//====================================================================== // // tb_sha256.v // ----------- // Testbench for the SHA-256 top level wrapper. // // // Author: Joachim Strombergson // Copyright (c) 2014, SUNET // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or // without modification, are permitted provided that the following // conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in // the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF // ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //====================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Simulator directives. //------------------------------------------------------------------ `timescale 1ns/10ps //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Test module. //------------------------------------------------------------------ module tb_sha256(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal constant and parameter definitions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- parameter DEBUG = 0; parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 2; // The address map. parameter ADDR_NAME0 = 8'h00; parameter ADDR_NAME1 = 8'h01; parameter ADDR_VERSION = 8'h02; parameter ADDR_CTRL = 8'h08; parameter CTRL_INIT_VALUE = 8'h01; parameter CTRL_NEXT_VALUE = 8'h02; parameter ADDR_STATUS = 8'h09; parameter STATUS_READY_BIT = 0; parameter STATUS_VALID_BIT = 1; parameter ADDR_BLOCK0 = 8'h10; parameter ADDR_BLOCK1 = 8'h11; parameter ADDR_BLOCK2 = 8'h12; parameter ADDR_BLOCK3 = 8'h13; parameter ADDR_BLOCK4 = 8'h14; parameter ADDR_BLOCK5 = 8'h15; parameter ADDR_BLOCK6 = 8'h16; parameter ADDR_BLOCK7 = 8'h17; parameter ADDR_BLOCK8 = 8'h18; parameter ADDR_BLOCK9 = 8'h19; parameter ADDR_BLOCK10 = 8'h1a; parameter ADDR_BLOCK11 = 8'h1b; parameter ADDR_BLOCK12 = 8'h1c; parameter ADDR_BLOCK13 = 8'h1d; parameter ADDR_BLOCK14 = 8'h1e; parameter ADDR_BLOCK15 = 8'h1f; parameter ADDR_DIGEST0 = 8'h20; parameter ADDR_DIGEST1 = 8'h21; parameter ADDR_DIGEST2 = 8'h22; parameter ADDR_DIGEST3 = 8'h23; parameter ADDR_DIGEST4 = 8'h24; parameter ADDR_DIGEST5 = 8'h25; parameter ADDR_DIGEST6 = 8'h26; parameter ADDR_DIGEST7 = 8'h27; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Register and Wire declarations. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] cycle_ctr; reg [31 : 0] error_ctr; reg [31 : 0] tc_ctr; reg tb_clk; reg tb_reset_n; reg tb_cs; reg tb_we; reg [7 : 0] tb_address; reg [31 : 0] tb_write_data; wire [31 : 0] tb_read_data; wire tb_error; reg [31 : 0] read_data; reg [255 : 0] digest_data; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Under Test. //---------------------------------------------------------------- sha256 dut( .clk(tb_clk), .reset_n(tb_reset_n), .cs(tb_cs), .we(tb_we), .address(tb_address), .write_data(tb_write_data), .read_data(tb_read_data), .error(tb_error) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // clk_gen // // Clock generator process. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : clk_gen #CLK_HALF_PERIOD tb_clk = !tb_clk; end // clk_gen //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sys_monitor // // Generates a cycle counter and displays information about // the dut as needed. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : sys_monitor #(2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD); cycle_ctr = cycle_ctr + 1; end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dump_dut_state() // // Dump the state of the dump when needed. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task dump_dut_state(); begin $display("State of DUT"); $display("------------"); $display("Inputs and outputs:"); $display("cs = 0x%01x, we = 0x%01x", dut.cs, dut.we); $display("address = 0x%02x", dut.address); $display("write_data = 0x%08x, read_data = 0x%08x", dut.write_data, dut.read_data); $display("tmp_read_data = 0x%08x", dut.tmp_read_data); $display(""); $display("Control and status:"); $display("ctrl = 0x%02x, status = 0x%02x", {dut.next_reg, dut.init_reg}, {dut.digest_valid_reg, dut.ready_reg}); $display(""); $display("Message block:"); $display("block0 = 0x%08x, block1 = 0x%08x, block2 = 0x%08x, block3 = 0x%08x", dut.block0_reg, dut.block1_reg, dut.block2_reg, dut.block3_reg); $display("block4 = 0x%08x, block5 = 0x%08x, block6 = 0x%08x, block7 = 0x%08x", dut.block4_reg, dut.block5_reg, dut.block6_reg, dut.block7_reg); $display("block8 = 0x%08x, block9 = 0x%08x, block10 = 0x%08x, block11 = 0x%08x", dut.block8_reg, dut.block9_reg, dut.block10_reg, dut.block11_reg); $display("block12 = 0x%08x, block13 = 0x%08x, block14 = 0x%08x, block15 = 0x%08x", dut.block12_reg, dut.block13_reg, dut.block14_reg, dut.block15_reg); $display(""); $display("Digest:"); $display("digest = 0x%064x", dut.digest_reg); $display(""); end endtask // dump_dut_state //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reset_dut() // // Toggles reset to force the DUT into a well defined state. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task reset_dut(); begin $display("*** Toggle reset."); tb_reset_n = 0; #(4 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD); tb_reset_n = 1; end endtask // reset_dut //---------------------------------------------------------------- // init_sim() // // Initialize all counters and testbed functionality as well // as setting the DUT inputs to defined values. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task init_sim(); begin cycle_ctr = 32'h00000000; error_ctr = 32'h00000000; tc_ctr = 32'h00000000; tb_clk = 0; tb_reset_n = 0; tb_cs = 0; tb_we = 0; tb_address = 6'h00; tb_write_data = 32'h00000000; end endtask // init_dut //---------------------------------------------------------------- // display_test_result() // // Display the accumulated test results. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task display_test_result(); begin if (error_ctr == 0) begin $display("*** All %02d test cases completed successfully.", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("*** %02d test cases completed.", tc_ctr); $display("*** %02d errors detected during testing.", error_ctr); end end endtask // display_test_result //---------------------------------------------------------------- // wait_ready() // // Wait for the ready flag in the dut to be set. // (Actually we wait for either ready or valid to be set.) // // Note: It is the callers responsibility to call the function // when the dut is actively processing and will in fact at some // point set the flag. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task wait_ready(); begin read_data = 0; while (read_data == 0) begin read_word(ADDR_STATUS); end end endtask // wait_ready //---------------------------------------------------------------- // write_word() // // Write the given word to the DUT using the DUT interface. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task write_word(input [7 : 0] address, input [31 : 0] word); begin if (DEBUG) begin $display("*** Writing 0x%08x to 0x%02x.", word, address); $display(""); end tb_address = address; tb_write_data = word; tb_cs = 1; tb_we = 1; #(2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD); tb_cs = 0; tb_we = 0; end endtask // write_word //---------------------------------------------------------------- // write_block() // // Write the given block to the dut. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task write_block(input [511 : 0] block); begin write_word(ADDR_BLOCK0, block[511 : 480]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK1, block[479 : 448]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK2, block[447 : 416]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK3, block[415 : 384]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK4, block[383 : 352]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK5, block[351 : 320]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK6, block[319 : 288]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK7, block[287 : 256]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK8, block[255 : 224]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK9, block[223 : 192]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK10, block[191 : 160]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK11, block[159 : 128]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK12, block[127 : 96]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK13, block[95 : 64]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK14, block[63 : 32]); write_word(ADDR_BLOCK15, block[31 : 0]); end endtask // write_block //---------------------------------------------------------------- // read_word() // // Read a data word from the given address in the DUT. // the word read will be available in the global variable // read_data. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task read_word(input [7 : 0] address); begin tb_address = address; tb_cs = 1; tb_we = 0; #(2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD); read_data = tb_read_data; tb_cs = 0; if (DEBUG) begin $display("*** Reading 0x%08x from 0x%02x.", read_data, address); $display(""); end end endtask // read_word //---------------------------------------------------------------- // check_name_version() // // Read the name and version from the DUT. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task check_name_version(); reg [31 : 0] name0; reg [31 : 0] name1; reg [31 : 0] version; begin read_word(ADDR_NAME0); name0 = read_data; read_word(ADDR_NAME1); name1 = read_data; read_word(ADDR_VERSION); version = read_data; $display("DUT name: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", name0[31 : 24], name0[23 : 16], name0[15 : 8], name0[7 : 0], name1[31 : 24], name1[23 : 16], name1[15 : 8], name1[7 : 0]); $display("DUT version: %c%c%c%c", version[31 : 24], version[23 : 16], version[15 : 8], version[7 : 0]); end endtask // check_name_version //---------------------------------------------------------------- // read_digest() // // Read the digest in the dut. The resulting digest will be // available in the global variable digest_data. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task read_digest(); begin read_word(ADDR_DIGEST0); digest_data[255 : 224] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST1); digest_data[223 : 192] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST2); digest_data[191 : 160] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST3); digest_data[159 : 128] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST4); digest_data[127 : 96] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST5); digest_data[95 : 64] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST6); digest_data[63 : 32] = read_data; read_word(ADDR_DIGEST7); digest_data[31 : 0] = read_data; end endtask // read_digest //---------------------------------------------------------------- // single_block_test() // // // Perform test of a single block digest. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task single_block_test(input [511 : 0] block, input [255 : 0] expected); begin $display("*** TC%01d - Single block test started.", tc_ctr); write_block(block); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, CTRL_INIT_VALUE); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 8'h00); wait_ready(); read_digest(); if (digest_data == expected) begin $display("TC%01d: OK.", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("TC%01d: ERROR.", tc_ctr); $display("TC%01d: Expected: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, expected); $display("TC%01d: Got: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, digest_data); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end $display("*** TC%01d - Single block test done.", tc_ctr); tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; end endtask // single_block_test //---------------------------------------------------------------- // double_block_test() // // // Perform test of a double block digest. Note that we check // the digests for both the first and final block. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task double_block_test(input [511 : 0] block0, input [255 : 0] expected0, input [511 : 0] block1, input [255 : 0] expected1 ); begin $display("*** TC%01d - Double block test started.", tc_ctr); // First block write_block(block0); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, CTRL_INIT_VALUE); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 8'h00); wait_ready(); read_digest(); if (digest_data == expected0) begin $display("TC%01d first block: OK.", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("TC%01d: ERROR in first digest", tc_ctr); $display("TC%01d: Expected: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, expected0); $display("TC%01d: Got: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, digest_data); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end // Final block write_block(block1); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, CTRL_NEXT_VALUE); write_word(ADDR_CTRL, 8'h00); wait_ready(); read_digest(); if (digest_data == expected1) begin $display("TC%01d final block: OK.", tc_ctr); end else begin $display("TC%01d: ERROR in final digest", tc_ctr); $display("TC%01d: Expected: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, expected1); $display("TC%01d: Got: 0x%064x", tc_ctr, digest_data); error_ctr = error_ctr + 1; end $display("*** TC%01d - Double block test done.", tc_ctr); tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; end endtask // double_block_test //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sha256_test // The main test functionality. // // Test cases taken from: // http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/documents/Examples/SHA256.pdf //---------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin : sha256_test reg [511 : 0] tc0; reg [255 : 0] res0; reg [511 : 0] tc1_0; reg [255 : 0] res1_0; reg [511 : 0] tc1_1; reg [255 : 0] res1_1; $display(" -- Testbench for sha256 started --"); init_sim(); reset_dut(); check_name_version(); // dump_dut_state(); // write_word(ADDR_BLOCK0, 32'hdeadbeef); // dump_dut_state(); // read_word(ADDR_BLOCK0); // dump_dut_state(); tc0 = 512'h61626380000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018; res0 = 256'hBA7816BF8F01CFEA414140DE5DAE2223B00361A396177A9CB410FF61F20015AD; single_block_test(tc0, res0); tc1_0 = 512'h6162636462636465636465666465666765666768666768696768696A68696A6B696A6B6C6A6B6C6D6B6C6D6E6C6D6E6F6D6E6F706E6F70718000000000000000; res1_0 = 256'h85E655D6417A17953363376A624CDE5C76E09589CAC5F811CC4B32C1F20E533A; tc1_1 = 512'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001C0; res1_1 = 256'h248D6A61D20638B8E5C026930C3E6039A33CE45964FF2167F6ECEDD419DB06C1; double_block_test(tc1_0, res1_0, tc1_1, res1_1); display_test_result(); $display(" -- Testbench for sha256 done. --"); $finish; end // sha256_test endmodule // tb_sha256 //====================================================================== // EOF tb_sha256.v //======================================================================