path: root/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v
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authorPavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1@yandex.ru>2020-01-21 15:36:05 +0300
committerPavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1@yandex.ru>2020-01-21 15:40:41 +0300
commit18c0a8e73bacd2ccbb9089d7aa220290e95dcb76 (patch)
tree7c75124f216e1fde121c5880b822d68b26abefe0 /rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v
parentab23f87e78f441830587c6c82d90e35b4cec7d29 (diff)
New Alpha platform with three clocks:
* 45 MHz (aka "io_clk") is the I/O clock for the FMC bus * 90 MHz (aka "sys_clk") is the system clock for all the cores * 180 MHz (aka "core_clk") is the high-speed clock for high-performance cores
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v b/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v
index 5c4099e..0f5f912 100644
--- a/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v
+++ b/rtl/alpha_clkmgr.v
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Author: Pavel Shatov
-// Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2016, 2018-2019 NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -38,101 +38,101 @@
module alpha_clkmgr
- (
- input wire fmc_clk, // signal from clock pin
- output wire sys_clk, // buffered system clock output
- output wire sys_rst_n // system reset output (async set, sync clear, active-low)
- );
- //
- // Settings
- //
- /*
- * fmc_clk is 90 MHz, sys_clk is also 90 MHz routed through an MMCM.
- *
- * VCO frequency is 1080 MHz.
- *
- */
- localparam CLK_OUT_MUL = 12.0;
- localparam CLK_OUT_DIV = 12.0;
- localparam CLK_OUT_PHI = 45.0;
+ input wire fmc_clk, // signal from clock pin
+ output wire io_clk, // buffered i/o clock
+ output wire sys_clk, // buffered system clock output
+ output wire sys_rst_n, // system reset output (async set, sync clear, active-low)
+ output wire core_clk // buffered high speed core clock
- //
- // Wrapper for Xilinx-specific MMCM (Mixed Mode Clock Manager) primitive.
- //
- wire gclk_int; // buffered input clock
- wire mmcm_reset; // reset input
- wire mmcm_locked; // output clock valid
- wire gclk_missing; // input clock stopped
- clkmgr_mmcm #
- (
- .CLK_OUT_MUL (CLK_OUT_MUL), // 2..64
- .CLK_OUT_DIV (CLK_OUT_DIV), // 1..128
- .CLK_OUT_PHI (CLK_OUT_PHI) // 0.0..360.0
- )
- mmcm
- (
- .gclk_in (fmc_clk),
- .reset_in (mmcm_reset),
- .gclk_out (gclk_int),
- .gclk_missing_out (gclk_missing),
- .clk_out (sys_clk),
- .clk_valid_out (mmcm_locked)
- );
- //
- // MMCM Reset Logic
- //
- /* MMCM should be reset on power-up and when the input clock is stopped.
- * Note that MMCM requires active-high reset, so the shift register is
- * preloaded with 1's and then gradually filled with 0's.
- */
- reg [15: 0] mmcm_rst_shreg = {16{1'b1}}; // 16-bit shift register
- always @(posedge gclk_int or posedge gclk_missing)
- //
- if (gclk_missing == 1'b1)
- mmcm_rst_shreg <= {16{1'b1}};
- else
- mmcm_rst_shreg <= {mmcm_rst_shreg[14:0], 1'b0};
- assign mmcm_reset = mmcm_rst_shreg[15];
- //
- // System Reset Logic
- //
- /* System reset is asserted for 16 cycles whenever MMCM aquires lock. Note
- * that system reset is active-low, so the shift register is preloaded with
- * 0's and gradually filled with 1's.
- */
- reg [15: 0] sys_rst_shreg = {16{1'b0}}; // 16-bit shift register
- always @(posedge sys_clk or posedge gclk_missing or negedge mmcm_locked)
- //
- if ((gclk_missing == 1'b1) || (mmcm_locked == 1'b0))
- sys_rst_shreg <= {16{1'b0}};
- else if (mmcm_locked == 1'b1)
- sys_rst_shreg <= {sys_rst_shreg[14:0], 1'b1};
- assign sys_rst_n = sys_rst_shreg[15];
+ //
+ // Parameters
+ //
+ parameter integer CLK_CORE_MULT = 4;
+ //
+ //
+ wire cfg_mclk; // 65 MHz (+/- 50%) internal oscillator
+ wire cfg_eos; // end-of-startup flag
+ (
+ .SIM_CCLK_FREQ (0.0), // config clock frequency for simulation
+ .PROG_USR ("FALSE") // only used with encrypted bitstreams
+ )
+ STARTUPE2_inst
+ (
+ .CLK (1'b0), // no external clock
+ .CFGCLK (), // config clock (unused)
+ .CFGMCLK (cfg_mclk), // config clock
+ .EOS (cfg_eos), // end-of-startup flag
+ .USRCCLKO (1'b0), // custom clock for configuration memory access (unused)
+ .USRCCLKTS (1'b0), // UG470 recommends this to be held low
+ .USRDONEO (1'b1), // custom value to drive onto DONE pin (unused)
+ .USRDONETS (1'b1), // tri-state DONE pin (unused)
+ .GSR (1'b0), // UG470 recommends hardwiring this low
+ .GTS (1'b0), // UG470 recommends this to be tied low
+ .PREQ (), // unused when PROG_USR is disabled
+ .PACK (1'b0), // only used when PROG_USR is enabled
+ .KEYCLEARB (1'b1) // unused
+ );
+ //
+ // Wrapper for Xilinx-specific MMCM (Mixed Mode Clock Manager) primitive.
+ //
+ wire mmcm_reset; // reset input
+ wire mmcm_locked; // output clock valid
+ clkmgr_mmcm #
+ (
+ )
+ mmcm_inst
+ (
+ .fmc_clk_in (fmc_clk),
+ .rst_in (mmcm_reset),
+ .io_clk_out (io_clk),
+ .sys_clk_out (sys_clk),
+ .core_clk_out (core_clk),
+ .locked_out (mmcm_locked)
+ );
+ //
+ // MMCM Controller
+ //
+ clkmgr_mmcm_ctrl mmcm_ctrl_inst
+ (
+ .clk_in (cfg_mclk),
+ .reset_n_in (cfg_eos),
+ .locked_in (mmcm_locked),
+ .reset_out (mmcm_reset)
+ );
+ //
+ // System Reset Logic
+ //
+ clkmgr_reset_gen #(.SHREG_WIDTH(16)) reset_gen_inst
+ (
+ .clk_in (sys_clk),
+ .locked_in (mmcm_locked),
+ .reset_n_out (sys_rst_n)
+ );
// EOF alpha_clkmgr.v