hook special classes in as handlers for the cores that require them.
- trng = TRNGCore,
- modexps6 = ModExpS6Core)
-# Templates (format strings), here instead of inline in the functions
-# that use them, both because some of these are shared between
-# multiple functions and because it's easier to read these (and get
-# the indentation right) when the're separate.
-# Template used by .createAddr() methods.
-createAddr_template = """\
- localparam CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name:21s} = 9'h{core.core_number:02x};
-# Template used by Core.createInstance().
-createInstance_template_generic = """\
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // {core.upper_instance_name}
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_{core.instance_name} = (addr_core_num == CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name});
- wire [31: 0] read_data_{core.instance_name};
- wire error_{core.instance_name};
- {core.name} {core.instance_name}_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- {core.reset_pin},
- .cs(enable_{core.instance_name} & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address(addr_core_reg),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_{core.instance_name}){core.error_port}
- );
-# Template used by ModExpS6Core.createInstance(). This is different
-# enough from the base template that it's easier to make this separate.
-createInstance_template_ModExpS6 = """\
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // {core.upper_instance_name}
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_{core.instance_name} = (addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name}) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 9'h03);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_{core.instance_name};
- wire [1:0] {core.instance_name}_prefix = addr_core_num[1:0] - CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name};
- {core.name}_wrapper {core.instance_name}_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- {core.reset_pin},
- .cs(enable_{core.instance_name} & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address({{{core.instance_name}_prefix, addr_core_reg}}),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_{core.instance_name})
- );
-# Template used by TRNGCore.createInstance(); this is different enough
-# from the generic template that it's (probably) clearer to have this
-# separate.
-createInstance_template_TRNG = """\
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // {core.upper_instance_name}
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_{core.instance_name} = (addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name}) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 9'h0f);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_{core.instance_name};
- wire error_{core.instance_name};
- wire [3:0] {core.instance_name}_prefix = addr_core_num[3:0] - CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name};
- {core.name} {core.instance_name}_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- {core.reset_pin},
- .cs(enable_{core.instance_name} & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address({{{core.instance_name}_prefix, addr_core_reg}}),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_{core.instance_name}),
- .error(error_{core.instance_name}),
- .avalanche_noise(noise),
- .debug(debug)
- );
-# Template for one-cycle delay code.
-one_cycle_delay_template = """\
- reg [31: 0] read_data_{core.instance_name}_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_{core.instance_name}_reg <= read_data_{core.instance_name};
-# Template for .createMux() methods.
-createMux_template = """\
- CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name}:
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = {core0.mux_data_reg};
- sys_error_mux = {core0.mux_error_reg};
- end
-# Template for ModExpS6.createMux() method.
-createMux_modexps6_template = """\
- CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 0,
- CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 1,
- CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 2,
- CORE_ADDR_{core.upper_instance_name} + 3:
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = {core0.mux_data_reg};
- sys_error_mux = {core0.mux_error_reg};
- end
-# Top-level (createModule) template.
-createModule_template = """\
-// NOTE: This file is generated; do not edit by hand.
-module core_selector
- (
- input wire sys_clk,
- input wire sys_rst_n,
- input wire [16: 0] sys_eim_addr,
- input wire sys_eim_wr,
- input wire sys_eim_rd,
- output wire [31: 0] sys_read_data,
- input wire [31: 0] sys_write_data,
- output wire sys_error,
- input wire noise,
- output wire [7 : 0] debug
- );
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Address Decoder
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // upper 9 bits specify core being addressed
- wire [ 8: 0] addr_core_num = sys_eim_addr[16: 8];
- // lower 8 bits specify register offset in core
- wire [ 7: 0] addr_core_reg = sys_eim_addr[ 7: 0];
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Core Address Table
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Output (Read Data) Multiplexer
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- reg [31: 0] sys_read_data_mux;
- assign sys_read_data = sys_read_data_mux;
- reg sys_error_mux;
- assign sys_error = sys_error_mux;
- always @*
- case (addr_core_num)
- default:
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = {{32{{1'b0}}}};
- sys_error_mux = 1;
- end
- endcase
-// EOF core_selector.v
-# Template for makefile snippet listing Verilog source files.
-listVfiles_template = """\
-# NOTE: This file is generated; do not edit by hand.
-vfiles +={vfiles}
-# Run main program.
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/config/core_selector.v b/config/core_selector.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 298c39e..0000000
--- a/config/core_selector.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// NOTE: This file is generated; do not edit by hand.
