//====================================================================== // // chacha_core.v // -------------- // Verilog 2001 implementation of the stream cipher ChaCha. // This is the internal core with wide interfaces. // // // Author: Joachim Strombergson // Copyright (c) 2011, NORDUnet A/S All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // - Neither the name of the NORDUnet nor the names of its contributors may // be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //====================================================================== module chacha_core( input wire clk, input wire reset_n, input wire init, input wire next, input wire [255 : 0] key, input wire keylen, input wire [63 : 0] iv, input wire [63 : 0] ctr, input wire [4 : 0] rounds, input wire [511 : 0] data_in, output wire ready, output wire [511 : 0] data_out, output wire data_out_valid ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal constant and parameter definitions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Datapath quartterround states names. localparam QR0 = 0; localparam QR1 = 1; localparam NUM_ROUNDS = 4'h8; localparam TAU0 = 32'h61707865; localparam TAU1 = 32'h3120646e; localparam TAU2 = 32'h79622d36; localparam TAU3 = 32'h6b206574; localparam SIGMA0 = 32'h61707865; localparam SIGMA1 = 32'h3320646e; localparam SIGMA2 = 32'h79622d32; localparam SIGMA3 = 32'h6b206574; localparam CTRL_IDLE = 3'h0; localparam CTRL_INIT = 3'h1; localparam CTRL_ROUNDS0 = 3'h2; localparam CTRL_ROUNDS1 = 3'h3; localparam CTRL_ROUNDS2 = 3'h4; localparam CTRL_ROUNDS3 = 3'h5; localparam CTRL_FINALIZE = 3'h6; localparam CTRL_DONE = 3'h7; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // l2b() // // Swap bytes from little to big endian byte order. //---------------------------------------------------------------- function [31 : 0] l2b(input [31 : 0] op); begin l2b = {op[7 : 0], op[15 : 8], op[23 : 16], op[31 : 24]}; end endfunction // b2l //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Registers including update variables and write enable. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] state_reg [0 : 15]; reg [31 : 0] state_new [0 : 15]; reg state_we; reg [511 : 0] data_out_reg; reg [511 : 0] data_out_new; reg data_out_valid_reg; reg data_out_valid_new; reg data_out_valid_we; reg qr_ctr_reg; reg qr_ctr_new; reg qr_ctr_we; reg qr_ctr_inc; reg qr_ctr_rst; reg [3 : 0] dr_ctr_reg; reg [3 : 0] dr_ctr_new; reg dr_ctr_we; reg dr_ctr_inc; reg dr_ctr_rst; reg [31 : 0] block0_ctr_reg; reg [31 : 0] block0_ctr_new; reg block0_ctr_we; reg [31 : 0] block1_ctr_reg; reg [31 : 0] block1_ctr_new; reg block1_ctr_we; reg block_ctr_inc; reg block_ctr_set; reg ready_reg; reg ready_new; reg ready_we; reg [2 : 0] chacha_ctrl_reg; reg [2 : 0] chacha_ctrl_new; reg chacha_ctrl_we; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Wires. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] init_state_word [0 : 15]; reg init_state; reg update_state; reg update_output; reg [31 : 0] qr0_a; reg [31 : 0] qr0_b; reg [31 : 0] qr0_c; reg [31 : 0] qr0_d; wire [31 : 0] qr0_a_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr0_b_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr0_c_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr0_d_prim; reg [31 : 0] qr1_a; reg [31 : 0] qr1_b; reg [31 : 0] qr1_c; reg [31 : 0] qr1_d; wire [31 : 0] qr1_a_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr1_b_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr1_c_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr1_d_prim; reg [31 : 0] qr2_a; reg [31 : 0] qr2_b; reg [31 : 0] qr2_c; reg [31 : 0] qr2_d; wire [31 : 0] qr2_a_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr2_b_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr2_c_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr2_d_prim; reg [31 : 0] qr3_a; reg [31 : 0] qr3_b; reg [31 : 0] qr3_c; reg [31 : 0] qr3_d; wire [31 : 0] qr3_a_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr3_b_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr3_c_prim; wire [31 : 0] qr3_d_prim; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Instantiation of the qr modules. //---------------------------------------------------------------- chacha_qr qr0( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .a(qr0_a), .b(qr0_b), .c(qr0_c), .d(qr0_d), .a_prim(qr0_a_prim), .b_prim(qr0_b_prim), .c_prim(qr0_c_prim), .d_prim(qr0_d_prim) ); chacha_qr qr1( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .a(qr1_a), .b(qr1_b), .c(qr1_c), .d(qr1_d), .a_prim(qr1_a_prim), .b_prim(qr1_b_prim), .c_prim(qr1_c_prim), .d_prim(qr1_d_prim) ); chacha_qr qr2( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .a(qr2_a), .b(qr2_b), .c(qr2_c), .d(qr2_d), .a_prim(qr2_a_prim), .b_prim(qr2_b_prim), .c_prim(qr2_c_prim), .d_prim(qr2_d_prim) ); chacha_qr qr3( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .a(qr3_a), .b(qr3_b), .c(qr3_c), .d(qr3_d), .a_prim(qr3_a_prim), .b_prim(qr3_b_prim), .c_prim(qr3_c_prim), .d_prim(qr3_d_prim) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc. //---------------------------------------------------------------- assign data_out = data_out_reg; assign data_out_valid = data_out_valid_reg; assign ready = ready_reg; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reg_update // // Update functionality for all registers in the core. // All registers are positive edge triggered with synchronous // active low reset. All registers have write enable. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk) begin : reg_update integer i; if (!reset_n) begin for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) state_reg[i] <= 32'h0; data_out_reg <= 512'h0; data_out_valid_reg <= 0; qr_ctr_reg <= QR0; dr_ctr_reg <= 0; block0_ctr_reg <= 32'h0; block1_ctr_reg <= 32'h0; chacha_ctrl_reg <= CTRL_IDLE; ready_reg <= 1; end else begin if (state_we) begin for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) state_reg[i] <= state_new[i]; end if (update_output) data_out_reg <= data_out_new; if (data_out_valid_we) data_out_valid_reg <= data_out_valid_new; if (qr_ctr_we) qr_ctr_reg <= qr_ctr_new; if (dr_ctr_we) dr_ctr_reg <= dr_ctr_new; if (block0_ctr_we) block0_ctr_reg <= block0_ctr_new; if (block1_ctr_we) block1_ctr_reg <= block1_ctr_new; if (ready_we) ready_reg <= ready_new; if (chacha_ctrl_we) chacha_ctrl_reg <= chacha_ctrl_new; end end // reg_update //---------------------------------------------------------------- // init_state_logic // // Calculates the initial state for a given block. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : init_state_logic reg [31 : 0] key0; reg [31 : 0] key1; reg [31 : 0] key2; reg [31 : 0] key3; reg [31 : 0] key4; reg [31 : 0] key5; reg [31 : 0] key6; reg [31 : 0] key7; key0 = l2b(key[255 : 224]); key1 = l2b(key[223 : 192]); key2 = l2b(key[191 : 160]); key3 = l2b(key[159 : 128]); key4 = l2b(key[127 : 96]); key5 = l2b(key[95 : 64]); key6 = l2b(key[63 : 32]); key7 = l2b(key[31 : 0]); init_state_word[04] = key0; init_state_word[05] = key1; init_state_word[06] = key2; init_state_word[07] = key3; init_state_word[12] = block0_ctr_reg; init_state_word[13] = block1_ctr_reg; init_state_word[14] = l2b(iv[63 : 32]); init_state_word[15] = l2b(iv[31 : 0]); if (keylen) begin // 256 bit key. init_state_word[00] = SIGMA0; init_state_word[01] = SIGMA1; init_state_word[02] = SIGMA2; init_state_word[03] = SIGMA3; init_state_word[08] = key4; init_state_word[09] = key5; init_state_word[10] = key6; init_state_word[11] = key7; end else begin // 128 bit key. init_state_word[00] = TAU0; init_state_word[01] = TAU1; init_state_word[02] = TAU2; init_state_word[03] = TAU3; init_state_word[08] = key0; init_state_word[09] = key1; init_state_word[10] = key2; init_state_word[11] = key3; end end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // state_logic // Logic to init and update the internal state. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : state_logic integer i; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) state_new[i] = 32'h0; qr0_a = 32'h0; qr0_b = 32'h0; qr0_c = 32'h0; qr0_d = 32'h0; qr1_a = 32'h0; qr1_b = 32'h0; qr1_c = 32'h0; qr1_d = 32'h0; qr2_a = 32'h0; qr2_b = 32'h0; qr2_c = 32'h0; qr2_d = 32'h0; qr3_a = 32'h0; qr3_b = 32'h0; qr3_c = 32'h0; qr3_d = 32'h0; if (init_state) begin for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) state_new[i] = init_state_word[i]; end // if (init_state) if (update_state) begin case (qr_ctr_reg) QR0: begin qr0_a = state_reg[00]; qr0_b = state_reg[04]; qr0_c = state_reg[08]; qr0_d = state_reg[12]; qr1_a = state_reg[01]; qr1_b = state_reg[05]; qr1_c = state_reg[09]; qr1_d = state_reg[13]; qr2_a = state_reg[02]; qr2_b = state_reg[06]; qr2_c = state_reg[10]; qr2_d = state_reg[14]; qr3_a = state_reg[03]; qr3_b = state_reg[07]; qr3_c = state_reg[11]; qr3_d = state_reg[15]; state_new[00] = qr0_a_prim; state_new[04] = qr0_b_prim; state_new[08] = qr0_c_prim; state_new[12] = qr0_d_prim; state_new[01] = qr1_a_prim; state_new[05] = qr1_b_prim; state_new[09] = qr1_c_prim; state_new[13] = qr1_d_prim; state_new[02] = qr2_a_prim; state_new[06] = qr2_b_prim; state_new[10] = qr2_c_prim; state_new[14] = qr2_d_prim; state_new[03] = qr3_a_prim; state_new[07] = qr3_b_prim; state_new[11] = qr3_c_prim; state_new[15] = qr3_d_prim; end QR1: begin qr0_a = state_reg[00]; qr0_b = state_reg[05]; qr0_c = state_reg[10]; qr0_d = state_reg[15]; qr1_a = state_reg[01]; qr1_b = state_reg[06]; qr1_c = state_reg[11]; qr1_d = state_reg[12]; qr2_a = state_reg[02]; qr2_b = state_reg[07]; qr2_c = state_reg[08]; qr2_d = state_reg[13]; qr3_a = state_reg[03]; qr3_b = state_reg[04]; qr3_c = state_reg[09]; qr3_d = state_reg[14]; state_new[00] = qr0_a_prim; state_new[05] = qr0_b_prim; state_new[10] = qr0_c_prim; state_new[15] = qr0_d_prim; state_new[01] = qr1_a_prim; state_new[06] = qr1_b_prim; state_new[11] = qr1_c_prim; state_new[12] = qr1_d_prim; state_new[02] = qr2_a_prim; state_new[07] = qr2_b_prim; state_new[08] = qr2_c_prim; state_new[13] = qr2_d_prim; state_new[03] = qr3_a_prim; state_new[04] = qr3_b_prim; state_new[09] = qr3_c_prim; state_new[14] = qr3_d_prim; end endcase // case (quarterround_select) end // if (update_state) end // state_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // data_out_logic // Final output logic that combines the result from state // update with the input block. This adds a 16 rounds and // a final layer of XOR gates. // // Note that we also remap all the words into LSB format. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : data_out_logic integer i; reg [31 : 0] msb_block_state [0 : 15]; reg [31 : 0] lsb_block_state [0 : 15]; reg [511 : 0] block_state; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = i + 1) begin msb_block_state[i] = init_state_word[i] + state_reg[i]; lsb_block_state[i] = l2b(msb_block_state[i][31 : 0]); end block_state = {lsb_block_state[00], lsb_block_state[01], lsb_block_state[02], lsb_block_state[03], lsb_block_state[04], lsb_block_state[05], lsb_block_state[06], lsb_block_state[07], lsb_block_state[08], lsb_block_state[09], lsb_block_state[10], lsb_block_state[11], lsb_block_state[12], lsb_block_state[13], lsb_block_state[14], lsb_block_state[15]}; data_out_new = data_in ^ block_state; end // data_out_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // qr_ctr // Update logic for the quarterround counter, a monotonically // increasing counter with reset. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : qr_ctr qr_ctr_new = 0; qr_ctr_we = 0; if (qr_ctr_rst) begin qr_ctr_new = 0; qr_ctr_we = 1; end if (qr_ctr_inc) begin qr_ctr_new = qr_ctr_reg + 1'b1; qr_ctr_we = 1; end end // qr_ctr //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dr_ctr // Update logic for the round counter, a monotonically // increasing counter with reset. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : dr_ctr dr_ctr_new = 0; dr_ctr_we = 0; if (dr_ctr_rst) begin dr_ctr_new = 0; dr_ctr_we = 1; end if (dr_ctr_inc) begin dr_ctr_new = dr_ctr_reg + 1'b1; dr_ctr_we = 1; end end // dr_ctr //---------------------------------------------------------------- // block_ctr // Update logic for the 64-bit block counter, a monotonically // increasing counter with reset. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : block_ctr block0_ctr_new = 32'h0; block1_ctr_new = 32'h0; block0_ctr_we = 0; block1_ctr_we = 0; if (block_ctr_set) begin block0_ctr_new = ctr[31 : 00]; block1_ctr_new = ctr[63 : 32]; block0_ctr_we = 1; block1_ctr_we = 1; end if (block_ctr_inc) begin block0_ctr_new = block0_ctr_reg + 1; block0_ctr_we = 1; // Avoid chaining the 32-bit adders. if (block0_ctr_reg == 32'hffffffff) begin block1_ctr_new = block1_ctr_reg + 1; block1_ctr_we = 1; end end end // block_ctr //---------------------------------------------------------------- // chacha_ctrl_fsm // Logic for the state machine controlling the core behaviour. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : chacha_ctrl_fsm init_state = 0; update_state = 0; state_we = 0; update_output = 0; qr_ctr_inc = 0; qr_ctr_rst = 0; dr_ctr_inc = 0; dr_ctr_rst = 0; block_ctr_inc = 0; block_ctr_set = 0; ready_new = 0; ready_we = 0; data_out_valid_new = 0; data_out_valid_we = 0; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE; chacha_ctrl_we = 0; case (chacha_ctrl_reg) CTRL_IDLE: begin if (init) begin block_ctr_set = 1; ready_new = 0; ready_we = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end end CTRL_INIT: begin init_state = 1; state_we = 1; qr_ctr_rst = 1; dr_ctr_rst = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS0; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end CTRL_ROUNDS0: begin update_state = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS1; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end CTRL_ROUNDS1: begin update_state = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS2; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end CTRL_ROUNDS2: begin update_state = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS3; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end CTRL_ROUNDS3: begin state_we = 1; update_state = 1; qr_ctr_inc = 1; if (qr_ctr_reg == QR1) begin dr_ctr_inc = 1; if (dr_ctr_reg == (rounds[4 : 1] - 1)) begin chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_FINALIZE; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end else begin chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS0; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end end else begin chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS0; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end end CTRL_FINALIZE: begin ready_new = 1; ready_we = 1; update_output = 1; data_out_valid_new = 1; data_out_valid_we = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_DONE; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end CTRL_DONE: begin if (init) begin ready_new = 0; ready_we = 1; data_out_valid_new = 0; data_out_valid_we = 1; block_ctr_set = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end else if (next) begin ready_new = 0; ready_we = 1; data_out_valid_new = 0; data_out_valid_we = 1; block_ctr_inc = 1; chacha_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT; chacha_ctrl_we = 1; end end default: begin end endcase // case (chacha_ctrl_reg) end // chacha_ctrl_fsm endmodule // chacha_core //====================================================================== // EOF chacha_core.v //======================================================================