-module core_selector
- (
- input wire sys_clk,
- input wire sys_rst_n,
- input wire [16: 0] sys_eim_addr,
- input wire sys_eim_wr,
- input wire sys_eim_rd,
- output wire [31: 0] sys_read_data,
- input wire [31: 0] sys_write_data,
- output wire sys_error,
- input wire noise,
- output wire [7 : 0] debug
- );
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Address Decoder
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // upper 9 bits specify core being addressed
- wire [ 8: 0] addr_core_num = sys_eim_addr[16: 8];
- // lower 8 bits specify register offset in core
- wire [ 7: 0] addr_core_reg = sys_eim_addr[ 7: 0];
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Core Address Table
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- localparam CORE_ADDR_BOARD_REGS = 9'h00;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_COMM_REGS = 9'h01;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_SHA256 = 9'h02;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_AES = 9'h03;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_TRNG = 9'h04;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_AVALANCHE_ENTROPY = 9'h05;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_ROSC_ENTROPY = 9'h06;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_TRNG_MIXER = 9'h07;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_TRNG_CSPRNG = 9'h08;
- localparam CORE_ADDR_MODEXPS6 = 9'h14;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_board_regs = (addr_core_num == CORE_ADDR_BOARD_REGS);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_board_regs;
- wire error_board_regs;
- board_regs board_regs_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_board_regs & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address(addr_core_reg),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_board_regs),
- .error(error_board_regs)
- );
- reg [31: 0] read_data_board_regs_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_board_regs_reg <= read_data_board_regs;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_comm_regs = (addr_core_num == CORE_ADDR_COMM_REGS);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_comm_regs;
- wire error_comm_regs;
- comm_regs comm_regs_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_comm_regs & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address(addr_core_reg),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_comm_regs),
- .error(error_comm_regs)
- );
- reg [31: 0] read_data_comm_regs_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_comm_regs_reg <= read_data_comm_regs;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // SHA256
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_sha256 = (addr_core_num == CORE_ADDR_SHA256);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_sha256;
- wire error_sha256;
- sha256 sha256_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_sha256 & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address(addr_core_reg),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_sha256),
- .error(error_sha256)
- );
- reg [31: 0] read_data_sha256_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_sha256_reg <= read_data_sha256;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // AES
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_aes = (addr_core_num == CORE_ADDR_AES);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_aes;
- wire error_aes;
- aes aes_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_aes & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address(addr_core_reg),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_aes),
- .error(error_aes)
- );
- reg [31: 0] read_data_aes_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_aes_reg <= read_data_aes;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // TRNG
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_trng = (addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_TRNG) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_TRNG + 9'h0f);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_trng;
- wire error_trng;
- wire [3:0] trng_prefix = addr_core_num[3:0] - CORE_ADDR_TRNG;
- trng trng_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_trng & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address({trng_prefix, addr_core_reg}),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_trng),
- .error(error_trng),
- .avalanche_noise(noise),
- .debug(debug)
- );
- reg [31: 0] read_data_trng_reg;
- always @(posedge sys_clk)
- read_data_trng_reg <= read_data_trng;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- wire enable_modexps6 = (addr_core_num >= CORE_ADDR_MODEXPS6) && (addr_core_num <= CORE_ADDR_MODEXPS6 + 9'h03);
- wire [31: 0] read_data_modexps6;
- wire [1:0] modexps6_prefix = addr_core_num[1:0] - CORE_ADDR_MODEXPS6;
- modexps6_wrapper modexps6_inst
- (
- .clk(sys_clk),
- .reset_n(sys_rst_n),
- .cs(enable_modexps6 & (sys_eim_rd | sys_eim_wr)),
- .we(sys_eim_wr),
- .address({modexps6_prefix, addr_core_reg}),
- .write_data(sys_write_data),
- .read_data(read_data_modexps6)
- );
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Output (Read Data) Multiplexer
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- reg [31: 0] sys_read_data_mux;
- assign sys_read_data = sys_read_data_mux;
- reg sys_error_mux;
- assign sys_error = sys_error_mux;
- always @*
- case (addr_core_num)
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_board_regs_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_board_regs;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_comm_regs_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_comm_regs;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_sha256_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_sha256;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_aes_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_aes;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_trng_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_trng;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_trng_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_trng;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_trng_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_trng;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_trng_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_trng;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_trng_reg;
- sys_error_mux = error_trng;
- end
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = read_data_modexps6;
- sys_error_mux = 0;
- end
- default:
- begin
- sys_read_data_mux = {32{1'b0}};
- sys_error_mux = 1;
- end
- endcase
-// EOF core_selector.v
diff --git a/config/core_vfiles.mk b/config/core_vfiles.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 4020234..0000000
--- a/config/core_vfiles.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# NOTE: This file is generated; do not edit by hand.
-vfiles += \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_k_constants.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha256/src/rtl/sha256_w_mem.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_decipher_block.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_encipher_block.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_inv_sbox.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_key_mem.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/aes/src/rtl/aes_sbox.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/avalanche_entropy/src/rtl/avalanche_entropy_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/rosc_entropy/src/rtl/rosc_entropy_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/trng/src/rtl/trng.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_csprng_fifo.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/rng/trng/src/rtl/trng_mixer.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/cipher/chacha/src/rtl/chacha_qr.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_h_constants.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_k_constants.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/hash/sha512/src/rtl/sha512_w_mem.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_adder64_carry32.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_core.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_buffer_user.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_modinv32.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_coeff.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_montgomery_multiplier.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_top.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/modexps6_wrapper.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/ram_1rw_1ro_readfirst.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/multiplier_s6.v \
- $(CORE_TREE)/math/modexps6/src/rtl/ipcore/subtractor_s6.v